The Grow Awards 2025 🏆

HELP got massive mildew :(

CruellaDeVilstarted grow question 3 months ago
Hallo hab einen massiven Mehltaubefall an meinen Pflanzen. Ich habe schon einiges Unternommen aber er will einfach nicht weg gehen, daher ich würde gerne mal von euch hören was ihr unternehmen würdet.
00110001001001111Oanswered grow question 3 months ago
no cure. nothing is effective over the counter unless you live in some third world country with no rules. Spraying shit on the plant will just spread it around. None of the home remedies like the 'cornell formula' (nothing to do with the actual institution), milk, neem or other nonsense concoctions work. So - cut off what you can.. but once you can see it it is already producing spores and spreading. fight as best you can, but it is gauranteed to be a losing battle. Continue to ampitate shit and make a choice about harvesting early to salvage what you can once it ripens more. also consider just throwing it all out, lol... withink 2-4 weeks the canopy is going to be spotty all over. WPM is almost always caused by your environemnt. The spores are ever-present but as long as you avoid condensation on leaves and it should not get a foothold. Best bet is you are hitting dewpoint after lights-out. This is when temperatures drop rapidly and what was a good RH% with the lights on quickly rises to 100% as it gets colder. Based on how much you have i'd trash them now and start over. A little spot here or there can be battled for while, but what you got is all over at an early point in flower development. Even when you fight it, amputate shit off and harvest, the bud is likely trash even if it looks clean to the eye. You contaminate your drying racks and drying room etc.. no need to do that. Get one of those wireless temp/rh probes so you can see what's going on after lights out... if you know how much the temperature drops and your typical RH% at end of the light cycle, you can also reference a dewpoint table and see if it's dangerously close to causing condensation on leaves. e.g. if you are at 30c and 60%, dewpoint will be 21.39C... if you get anywhere near that 21.39C after lights turn off, you likely cause condensaion on leaves and WPM is almost inevitable. It may only happen in first 15minutes after lights out, but if it happens every single night it will grow 'something' you won't like one way or another.
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m0useanswered grow question 3 months ago
WPM, its not going away the plant is bunk. burn it or toss it out. toss the pot and soil as well. bleach everything in the tent.
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Scrubbyjimbobanswered grow question 3 months ago
It's a surprise to see PM is plants this early into flower. It's more typical later when things get pretty dense and crowded. When in flower you're really limited in what you can treat your plants with. Most oils/fungicides aren't a good idea at this point. Peppermint oil extract works on your visible outbreaks temporarily, but the mycelium that it grows from will still be present and it will return in a week or so. Before flipping to flower your options are much more expansive, sulfer based products are a good preventative.
Shinsimillaanswered grow question 3 months ago
Seems like a lot of people hate you for making a fur coat out of those 101 puppies hahaha That is definitely WPM. Your plant is flowering and spraying neem now will make your buds poisonous to smoke and it will only wipe the top of the WPM away (most of it is inside the plant) and it'll be back in a few weeks. There is no safe way to use flower from a plant with WPM.
Leromeanswered grow question 3 months ago
Ich würde alle vorschläge ignorieren, die pflanze trotzdem rauchen und mir damit meine lunge zerschießen
7x7growanswered grow question 3 months ago
Also ich würde auch sagen, Neustart ist das beste… Wenn Du trotzdem eine Rettung versuchen willst, nimm sie aus dem Zelt raus, besprüh sie wirklich von oben bis unten triefend mit einem Neemöl/Wasser Gemisch (auch auf die Erde und den Topf sprühen) und desinfizieren das Zelt vom oben bis unten inklusive Lampe usw…
Tmasmanswered grow question 3 months ago
Bem, isso para mim parece mais doença de odio, não é mofo aos meus olhos. O Oídio causado pelo fungo Sphaerotheca fuliginea é uma doença cosmopolita, muito comum em cucurbitáceas cultivadas. Essa doença causa sérias perdas em regiões secas e quentes devido à redução na área funcional das folhas, causando assim perda de rendimento, raramente levando o hospedeiro à morte
Shinsimillaanswered grow question 3 months ago
If it is so bad so early, I would cut my losses. Agree with AsNoriu, clean your space and restart with better control of the environment. Getting rid of WPM once it has taken hold is nearly impossible, the best way is to make sure you have a clean grow and stable conditions, and avoid it from starting.
AsNoriuanswered grow question 3 months ago
Sad, but best way is to chop, clean all and restart. Rethink your air exchange and humidity control.
MrSour420answered grow question 3 months ago
You should keep growing more mildew. The only thing your good at.
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