Is my autoflower too small?
She is 23 days old, growing under a 120w Led quantum board, with Terra Aquatica Dual Coco and root booster
The pot is 11 liters 70% coco coir 30% perlite
Its Showing some pistils, not many
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keep it healthy and happy and the rest is dictated by genetics. the grower's responsibility is to simply not impede it. there is nothing you can do to turn a genetically small plant into an XL plant. no product no matter what they promise can do it. no "technique" can change a plant's spots.
Check end, but my at 23 looked very similar. I count days as seed touches soil, maybe she is a bit lanky. Make sure you provide decent air movement , aka have oscillating fan running.
Be patient my friend at 23 days she looks good, autos do there own thing depending should be time depending but more tines than not in will go over any2way. Sit back have a j n chill brother.