

@Green_Man_420, ah man it’s a bit of a long story but essentially I live in social housing and so they are allowed AND DO come round and Inspect shit quite often, it’s usually fine, I had the plumber round while it was going and all was fine. The trouble is, the housing association is sending an estate agent to look around and I need to tell them that I get rain running down my wall occasionally and mold everywhere in the hallway - I’m hoping they’ll replace the windows because it’s rediculous how cold it gets in there. The whole flat is really humid tbf because the ones below had a leak for so long it went all mouldy and nasty and stank when I went to see them and so yeah that’s essentially why I’m just going to make sure I’m one step ahead of them. Oh I also have my yearly boiler and gas inspection tomorrow and so I decided to chop them (the contractors really don’t care about smell - half of them smoke weed anyway but also I once paid one of them to install a washing machine and gave him some weed for it coz he kept saying he was out. So he did me a favour and I did him one. It’s more the inspection that I’m worried about because they essentially caught me growing without actually seeing any of it. I had a house inspection last year and didn’t think they would be a wanting to route through all my cupboards but apparently they do. That’s why I said third time lucky with the Tropicanna - the last one got cut down and thrown with the others just after that inspection and I stopped since then until I started up a little one once the trail had gone cold. I just figured as long as no one see’s anything grow related (which is harder than you think when your neighbour has a doorbell camera directly facing the door I come in through. It’s quite annoying. I can’t even give stuff in my loft or attack or whatever people around the world call it, the underside of the roof and above the ceiling, to store things because I think the estate agents people who are doing an inspection will probably go up there I’d imagine. Because that’s where the water is coming from I would imagine. So I told you it’s a long story with multiple ‘arms’ reaching multiple people. Basically they know I’m growing but can’t prove it because I’m more than willing to sacrifice plants if I get notice I’ll be having a flat inspection! It’s not something they do often and I know someone was grassing up my neighbour for using heroin and so I’m Pretty certain that’s why the housing association sent me a letter saying they were doing a ‘yearly’ inspection when iv been here multiple years and never had one before like that. The gas inspection, yeah that happens yearly but doesn’t effect the grow - unless I had problems with the radiator behind me because the pipes that feed it are currently behind my tent!!