The current 5-star rating is because I'm not allowed to change the rating. Personally I would probably rate this close to a six. The one big negative I have to say is that a lot of work goes into growing this with little yield. Now I know that what I have yielded is close to what a lot of other people around the web have said. About an ounce a plant. If this is the only plant you can grow because of resources or space, I would say don't get too hopeful on the output and make sure you are stocked up. If this were to be a complimentary grow next to another strain or strains, okay. People say the plant is hard to train, I think it trained fairly well. I also didn't experience any nutrient problems. Color is great, the smell is not bad during the initial harvest. I think that this strain could produce more, but I don't know how to achieve that yet, so that is ultimately why I chose hard on the "ease of growing."
*2020-08-30 UPDATE: Okay, change that 5 to a 8. The effects of this strain are fantastic. We have used it both as an oil from the trim and as flower. Both of them do an outstanding job by themselves and paired with other THC items. .5ml of the oil has been able to take my wifes 10+ pain and bring it down to a 5. And if she is riding below a 10, she can get to low single digits. So if anyone has any chronic illness problems that involve high pain levels, this strain is a must. Two thumbs WAY UP!