Ok where do i start? To begin with i had a minor mishap at the beginning which was a started the plant on a 16/8 light cycle instead of 18/6 :joy::rolling_on_the_floor_laughing:, which definitely caused the plant to yield less than expected (not that i expect too much out of my veg tent autoflower)
When the plant started shooting preflower pistils at day 15 i knew something was up, changed the light cycle back to 18/6 and the rest of the grow went off without a hitch, other than the lost veg stage.
Either way the plant grew great just lost out on yield. Plant is currently jarred on a 1-2 time a day open and burp for couple mins schedule which it will stay for another week or so and then will just be opened when i take a bud out to a smaller jar for smoking.
Once the flower gets to approx 58-60% RH i only open the big jar to transfer a few buds to a small jar i smoke out of.
Color was very nice all around, including final dry flower color. i will upload some pictures but its hard using my iphone 6 to get decent shots compared to one of the newer generation phones.
I did not “pump” this plant full of light by any means, the three current diaries combined into one was/is a test run to dial in my veg tent for autoflowers ,so far so good
Total wattage in veg tent - fluctuated between 170-220
Total DLI on the caramelino auto - approx 25-35 (low end)