depends on how big you grow your plants and if you are going to change vege length / plant sizes etc..
in soilless and a typical ~4 month growing cycle, it's not going to make much of a difference. in soil, you might see slightly smaller plants result. plant size can be restricted by pot size, but your methods of fertilization will make a difference. in soilless, a plant is fed more efficiently and that mitigates pot size changes more than soil.
have you ever looked at the resulting root mass after your grows? is it heavily colonized or is there a lot of volume of soil with little to now roots? This can help you choose if you can down-size the pot. If it is over-crowded and approaching rootbound concern, then you know to stick with the 5 gallons size. again, soilless/hydro will be more tolerant to these conditions, too.
autos have a short vege phase, so a 3 gallon pot is plenty large enough. If you grow a photoperiod with similar vege phase length, you'll want a similarly sized pot. auto vs photo is not relevant beyond that. simply about how long a plant will be in that pot.
so take a peak at your roots... if they have plenty of excess space and not crowded, you can downsize without any issues in a confident way.