Paper towel, too wet, too dry, cuts off oxygen.
Every method has its pros and cons, I've bought seedsman a couple times, always popped 2nd choice behind premium cultivars to date.
Environment, keeping it consistent is key.
#1 go buy small 4-5inch coir pots. (Airy)
#2 go buy seedling starter mix. ( basically any unfertilized dirt with no lumps or perlite or chunks of any sort, anything that could weigh down a taproot or cotyloyden as it tries to poke through dirt. Run it through a seive until you have enough mix to fill pots, discard any chunks or lumps.
#3 fill pots by allowing dirt to fall into pot do not compress as filling.
#4 using a toothpick or back end of a small paintbrush poke a 1/4 inch hole in top, tiny.
#5place pots in small plastic container sitting on top of a heat mat set to 77-80f.
#6 apply 100-150ppfd.
#7 pop in seeds, sprinkle a tiny amount of damp dirt on top to cover hole.
#8 add some water to dish containing pots allowing the water to soak from bottom up. This will keep humidity where it needs to be. Just make sure to check back every 12 hours and and pour a little water in keeping maybe 1-2cm of water in container refilling once evaporated.
Whatever you do dont pour water on top, it compresses soil and can often lead to seed not having enough juice to break free of the quicksand mushy medium, cuts off oxygen too.
You want consistency, high moisture environment, warm with lots of oxygen and easy soil to manipulate. But as soon as she pops green its down to business, none of this dome shit that just stunts growth preventing oxygen getting where it needs to be, soon as you see green its all air air air, co2, co2, gotta catch that 0.04%, nothing else matters so early.
Do this correctly will give you 95+% pop.