Well, that's true! The cycle lasted about four months... It’s my first cycle of the DWC, and the experience of growing in the soil was just once, 15 years ago😁.
In general, I made the following conclusions:
1. DWC is easy! Several important points for hydroponics:
- Eliminate the slightest penetration of light into the tank
- Maintain the temperature of the solution no more than 20-21C
- Lots of bubbles does not happen
- PH meter and ppm-meter are essential, without them do not start 😁
- The line GHE Flora Nova Grow / Bloom is excellent, on the principle of "pour-and-forget"
- The most convenient tank cap design must be rigidly fixed to the walls of the box. So you can move the tank if needed.
2. Appearance of growing cones was magnificent. Unfortunately, they have lost their bluish color very quickly due to the rotting of the roots, but it confirmed sign of purple: there was purplish-violet color
in the middle of the cones
3. Hydroponics is remarkable quest with a bunch of bonuses and skills at the end of 😉😁
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9 years ago