I’m slowly going to get there and review my plants that pretty much all finished but lost one. Anyways she is a beaut of a plant if you let her flower for as long as she needs. Sorry for lack of updates but I was roughly 18 weeks of flowering alone, but she’s worth it. I got 380g wet and freeze dried to 139g of beautifully sticky bud. I did some experimenting with the recent harvests with finding a sweet spot for my freeze dryer trays. So I tried 40f for this harvest(55f seems to be my sweet spot) and didn’t notice much buzz after 2 bowls of the bong, and this shit is suppose to be strong. So about a week later in the jar the weed got that cure and became a different story. She smell like rotting mandarin oranges and rubber tar and about the same for taste. I find 2 bowls I’m hungry, alert and very centre focused on an objective. Walking the dog I find myself loving music with good thumping bass throughout the song. My dog is clear in focus but everything else is a blur too me. She starts energetic but she’s a nice mellow that eventually could put me too sleep. She’s also good on inflammation and pain, which my one leg is suffering from lately.
As for growing, train her out a few limbs as she stacks nicely, and just keep her watered with someCal/Mag. She is pretty much fine on its own, with no real need for nutrients. Just gotta be patient for flowering, as I was just about 18 weeks on that alone.