light = yield. basic competency in other regards required too.
50-60 g sq/ft is about all you can do. doesn't matter which method you use. it's not magic.
It's all about the plant. some are better thanothers and you cannot put lipstick on a pig no matter how much effort you put into it. Clones are the best way to maximize production in a predictable way. Seeds will more often run into a weak plant occassionally.. .you'll also get a small percentage of hermaphrodites over time, too.
Several studies show amping up p and k in bloom do nothing for yield or pootency. this is an old urban myth. Simply give enough to avoid deficiencies and avoid toxicities. find the upperthreshold where problems start then dial back. It'll be very similar for most plants after that with only minor adjustments needed. if you do that you know you are providing enough building blocks relative to growth rate. That's all you can do with fertilizer. the fertilizers doesn't cause bigger buds. competently feeding the plant in a healthy way maximizes what the genetics allow.
all the marketing about 'bigger, tasteir, better buds or roots' is all nonsense. you need a proper balance at a concentration relative to growth rate. Light and co2 are your primary factors for growth. If giving 35-40DLI you are probably maxing out ambient co2. You need 55-ish DLI to maximize 1200-1300ppm of CO2 levels.
proper VPD helps reach limits of genetics too. but again, all of this done right for some shitty genetics will still be a shitty plant... it'll be slightly more shitty if you didn't do things well, lol.
some of this stuff has a good roi, some does not. Basic environmental control, proper habits (well-balanced ferts, watering, canopy management, etc), good light and you'll have 90-95% of potential... the rest is heavier investment for less return.
I would do things in a fiarly basic way at first. form a good baselien, then add new products or layers of sophistication 1 step at a time. that way you can compare results to your expereince and decide if it is worth it or not to continue the new behaviour, then move on to next new thing of interest to you to test. More times than not what tehy promise is utter bullshit because it is more profitable selling bullshit than truth.