Tested a side branch yesterday. Wasn't dry at all but the effect was ok. Needed a bit more stuff but I will report later with the final product.
Now I can tell more about smoking her. I did fermantation in a cigar humido for 8 weeks. A neighbour of mine cadged a bit off the stuff from me. A few days later he told me that it was the best weed he had in the last 12 years :dizzy_face: That was a honor for me cause I smoked weed only 2 times in my life before! My first experience was frightening. My neighbour ringed the bell after my joint. 5 mins later I laid on the couch, happy to had enough time to show him the door. I got relly dizziness, fear of falling on the floor. Than I had 2 veeeeeeeery long hours off panic and scare of death. Heart was beating like a drum and no control to my body. I got a really dry mouth, fear to dry out. Drinking was really a problem. I got vibrating arms, hands and fingers.
After that trip I thought I will never do that again :joy: But one week later I did it with much less weed. And that was the point I fell in love to smoke her :heart_eyes:Now I need really a lot off stuff to feel really good. Maybe I developed a resistance :scream: But my neighbour is still happy if he can get a bit of her :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
The high is really relaxing and pressing you into the couch. But I like that! With a few beer in the evening I can sleep like a marmot
Maybe I need a stronger (more THC) strain next time but taste and effect of the dwarf is wonderful!:zzz:
6 years ago