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9 months ago
I'm not trying to be an a****** and man I could be wrong about this and if I am wrong I deeply apologize however I first off do not believe at all that you was able to gain that many ounces in just 8 weeks on an Autoflower. I just do not see that that happened at all. There's another guy that said he got a large amount also in 8 weeks yet the amount that you put up that you got seems a little bit way way too far-fetched not sure what it is with people making up crap I guess it makes them feel like they will be like more over the Internet by people they will never meet and by people who could be lying themselves hence the reason why I stop posting even on this platform but in case I am Incorrect and in case you did pull off that many ounces off of even just if it was two plants grease gun and Fruit by the Foot I do not see how in the world you could have gained that much even if you had let both of them plants grow and harvest it at 15 weeks. No way you did that at least in my opinion but if I'm wrong man I deeply apologize. We are a community of marijuana connoisseurs who just won't the Reagan Administration to reap what they have sown and we also want freedom to engage in something that was around thousands Beyond thousands Beyond thousands of years before the modern government even knew about these wonderful plants that no human should have dominions over and say that these plants are evil and should all be burnt and they are worse than Fentanyl they are worse than heroin they are worse than cocaine they are worse than any drug out there they are much much much much much worse than alcohol, 24 and not one person ever has died off of marijuana and I mean not one person has ever been linked to a death concerning marijuana. Alcohol well I guess that must have had negative zero deaths right? And well fentanyl I tell you what fentanyl is never killed anybody it's only help people, right? Go Fu.k yourself DEA AND THE NIXON ABD REAGON ADMINISTRATION as well as any other organization which uses medicinal plants that have been used by our ancestors meaning even the ancestors of the people who are putting these stupid Barbarian laws in place that do nothing but destroy lives and destroy the poverty communities and are the true drug dealers of the world not just America it wasn't just to CIA who made crack cocaine and help destroy my life but I will not get into that no the CIA and the DEA and the ATF and many many other organizations located in North America which is in the United States Corporation not the United States of America by the way not the same thing guys used to be the United States of America but that was an 1800s and then they have just pulled the wool over everybody's eyes not thinking that hey it looks like that guy on that bill who was that again well America you need to do your damn research and you need to learn a little history but I'll still tell you Andrew Jackson he won about this money enterprise system which would bankrupt America and which would turn it into exactly what certain Elites were trying to turn it into hints being owned by the bank and hence we started getting Social Security numbers and what are social security numbers, well they make you think that is for your well-being and protecting you however that cannot be farther from the truth you're so social security number is nothing more than an employee badge number. And by the way anybody that thinks that Trump is such a bad guy and hey maybe he is a piece of s*** I don't care for the rich and no I don't believe everything Trump says however I knew that he was a thousand times better than the joke that America put in office I cannot believe that supposedly by the way only supposedly but I cannot believe that over half of Americans chose to elect a known racist a known crook a known drug addict a known pedophile and a known pervert that likes to feel on women and of all ages by the way and he likes to fill up on them in public on TV. Yet all of you f****** idiots out there voted for him well congratulations I sure do hope for the sake of waking you the f****** man of course for the sake of America and not your America I mean the America that should have been in place when Andrew Jackson died in had continued on to be that same America however money corrupts everything and money is what money is nothing but a form of corruption and what is corruption money and Corruption is a form of power that's right money really is power so what I hope is all of the illegal immigrants that are from Russia that are from China that are from Honduras that are from North Korea that are from Kazakhstan that are from all types of places you think that the Mexican cartel was bad then before President Trump well guess what you idiotic Americans out there that voted for Joseph Biden and thought that Trump was such a racist piece of s*** which was never proven yet it was proven multiple times over that Joseph Biden was and y'all still elected him WTF other than that many idiots really out there in America today well yes there are and well in my personal opinion I believe that the certain Americans although yes they did have a choice it is so obvious that they are against America that these certain Americans that did vote for Joseph Biden well since they in my personal opinion or traitors I think that they should be treated as such I know that whenever happened but I sure do wish that we could take them Americans and just send them to South Africa Johannesburg in general we're not going to let them go to Cape Town only to Johannesburg and then we will even let them go to China and not Hong Kong or Shanghai either oh no no I got other places for them to go and no not the red light districts sorry Joseph Biden no ladyboy for you tonight and no underage little girls and no underage