m0useanswered grow question 2 months ago LOL
"The first man, who was 59-years-old, had purchased guano online to use as fertilizer for his cannabis plants. The other man, 64, was intending to fertilize his cannabis plants with guano he'd found in his attic following a "heavy" bat infestation." It does not say they known to each other, but I would not doubt it.
So they used shit they found in their attic after an infestation. "SMART"
The fungus that got em is also found in bird droppings as well. chicken exct. Tons of people use chicken manure with no issues as they pasteurize it. and lot of chicken farms exists with out issues, Doing dumb things wins yea dumb prizes. 5-7% of people die once hospitalized and they had a few comorbidities already not helping the situation.
I will still use bird shit, but the product I use are pasteurized. I would also use Guano if it was available and had good manufacturing policies "GMP". I view this like people who smoke moldy weed thinking its ok. don't be dumb.