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Growing, years

NO NO NO you are almost certainly over-watering them.... and are probably giving them too much light and too many nutes. Back all that off. DAKAKAKA is steering you in the totally opposite way you need to go. (I will go and check his grow out next... most likely his plant are over watered... have too much light... and too many nutes... most here are not good growers). Less is more. Trust me. I grew just like you for over a year. I bought into all the hype. But then... I cut back on the light, the nutes, and the especially the water.... and holy cow what a difference. Think about this for just a moment. We are conditioned (maybe even brainwashed to be consumers) So we think more of everything will get us more. NOT TRUE. Especially with a plant. It wants what it wants... no any more. And certainly not what you think it wants. When you give it too much of anything it will stunt it. Leaves will puff up... it will stop growing...etc. nutrient manufacturers want you to use more, Light manufacturers will tell you spectrum matters and their light is the best. It is not. T5s grow awesome bud. But the LED manufacturers don't want you to spend $350 on a light that can grow a pound of bud... they would much rather you spend $1500. Crazy right. Slow down... be peaceful. let the plants do what they want, not what you want, and certainly not what someone who is selling you something is telling you they want. Those companies want you to consume and make them rich. I use super cheap nutes... they grow awesome bud... just like the crazy expensive stuff does. I cannot tell the difference... nor can anyone else that smokes it. Same with lights... All lights grow bud. T5s and HPS are the best. The one place I can tell the difference is MY BANK ACCOUNT. :) I wish you the best on your grow. I hope you get the problems under control.
I am trying to help. So don’t get mad. Bro... no she does not look good. She looks sad. I ask you. Do your plants look happy.... perky ...? No they don't... they look droopy and sad. Like they have WAY too much light and WAY too many nutes (you have tip burn) and are most likely over watering them. Back way off on the light and the nutes. You can tell if you are over watering.... over feeding... or have too much light. Your plants stop growing, tips burn, leafs cower from the light, leaves are ridged, and are pointing down (cowering from the light) For nutes… 500 ppm for veg max.... 800 ppm max for flower if you are in coco or hydro. Don't forget cal/mag. If you are in soil you really don’t need to feed until week 6 of flower. And then only a little bit of a bloom nutrient. Doing less is more. It is a house plant. I hope you don’t think that I am being over critical. But there are a lot of people who think they know what a "good plant" looks like. They are clueless. It is a plant. It is going to do what it wants to do. Not what you want it to do. You can’t make it do anything faster. Growing is a very slow process. More of anything is just going to hurt your plants. Go to youtube and watch hydrohybrid on youtube.... or the “growboss” on youtube. They show you what good plants should look like. Big. Bright Green, Perky, huge buds…. Keep pressing you will get there... just don't believe what most people will tell you. They will tell you LEDs are awesome, they are not (they can grow good bud but only if you are a very good grower… most of them suck because the light is way to concentrated)… The only good LEDs cost $1500 and why would you do that if a T5 with the same watts will make the same bud for 1/100th the cost) , nutes matter (they don’t) all nutes are the same. only thing that matters is PPM as long as you are using a complete one part or 2 part or even 3 part base nutes (go at least half strength of manufacturer recommendation… you can alway move up from there), and you should water a lot (over watering is really bad for the plant. you are killing the roots)… You should only water when the plant pot goes dry. Pick up the pot you will feel the weight and know if you need to water. Pot size matters and is as follows. seedling / clone solo party cup. Week 4 (first week of veg) 1 gallon pot / Flower 5 to 7 gallon pot. You should only need to water once a week. Maybe at the end of flower. If you have a massive plant…twice a week. Don’t add nutes every time you water. every other time or even every third time is usually more than enough. If you don’t want to get rid of your LED raise that bad boy up as high as it will go and make sure you have a canopy that takes up your whole grow space. That is really the only way LEDs work well… which is why a T5 is way better (they are cooler and the light is spread out more). HPS work well in flower as well. In an indoor garden you only get maybe a foot of light penetration. Veg is really where the work is done. Lots of topping and grow a very wide, big plant. That way it can suck up the photons that LED (or better yet T5 or HPS) is putting out. Once you get to flower it is really down hill from there. As long as you don’t give her too much light, too many nutes, or over water her … you just wait for her to finish up. Last thing. Do you know how the nutrient manufacturers figure out concentration? I will tell you. It is based on a 1000 watt light. For a 1000 watt light you need a 5 x 5 grow area that is completely filled with canopy. If you do not have 5 x 5 completely filled and are not using a 1000 HPS light (or it’s equivalent) then you need to use what is appropriate for the size of pants and lights you have (which will be way less then they recommend). of course once the Feds make weed legal and it is coming make no mistake… all of this is a mute point. You can put the plant in the ground outside in good soil and magic will happen.You can grow 10 pound monsters. Once that happens weed will go to $50 an ounce and LEDs or any other grow lights will be a non issue. Because of course nothing is as cheap or good as the sun. oh and the sun can penetrate 20 feet….. not 1 foot like any indoor light and it doesn’t cost anything :)
