Growing in the ground has its benefits; The soil contains bacteria that can enter into symbiosis with the roots and thereby nourish them. Also, the soil must be loose so that the roots can breathe. If the soil is too compacted, the roots will not breathe properly and the plant will not be able to reach its full potential. Also, the soil does not need to be fertilized as often, unlike coconut substrate.As for the coconut substrate, it is quite loose and does not form lumps, which gives more air to the roots and promotes the development of a powerful root system. Also, if you use a fabric pot, all excess water will drain through it, preventing the plant from overwatering. Also, since it is a coir substrate, it is best to mix Mycorrhiza for better nutrient uptake by the plant roots.And since this is a coconut substrate, it does not have many nutrients, so it needs to be fed more often than soil. The frequency of fertilization varies and depends on the fertilizer; some manufacturers advise watering the coconut substrate every day