Growing this plant was fun.
Very low maintenance strain in my opinion.
Got very lucky with the mutation i think.
Since I don‘t smoke a truckload of weed anymore, I am constantly looking for more sativa dominant strains wich give you a lighter, more uplifting high where I feel like meeting and talking to people and still be able to do stuff and be active.
This strain does the job very well.
Unfortunately the 11 days of drying were a bit too long but I wanted to play it safe on this one … some terpenes got lost in the process but the taste is still very fresh and tasty.
After smoking the first joints I could already tell, that it makes my mouth and eyes really dry … i tend to get dry eyes anyways but this stuff does it extraordinary fast.
Also I‘d say this is no bedtime weed (wich is exactly what I was looking for, don‘t get me wrong) its high is so energizing that I ran into trouble trying to sleep right after I smoked the last joint.
Overall a really nice strain I would say. Would definitely recommend trying it for daytime use.
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7 months ago