I'm wagering there;s no runoff based on the setup? Probably starting build up nutrients in substrate and exacerbating any imbalance of the fertilizer. This looks like coco? so, soilless with no runoff is not ideal. Basically taking one of the primary benefits of soilless/hydro and throwing it out the window. the 10% runoff maintains equilibrium of nutes. When you see a symptom it is never from buildup but rather simply providing too much, which makes diagnosis easier and more matter-of-fact.
Despite a lot of the bullshit light specs peddle, the area of coverage for 18h and 12h are usually pretty solid. Over 18h, you'll want ~67% power while covering the suggested area and 100% over 12 hours. Apply some common sense if using different operating hours or area of coverage. IF deviating greatly from this (or proportionally so), the light could be part of the problem.