little boys for you either and Hunter Biden well we all know about you Andy three men that you supposedly raped and Bangladesh I say supposedly because it was only proven that you raped two underage 12 year old little boys which is so sickening you should be in prison for life yet the American public just so happened voted on you to become president of the United States of America and Destroy America and well America you've done a wonderful job and those people that have destroyed America have probably also just so the seed for Civil War I guess you can call the Civil War II in America oh that's right it's not America because America is a continent you have North America and South America so no that's just Americans trying to be a little bit too grabby which honestly irritates me a little bit about my fellow Americans no we are the United States Corporation we are not a country like people think we are only located in North America we are the United States corporation located in North America which used to be the United States of America back in the 1800s. Don't believe me go do your f****** research. Anyways if you were able to pull off what I first mentioned in this comment then kudos to you but if not then I would just stop with your b******* and stop lying I mean come on dude you're saying that you got 1 thousand AND 351OUNZES off of just two autoflowers. Come the f*** on man. And even if you meant to put 351 Oz I still laugh at that because there's no f****** way you pulled off even 10 oz off of two Auto flowers and if you did pull off 10 oz of dry Bud like you say you pulled off 1,351 oz of dry flower off of two autoflowers, well then you did a damn good job and I sure want to know your effing secret because nobody else knows it either. But in case I am Incorrect and you did pull off multiple multiple multiple pounds and I do mean multiple pounds well over 10 pounds of marijuana off of just two autoflowers yeah that's a lot of weight that means that you had well over 5 lb of marijuana off of Just One auto flower LOL WTF whoever believes this guy is a freaking idiot and does not know how to grow cannabis
9 months ago
9 months ago
9 months ago
Cool bro glad to hear that there are people like us AKA connoisseurs of the medicinal plants of the world and those of us that are really tired of f****** poison like alcohol that has killed and continues to kill and will continue to kill for probably the remaining existence of mankind which let's be honest none of us can predict but at the right things are going I'm not sure how much longer we deserve to be alive my friend, okay on to the not so depressing s***, so you harvested in 12 weeks and got almost 3 oz of dried bud I would say that that's not too bad considering that it seems like this plant does not yield much but then again from my experience I usually pull off or at least I have been pulling off around a little over 2 oz and Autoflower which I guess ain't too bad when you're harvesting around 10 weeks old but my next season which is the season I'm on now all but one of my girls which I have several different strains growing but all of them will be harvested when they go full term and well I guess we all know that an Autoflower has in mind and decides when it is done it is up to us in our experience as cannabis Growers and as ruderalis Growers also, it is up to each of our own personal experience to know when it is an appropriate time to harvest Our Ladies. I'll be honest with you I really wish that they would stop changing all these damn names I mean like dude if you're going to have a name come out and you're going to stick with it for years why the f*** would you just change it out of the damn blue I mean it really pisses me off to be honest with you because it makes you look stupid if you're talking to somebody that has heard of the plant you're growing but not in that name and it's like dude have you really never heard of this strain and then you tell the person what it's crossed with and they're like yeah but what you're calling and that's not what it's called and then you try to explain this to this ignorant person and they just think that you're full of s*** LOL, anyways. So so right now I just hit 10 weeks old as of today January the 30th 2024 and man I'm going to tell you I knew that she would be a long going strain because her flowers did not start to dence up at all until like a week ago so I'm talking about I grew an Autoflower for 9 weeks and gave her optimal liking of 18 hours on 6 hours off some days I would even let her have 20 hours on 4 hours off but she always had her down time and she always had her niece and she always had bring water I never hardly ever feed my girls with b******* tap water of any kind it has fluoride in it and fluoride makes people docile so if you use sodium fluoride in your water source you're basically doing the same goddamn thing that the Nazis did back in World War II AKA make the Jews in the less desirable docile in our concentration camps that we have for these animals, this is of course 100% not what I think of these four people AKA these victims of man that died in a utterly ridiculous unnecessary reason and mass Hysteria over a charismatic individual who I believe was not nearest racist as he was put out to be I believe it was the people around him that surrounded him that put that s*** in his head if you look at the leaders of today you will quickly notice that ain't s*** changed in over 80 years. So if I was to follow your harvest date there's no way that I would be able to pull off as much weight as you did off of your girl. So it's looking like my girls probably going to go at least four more weeks before I even think about harvesting her. I recently harvested are not recently but my last Harvest was a few different strains but one of the main ones was kosher cake by fast buds and that was a