
Crazy grow! Soil with coco nutes! Help me out

Legendaryseedthumbstarted grow question 2 days ago
Has anyone tried to feed coco nutrients to soil medium? I’ve read that it works but it’s not optimal. Any tips? I never grew in soil before on my own, I’ve been involved with soil grows so I know the basics.
Week 3
001100010010011110answered grow question 2 days ago
You can absolutely do it. Treat it like "soil" initially. You are supplementing what already exists exactly the same way as before (i.e. not a full dose of fertilizer early on). However, as the pre-amended nutes are used up, you treat it like a typical soilless medium. You provide 100% of the nutes at around 1.3-1.5EC, give or take, and make sure you consistently get 10% runoff. The runoff ensures what you are adding cannot build up over time. Make sure you have proper drainage chacteristics. In coco base substrate you want 33% perlite or similar. In a 'soil' or sphagnum peat moss based substrate you want at least 50% perlite or similar. This will ensure a proper water:gas mixture and makes overwatering virtually impossible. Though this is what you should do for soil or soilless, either way So, once the nutes in the soil are depleted, fertigate every irrigation with a well-balanced and complete diet at all times. Get 10% runoff or more, religiously to prevent buildup of nutes in substrate. Wait for "enough" dryback and repeat. Simple as that. I suggest you simply go buy a soilless medium. 70/30 Coco+perlite is convenient, but i'd recommend something other than coco. Pro-mix hp or bx are two great options, but you have to add some perlite to it. Poorly processed/buffered coco coir is absolutely dangerous for plants. It will either make them sickly or kill them. It's incredibly bad for the environment due to how much fresh water is needed to fix all the problems that come with coco coir off the tree. If you run into a bad batch it will derail a grow. No such things as "coco" nutrients. That's just a soilless/hydro context. No different than any other soilless context. Coco coir is not magic. It simply absorbs water and holds it for the plant. The only reason 'coco' needs more of something is if it was poorly buffered and as long as it wasn't lethal, that will level out as you fertigate over time -- essentally buffering it on the fly as it reaches equilibrium with your fertilizer. If it's leaching Ca++, that means the manufacturer fucked up big time.
Selected By The Grower
m0useanswered grow question 2 days ago
The main difference between fertilizers made for soil vs coco is that the ones for coco/soilless or hydro style mediums are full and well rounded with all macros and micros and require no processing they are available and chelated for proper absorption. Were as soil fertilizers are not always the same, especially amendments vs salts. the earth normally has tons of micros and most of the secondary macros so they are left out in a lot of formulas. The soil nutrients tend to also be more basic and need the soil life to break em down and not all soil fertilizers are hydro friendly. If you place some of them in a hydro setup you will cause rot and weird shit growing in the system. Any fertilizer will work in soil. If you believe in the system of feed the soil that feeds the plant, then amendments are the way to go, If you don't care feed it anything that works Like coco feeds or miracle grow. They are all made up of the same stuff. their is only so many compounds of N P and K that are water soluble. Some say that feeding just salts can harm soil life over long periods of time. But this is more for massive fields in agriculture.
CULTIVATORFROGanswered grow question 2 days ago
Desde mi experiencia creo que los fertilizantes para hidroponia traen una dosis más grandes de macro y micro nutrientes. En tierra puede haber micro nutrientes que los fertilizantes para sustrato traen en menos cantidades. En el caso del la solución nutritiva debemos aportar un poco más de esos micronutrientes, por este motivo los fertilizantes de hidroponia vienen preparados para eso. En conclusión creo que si se podrían usar pero hay una probabilidad de producir un desequilibrio en algunos nutrientes que la planta soporta en menores cantidades.
Scrubbyjimbobanswered grow question 2 days ago
Using a product made for hydro/canna will work fine in soil though the opposite isn't always as true. Hydro nutrients are presented in their most simplest form for easy absorption whereas nutrients for soil may be in a more complex form that requires a microbiom to break them down. Some hydro nutrients CAN be harmful for these beneficial bacteria so if you're using any sort of living soil it's probably not a good idea. A good analogy would be comparing simple sugars and carbohydrates. Hydro nutes are the "simple sugars" that the plants can use immediately whereas you more complex nutrients (carbohydrates) need to be broken down first before the plants can use them.
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AsNoriuanswered grow question 2 days ago
I dont see any possible difference. I would say coco should have even richer formula, than soil ... Ph is main thing in soil, watering regime goes second. In soil you must have wet/dry cycle. Have fun !
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Organomananswered grow question 2 days ago
Might not be optimal, but it should work well enough.
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Green_clawsanswered grow question 2 days ago
If it works it works in using canna aqua for coco, works better than the canna coco with this grow, think its because its mainly roots in the pot, humate for better soil mate
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