Stop needlessly stripping leaves, and it'll be more robust to nutrient related issues.
if you are using a 500-scale TDS probe to read ppms, it's probably too high. Even higher if it's a 700scale vs 500scale tds turd, i mean probe. Use gauranteed analysis lables to calculate ppms of what you add... it'll be 10x more useful than a TDS trash reading converting with 1 of several conversion factors further making the reading useless and whimsical.
1100 ppm is unnecessarily high, if it is an accurate value. Stripping so many leaves exacerbated this issue, but still early in the progression. Chlrosis on new growth hints at too much P or K, but could be other things. May need more symptoms or deeper dive into your fertilization and other behaviours the last couple weeks.
fyi, stripping leaves can also cause excess stretching... the plant seeks light when not enough leaves are absorbing 'enough' light.