leaf monster - possibly due to defoliation or lack of light, but internode spacing looks fine so i doubt it was a lack of light. you ahve a bunch of smaller leaves and excess leaf growth in the buds themselves. This can happen if you defoliate - the plant grows more leaves despite common belief that it 'forces resources into flowers' - that's bullshit bro science. Don't defoliate. pruning a leaf or two off for a good reason is fine... have a very good reason to do so.
With a proper canopy and set of leaves, it'll be more robust to various nutrient issues, too.
ripening doesn't look like much when it is happening. Be patient, even with these ongoing problems, it's plenty healthy enough to finish. calyxes will fatten, pistils will change colors... but it's hard to see significant daily changes. Once calyxes are big and plump, start using 30-60x magnification on them.. look at trichomes on calyxes only. as you get enough amber, time for harvest - easy as that. How much amber is a personal preference.
The symptoms at this point are a bit hard to diagnose. need ot see how they progress and where they occur on the plant to help eliminate possibilities. Overfed is definitely part of it, but that doesn't mean all elements are being overfed. Dial back, and observe because more adjustments will be necessary.