pretty damn good strain of which I do recommend but I do recommend that you bring her a full term though she will make you much happier if you bring her AKA kosher cake two full-term and I grew three of these last season and only one of them I was able to fully bring to full term and she was one that I had stunted extremely bad because I basically took her from hydroponic to soil later on in her life I had to do it because she started to die due to bad water and algae growth in the container that the water was in and the fact that I don't think she was getting inappropriate oxygen intake. But anyway that one went about 16 weeks well over a hundred days. But I do recommend kosher cake the other two I pulled off about 3 oz from one that I grew to about 10 weeks and the other which I grew to about 11 possibly 12 weeks but only got about 2 and 1/2 oz off of her but I still do recommend kosher cake. Anyways my friend I do hope that your next grow will continue to get better as I know that mine have I will post some more updates on my plants I guess
9 months ago
Cool bro glad to hear that there are people like us AKA connoisseurs of the medicinal plants of the world and those of us that are really tired of f****** poison like alcohol that has killed and continues to kill and will continue to kill for probably the remaining existence of mankind which let's be honest none of us can predict but at the right things are going I'm not sure how much longer we deserve to be alive my friend, okay on to the not so depressing s***, so you harvested in 12 weeks and got almost 3 oz of dried bud I would say that that's not too bad considering that it seems like this plant does not yield much but then again from my experience I usually pull off or at least I have been pulling off around a little over 2 oz and Autoflower which I guess ain't too bad when you're harvesting around 10 weeks old but my next season which is the season I'm on now all but one of my girls which I have several different strains growing but all of them will be harvested when they go full term and well I guess we all know that an Autoflower has in mind and decides when it is done it is up to us in our experience as cannabis Growers and as ruderalis Growers also, it is up to each of our own personal experience to know when it is an appropriate time to harvest Our Ladies. I'll be honest with you I really wish that they would stop changing all these damn names I mean like dude if you're going to have a name come out and you're going to stick with it for years why the f*** would you just change it out of the damn blue I mean it really pisses me off to be honest with you because it makes you look stupid if you're talking to somebody that has heard of the plant you're growing but not in that name and it's like dude have you really never heard of this strain and then you tell the person what it's crossed with and they're like yeah but what you're calling and that's not what it's called and then you try to explain this to this ignorant person and they just think that you're full of s*** LOL, anyways. So so right now I just hit 10 weeks old as of today January the 30th 2024 and man I'm going to tell you I knew that she would be a long going strain because her flowers did not start to dence up at all until like a week ago so I'm talking about I grew an Autoflower for 9 weeks and gave her optimal liking of 18 hours on 6 hours off some days I would even let her have 20 hours on 4 hours off but she always had her down time and she always had her niece and she always had bring water I never hardly ever feed my girls with b******* tap water of any kind it has fluoride in it and fluoride makes people docile so if you use sodium fluoride in your water source you're basically doing the same goddamn thing that the Nazis did back in World War II AKA make the Jews in the less desirable docile in our concentration camps that we have for these animals, this is of course 100% not what I think of these four people AKA these victims of man that died in a utterly ridiculous unnecessary reason and mass Hysteria over a charismatic individual who I believe was not nearest racist as he was put out to be I believe it was the people around him that surrounded him that put that s*** in his head if you look at the leaders of today you will quickly notice that ain't s*** changed in over 80 years. So if I was to follow your harvest date there's no way that I would be able to pull off as much weight as you did off of your girl. So it's looking like my girls probably going to go at least four more weeks before I even think about harvesting her. I recently harvested are not recently but my last Harvest was a few different strains but one of the main ones was kosher cake by fast buds and that was a pretty damn good strain of which I do recommend but I do recommend that you bring her a full term though she will make you much happier if you bring her AKA kosher cake two full-term and I grew three of these last season and only one of them I was able to fully bring to full term and she was one that I had stunted extremely bad because I basically took her from hydroponic to soil later on in her life I had to do it because she started to die due to bad water and algae growth in the container that the water was in and the fact that I don't think she was getting inappropriate oxygen intake. But anyway that one went about 16 weeks well over a hundred days. But I do recommend kosher cake the other two I pulled off about 3 oz from one that I grew to about 10 weeks and the other which I grew to about 11 possibly 12 weeks but only got about 2 and 1/2 oz off of her but I still do recommend kosher cake. Anyways my friend I do hope that your next grow will continue to get better as I know that mine have I will post some more updates on my plants I guess
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