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Growing, years
P 7%
Brothers Grimm Seeds
Breeders of choice:
54% Brothers Grimm Seeds
18% Anesia Seeds
Nutrients of choice:
43% FloraFlex
9% Terra Aquatica
Gorilla Grow Tent
Equipment of choice:
100% Gorilla Grow Tent

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Custom Breeder & Strain
Growing it
Growing Grape Gasoline was an absolute pleasure. Grape Gasoline grew voraciously during her Vegetative Cycle. Hitting our stride with her dryback cycles early on, she'd eat about as much as you threw on her plate. She quickly grew with taller and wider (which makes me regret having skipped my usual LST regimen), and even began exuding her intoxicating odors of grapes and citrus... soaked in diesel fuel! Her buds grew larger and denser than average during her Flowering Cycle, but her stature did not stretch all that much. At this time, her intoxicating odors only became more pungent. She ultimately bore red leaves, in conjunction with green and purple buds. With all this having been said, Grape Gasoline did take an extra couple of weeks to fully develop her trichomes. This could be a function of any number of variables, so I am hesitant to knock her score down any. Perhaps I'll take the time to make another diary after I grow her again - I do have 7 seeds left! Ultimately, growing Grape Gasoline is not difficult, but I wouldn't exactly label this as "Easy" (though I think that I did?!). The reason is that growers should be familiar with nutrient dosages and training techniques to truly get the most out of this plant. In other words, anyone can go fast in a Ferrari but not everyone can make it look good on the track. That said, if you've got a few grows under your belt, you should be good to go with this strain.
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6 months ago
Applez & Bananaz S1
Growing it
Applez & Bananaz is an absolute pleasure to grow. Finding the seeds can be tough, but more on that later... From germination, she ravenously absorbed nutrients and quickly grew taller. Throughout her Vegetative Cycle, there did not seem to be a limit to how much she could grow - she topped out at 4½', but only because I flipped her at close to this height. She responded well to Topping, though I regrettably neglected to do much of any LST (to which, I'd imagine, she'd have responded very well). This plant even began to exude the smell of sweet fruit during her Late Vegetative Cycle! But the fun doesn’t stop during this plant's Vegetative Cycle. She becomes even more odiferous upon hitting her Flowering Cycle, nearly reeking of fresh fruits with a hint of citrus. At times, I found myself wondering how it was even possible for cannabis to smell like this! She ultimately developed into a beautifully structured plant, showing off mostly shades of greens and purples. Her buds are resinous, appearing as if they're covered in snow. During harvest, I was nearly changing out my vinyl gloves with every few branches. She's a frost monster, to say the least, and covered with sticky resin that does not easily cleave from the plant upon contact with one's hand. The smoke is divine. Grinding her causes the user to pick up on odors of fruits and citrus plants. She delights in appearance while sitting in a bowl, waiting to be ignited. Upon ignition, she hits you with a one-two-punch of fruits and citrus... to an extent that makes you wonder whether you just filled your bowl with, well, apples and/or bananas (with some oranges, perhaps)! The high is smooth, beginning as a cerebral experience that quickly intensifies into relaxation of the body. Her smoke is smooth Upon exhalation and is not the least bit sour or acrid. A high-end experience, for sure! Applez & Bananaz is a masterpiece of breeding brought to us by Compound Genetics... but these seeds did not come from Compound Genetics. I tried and tried to find seeds from the original breeder, but the least expensive seed pack I could find was from a broker who wanted .00 per seed!!! That wasn't going to happen. That's where Copycat Genetics comes in... I took a flyer on Copycat Genetics because it was the only real alternative that I could find to spending a small fortune on seeds. A lot of people throw shade at Copycat online - and, to some extent, rightfully so - though everyone who's actually tried his product raves positively about it. Having sat down and considered the controversy, I must admit that I cautiously side with Copycat when it comes to his resale of exotic genetic lines because places like Compound Genetics artificially limit supply of their product to drive up hype and pricing. Cost democratizes the market by making product available where it would not otherwise be. To this extent, be fulfills an important function in this burgeoning market. With this having been said, there are aspects of Copycat's practices that I do not support. For instance, ripping off products of companies that make their products widely available at a reasonable price is unacceptable. Similarly, ripping off brand new Genetics from hardworking breeders is, also, a practice that I do not respect and will not support. With all this having been said, no company is all good or all bad. And perfection should not be the enemy of thee good. At the end of the day, Copycat Genetics does not exist without controversy but you cannot deprive credit where credit is due... Again, this strain is a masterpiece and highly recommended!
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6 months ago
It literally turned my buds and fan leaves purple, while also maximizing resin production. It's awesome!
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2 years ago
The best sweeteners I've ever used. Period.
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2 years ago
Excellent, robust Cal-Mag supplement.
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2 years ago
This stuff boosts resin production like crazy! Highly recommended.
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2 years ago
Silica is a fairly fungible supplement. This one was affordable and it worked.
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2 years ago
Kudos to Floraflex. Their feeding schedules are tailored to a number of different growing methods, so you're sure to find one suited for your unique situation. Plus, they're fully water-soluble and do not affect pH. They truly kick ass, and that's all there is to say.
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2 years ago
I wish that I could give this supplement 10 stars! If you don't currently supplement with mychorizzae, do yourself a favor and start!
