Cannabis will not stop flowering if the lights are turned on for a few minutes once or twice during the 2-month-long flowering cycle. If a light is turned on for 5 to 30 minutes—long enough to disrupt the dark period—on 3 to 5 consecutive nights, plants will start to revert to vegetative growth. Less than one-half of one foot-candle of light (0.1ppfd) from sunlight will prevent cannabis from flowering. That is a little more light than is reflected by a full moon on a clear night. Well-bred indica-dominant plants will revert within three days. Sativa-dominant plants take four to five days to revert to vegetative growth. Once they start to revegetate, it can take from four to six additional weeks to induce flowering again.
Honestly, it's less light than you think. I did some testing myself, and the lowest I could produce was 0.4ppd, and it kept my plants from flowering. Imagine if the tent was filled with plants, it wont hermie the entire teent, but it could possibly hermie the single plant that's directly adsorbing the light as it sees the light as signal inducing, same way light only penetrates so deep into a plants layers, the weak light intensity could mess with plant it hits, but it wouldn't penetrate much deeper, I'm not sure If that would stay within the couple of cola it hits or if it signals to entire plant spread over a 12x12 when you mess with circadian rhythm its a major stress on the plant, stress like any other form is dependant on factors, how much, how long etc,
I wouldn't risk it either way myself; I was very surprised how little light 0.4ppd was enough to prevent flower. Before doing my little test, I had my little things blinking all over. looking back, I wonder maybe that's why I always seemed to have a couple rogue seeds in every harvest.
throw a little tape over it just incase....