Still drying but the little I tried off #3 was amazing. I'll update as things get dried and processed. I'm getting a press to have some rosin since there's so much here.
Update 3/20 - Everything has been amazing. #3 is the most like Northern Lights, it's a good indica that will put you down for the night. #2 was a lower yield and definitely has the right feel but I think I chopped it a little early. #1 was done at least week early. It's still good but has a more sativa feel to it.
I slightly exceeded the 1 pound goal if you take popcorn into account. All of it smokes well but I could have done a better job drying to maintain the flavor. The best review I've gotten back was from a 1g joint that "gave me 3 1/2 hours of existential dread. I loved it!"
I would do it again for sure and would recommend if it's your first time. Now that I've done an autoflower like this I would trim more since I was worried about some if the issues that I had read about.