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2 years ago
Foop definitely added some extra nutrients during early their Vegetative stage.
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2 years ago
I switched out from Fox Farm to Botanicare, as it seemed like I had to nearly double the dose of Fox Farm to deliver enough Cal-Mag to the ladies. With that said, it's good for beginners because it allows for extra leeway in terms of dosing.
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2 years ago
So I guess that General Hydroponics changed their name during this grow?! Be this as it may, these products did not disappoint. Their Rapid Start, while insanely expensive, is more than worth it. Their products labeled under the "Nectar" moniker are quality and affordable.
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2 years ago
Simply the best tents that money can buy.
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2 years ago
Blackberry Moonrocks®
Growing it
Blackberry Moonrocks is a wonderful experience. She'll dazzle you with her green colors, ranging from dark to light, and her bold orange pistils. Her scent is somewhat gassy, with odors of light citrus fruits - dare I even say it... blackberries! The high is that of a classical, Indica-Dominant Hybrid. The smoking experience leaves the user with a slight pressure in one's head, which proceeds to further manifest as relaxation throughout the body. There is a psychedelic element to this strain, for sure, but her effects are largely Indica-Dominant. Overconsumption will almost definitely result in couch-lock experience, coupled with munchies carrying the white hot intensity of a thousand suns. She makes for a decent night-time smoke. If used in a social environment, however, make sure there's a comfortable couch available. Highly recommended!
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2 years ago
Princess Haze XX
Growing it
Princess Haze is, visually speaking, stunning. Her resin production is so intense that her leaves and buds almost appear to be furry - yes, I said what I said! Her colors range from green to purple, then more purple, and then even more purple! Did I mention that she turns purple if you even store Purpinator in her presence? Her scent is also pleasing to the senses, with lightly fruited odors emanating from her buds. The high builds quickly, but is purely psychedelic. She'll bring you up, but never down. While there's a relaxing element to her smoke, it is only slight and will not slow you down.
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2 years ago
Mota Hari
Growing it
The best way to describe Mota Hari is comparing it to Cinderella 99, but different... in a good way. Her appearance includes shades of green, purple, red, and orange, coupled with a bevy of orange pistils. Her nugs are dense and tight, often glistening in the light due to her heavy resin production. Her smell is citrus, maybe even something tropical. The high manifests through a gradual onset, after tasting her sweet citrus flavor. The experience is psychedelic, as well as without a ceiling (that's a warning to those who are prone to bouts of paranoia when stoned). You'll also feel a light pressure in your temples. But you'll be more than capable of conversing with others or performing light tasks around the house - in fact, this might even be the perfect strain to accompany a concert or live music experience! Other than for those prone to high-induced paranoia, this strain is highly recommended!
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2 years ago
G13 Genius
Growing it
G13/Genius may be the most perfectly balanced hybrid that I've experienced. Her appearance is striking, with hues of greens, purples, and even some reds. She's covered with a vein-like network of orange pistils, with the surface areas of her calyxes glistening with resin and trichomes. The smoking experience is truly second-to-none. You're immediately met with flavors of light lemon and lime zests, with a funky sour milk flavor on your palate (in a good way, trust me). Her smoke is not harsh in the least. The high manifests over the course of a smooth build up. It will begin with a pressure in the top and back of your head. Thereafter, your mind will slowly transition towards the psychedelic where you'll become lost in your own thoughts. From here, you'll experience a degree of calm and relaxation that will not overwhelm your ability to remain awake - or even continue in a pleasant conversation. Though the intensity of her high tapers down, it will potentially remain at a plateau for hours - in other words, this is likely more of an evening smoke... unless your tolerance is super-human, perhaps. Overall, a highly enjoyable experience that I look forward to repeating!
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2 years ago
Frozen Black Cherry
Growing it
The experience of Frozen Black Cherry is simply transcendent! To say that she exceeds expectations is a gross understatement. She immediately catches your eye with her extremely light green, some might even say blueish, appearance. What makes her stand out from the crowd is her array of bold orange-colored pistils. Her extreme resin production literally causes her buds to glisten under light. She wants not for trichome volume, as she literally so covered some of her fan leaves to such an extent that they shriveled for lack of light exposure! On the olfactory end, she quite literally reeks of, well, overripe tart fruit. You'll have trouble believing that you're actually smelling pot, but your eyes and nose do not deceive you... it is, inexplicably, pot. The experience of this strain reflects that of the ideal, Indica-Dominant Hybrid. While the tartness of her scent departs from its flavor profile, you're greeted with a sweet smoke that leaves a light taste of fruit on the palate. From here, you'll experience a pressure in your temples, followed by a smooth onset of relaxation in your back and spine. After not too long, you'll lose yourself in your thoughts, ultimately succumbing to a state of light couch-lock. You're ultimately transported into a hazy, meditative state for the remainder of the high. This strain is almost definitely not intended for novice smokers (or for those who do not respect her awesome power). Unless you have a superhuman level of tolerance, it's not a day-time smoke. It would be well-suited to those looking for relaxation, coupled perhaps with light conversation... this isn't a strain that you'd take to the club with you, rather than the strain that you might save for the end of the night. Ultimately, Frozen Black Cherry is a top shelf strain that I'd highly recommend!
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2 years ago