If I may.... The plants look okay but not great. Everyone on here thinks they know what a good plant should look like. They don’t. Most plants on the diary are over feed, over watered, and have too much light. A few tweaks and you will have the best bud anyone of you have ever smoked. 1. the plants looked burned up. Raise your lights. You are burning all the good stuff off of your plants. 2. you have tip burn. lower your nutrient strength. I never go over 500 ppm (200 ppm cal/mag 300 ppm nutes in veg, 800 ppm in flower for RDWC. They just don't need that much. To know if you nutrient strength is correct.... do a rez change, measure your starting ppm. let your plants drink some water (say half the rez). take another ppm reading - the ppms should be the same or less then your starting ppms. If they are higher you need to back off your nutes by a third. The plant should be drinking water and nutrients equally. Nutrients and lights are so over hyped in this game. all nutrients and all lights grow weed. More is not better trust me. Expensive nutrients don’t work any better than the cheaper ones…. trust me. Weight is based on watts. a 600 watt t5, HPS, or LED all make the same amount of Bud and you would not be able to tell the difference in what light was used. 3. you are mag deficient for most of the grow. you should never ever have purple stems... ever. Iime green is what you are going for. Use a cal/mag supplement to fix this. 200 ppm cal/mag with RO water... then add your nutes. keep your nutrient concentration lower than you think. 4. your plants look to be over watered. How can you over water in hydro?... simple... too many nutes. this puts your plants in a reverse osmosis situation or burns the roots. Either one will cause slow growth and puffy, stripped leaves. You have both. Your leaves should never be ridged.… only flat and always stretching for the light. Your leaves are cowering from the light most of the grow. See how they are bending down? You want them to be bending up and stretching towards your light. So you most likely have your lights too close or the lights are way too strong. You did a 19 week grow. I think this is mainly an indica strain. Your plants should be much bigger. I can get this size plant in 12 weeks total. 4 Veg / 8 flower. In fact if you do your veg correctly 4 weeks in RDWC you will almost be overgrown. You did a 7 week veg… Your plants should be HUGE (too big for your space) It looks like you have a hot spot. For this small of a grow T5s work great… IMO the best. HPS and the good LEDs (the really expensive ones over $1500 a light… as long as they are dimable) are good for commercial growers or anyone looking to get 2 or more pounds every 8 weeks on a 2 light rotation. For you I would recommend a 12 bulb T5 for flower and a 6 bulb T5 for Veg. If you run this two light rotation and do what I suggest you should expect to get a pound dry every 8 weeks (hybrid strains) If you decide to keep your current light... put it on a light mover to get rid of that hot spot and raise it up. If you are running cheap LEDs get rid of them. Just go with T5s you’re not growing that much. Last thing. not sure if this is a sealed garden or not. If it is get some CO2 bags like Exhale or something similar. You are close dude so very close. I am sure this bud was good but it is very close to being great and with a few tweaks you could have more and better in less time. For any indica dominant strain. it should be 4 week veg - up to 6 week veg if you want a huge plant (only one.. not two) that will fill in a 5 x 5 area. for 2 plants a 4 week veg is probably too long if everything is going well. 9 weeks in Flower max, the last week being the flush. Everything happens faster in DWC. You are getting results one would expect to get in soil or coco. If that is that case just use soil or coco they are easier, cheaper and much more forgiving. Why mess with hydro. In hydro you want faster and bigger. I want you to realize that I am not attacking you. I just wanted to give you a few pointers to get you to where hydro is supposed to be. RDWC rocks. It is the best, fastest, and you cannot tell the difference between it and soil / coco if dried and cured correctly (slow… the slower the better). I am sure someone on here will disagree with me on that. Don’t care… I have yet to meet someone who would turn down any bud hydro or soil. Very last thing… in week 19 you said you flushed… your plants did not yellow at all. Your fan leaves at a minimum should yellow and start to fall off the plant. Another reason why I think you were running your nute strength way too high. How did it taste once dried and cure? If it was harsh that was because there was way too much Chlorophyll still left in the plant. The only way I could see this being smoke being smooth was a very very slow dry and cure to get all of that out. Keep pressing you are almost there.