It's a beautiful evening, after the rain and I'm sitting on my porch, having some Blueberry Kush. The aroma alone is getting me hooked. And that happy relaxed feeling..... I read this book last winter, written by a french guy about plant extracts. Lots of plants, recipes and ways of extraction of the different substances. The one recipe that caught my attention involved fermenting plants in water , with the aid of a air pump. Now, my problem is growing veggies together with cannabis and that means different substances from fertilizers eventually get in their system and affects them in quite a way. For example, my gourds seem haywired and don't seem to be stopping., sending shoots in all directions (I mean more than usual) and producing many more male flowers. Potatoes have 3 times as much flowers and who knows what is going down underground. The peppers and tomatoes are growing at a faster rate than ever. Overall it sounds great, but I like chemistry and down to molecules there in not a lot of wiggle room. Especially health wise and especially in this day and age. So.... I'm considering an organic grow next year. I mean, if I get a good early start, on all accounts ( plants started indoors, well prepared soil and a nice fermentation setup) , it can be done.