Xpert Nutrients, we would like to spend some words about them.
They are easy to use overall, every fertilizer seems working great but you need to pay attention to two main factors:
1- PH measurement, every time you use them make sure to check and correct the PH, expecially when you use Silica Force.
2- EC : Xpert Nutrients generally doesn't push up too much the EC but try to avoid to mix too fertilizers when you feeding your plants. I know, it seems obviusly.. but there are a lot of components so... it is also easy to get carried away.
They are assimilated by the plant in a fast way, and they are pretty strong so, wait at least 3/4 days before to give the same fertilizer a second time. When you will be in flowering, you will need to use Master Bloom at least 2 times a week at 4ml/L to avoid deficiencies.
Master Grow is the only one that is strange, I mean, I used the suggested dosage, checked PH and EC, and plants had Nitrogen and after Phosporus deficiencies... I tried different PH values, lower and higher dosages, and other stuff BUT nothing happened. I solved the problem using a fertilizer from another brand..
I reduced and stopped to use the Master Bloom, CalMag Amino and SIlica Force 21 days before cutting but I continued to use Bloom Booster, Sticky Fingers and Sugar shot until 10/15 days before harvesting. I did also a little flush.
Buds seems really fat and frosty, plants growed really well, terpenic profiles are stunning and roots systems are healthy and well developed.
I'm still waiting to cure buds in a proper way, but from the first test, they are really sweet without the "harsh" and chemical taste in background, so, is quite comparable to a plant growed in a living soil due to the cleanest smoke. I also vaped them and yes, I can confirm that they taste super good.
SO, what to say, Xpert Nutrients have great products, probably they are indicated to experienced growers and not to first time growers due to the quantity of products and attention to use them properly. I honestly love the final result but there are a lot of bottle to use like every time expecially in flowering.
Thank you Xpert Nutrients!