Either a more efficient set of lm301 diodes or just doesn't include the less efficient binning options of the lm301b or h.
you'd have to compare the spec sheets to be certain. are they tested at same ampsxwatts etc.. might be a better chip, or it might just be the better quality ones rebranded.
in either cast talking about 5-10% difference in efficacy with the less efficient binning options of the lm301b/h and the most efficient might be the same diode as EVO but i'm not sure. The advertised 3.1umol/J is a CCT you really shouldn't have too many of or none at all - 6500k or 5500k etc, again you'd have to look at spec sheet on samsung.com .. the answer will be obvious with a little comparison.
There's always been a debate over the lm301b and lm301h, despite the answer being something you can deduce by comparing spec sheets. These are the exact same chip with different packaging and specs that related to different uses. so, it would not be the first time they merely repackaged the exact same chip and sold it as a different model. I've never bothered to look into the EVO chip because i'm not in a market for a new light for decades, lol. you can do the grunt work if you care.