The Grow Awards 2025 🏆

Food dehydration

Sherrance28started grow question 2 months ago
Has anyone harvested and then put into a food dehydrator?
ATLien415answered grow question 2 months ago
Depending on what your ultimate goal is, this could be an option but I doubt it. A food dehydrator uses dry air and heat to rapidly (relatively) remove moisture from items. This would result in a flower which retains a harsh grass-like/chlorophyll flavor, much like a classic dry that occurred too quickly. Generally speaking you'd want to draw the dry process out as long as safely possible, as a key step to a smooth smoke. Regardless of where you fall on the flushing argument, there will be both sugars and chlorophyll in your flowers at harvest which ideally will be broken down during the dry period. I could imagine a design where one could draw off terps by flushing and recovering a gas, then water curing, followed by a bespoke dehydrator then reintroduction of the drawn off terps. Food dehydrator temps are also consistent with rosin shifting type temps, but even then I think a CrockPot or something is the simplest answer.
modmyplantsanswered grow question 2 months ago
Depends on the speed of the process. I guess its pretty nice for the conservation if its not faster than a week. They conversate via a resinshell to stay fluffy inside. And most bud i smoke, is dead dry from the inside which really sucks for flavour etc, so maybe give it a try. But i would only test it on a bud or two. Not your whole load.
DaddyPrime2answered grow question 2 months ago
yes i have. i had a harvest that i couldnt keep in the right parameters. i had losf some to mold so i bucked off the strms and put in the dehydrator. id say it works. i got a different smelm off of it than i did with the hung dry. almost a stronger smell and a more dense like rock of a nug. but i wouldnt do unless absolutely necessary. i think it borderline decarbs the buds as drying it.
Papa_Tanswered grow question 2 months ago
All around a bad idea to use a food dehydrator for cannabis. Will it work? Yes absolutely. But for reasons already listed below it shouldn’t be done.
m0useanswered grow question 2 months ago
yes. but it has serious downsides. The higher heat and air flow drys the buds out much faster and affects its flavor and taste. Almost all the terps are displaced and it becomes harder to cure as its overly dry. only plus to it is its bone dry and ok if you are making edibles and just need crystals. but if that's the case then just bubble hash it, all the same outcome plus it does not loose the taste or scents.
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Ultravioletanswered grow question 2 months ago
At harvest 2 process happen that we look to optimize. Degradation of chlorophyll and other nasties are broken down into tiny pieces and spat out the stomata attached to water molecules as the plant dries.We want to slow the loss of water. Why you ask? We want to give for the plant time to break down the chloryphyll until it's small enough to spit out the stomata attached to water. If there is no moisture left to eject then no chlorophyll exits it stays inside until you smoke it. A food dehydrator would not give time for any chloryphyll to be broken down before all water was extracted. No I havent tried food dehydrator but I have done dry ice.
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