D76 (05/02/2021): Glue Gelato has been chop and hang to dry in the tent. I feel sad and release. It's a weird feeling to have both at the same time 😅. I just did a small trim by removing fan leaves. I'm looking forward to trim when everything is properly dry.
- temp: 17-19C
- RH%: 45-50%
D83 (12/02/2021): Glue Gelato has finish drying. I did a final trim and placed her in mason jar for curing. I will weight when she will have complete a 2 weeks cure.
D86 (15/02/2021): After three days in curing relative humidity in jars was not higher then 48%. It spent 7 days drying and I overdried my cannabis. It's weird cause when I checked the nugs after 7 days, the small branches was not even snapping. I decided to place them in jar because they felt crunchy on the outside. I bough Boveda packs size 8 to help rehydrate my buds.
D91 (20/02/2021): After five days with the Boveda packs, I removed them because RH% is now at 59% in the jars. Temperature is around 18C, perfect condition for curing.
D95 (24/02/2021): Final weight after 12 days of curing. 115.6g dry weight 😀