Don't really trust breeder timelines too much unless you're dealing with so many plants it's impractical to individually judge them. Use a magnifying device and look at the trichomes. Breeder estimates are just that, estimates, and varies by pheno and the conditions the plant is grown. You're getting near the finish but might run a couple weeks longer than you anticipated.
You'll find a lot of the community here has a hard time differentiating between a standard flush and a harvest flush, kinda like regular defoliation and harvest prep defols lol.... Anyway, you certainly have the option to abandon your nutrients early and go straight water. If you plan to chop in a week does it really make sense to add nutrients that might take a week or more to absorb and process? There are nutrient stores in both leaves and potentially media that can be utilized, to a point, and is an avenue to save a little money on your ferts. How early depends on your media type and consistency. Soil holds onto stuff longer than coco. Health of the plant matters too. A plant that's already struggling with deficiency will progress harder. Typically in soil I might start about 10 days out, in coco maybe 5 days. In DWC, I usually just start topping off with straight water once I notice they're not feeding as hard. You could do a tank change to plain water early but I'm too lazy for all that lol.