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Global pos.
Growing, years
A 100%
Zamnesia Seeds
Breeders of choice:
100% Zamnesia Seeds
Black Magic
Nutrients of choice:
100% Black Magic

@Stick, hahah, you can call me either! I'll post a big update later but I harvested little over a week ago! The trichomes were mostly cloudy, some milky and little over half of the pistils were brown and curled in. So they could have gone a week or two more but my landlord scheduled an inspection and I had nowhere to put the plants, nor have it dry in that location. I thought let's harvest them 3 days before he came in, so the smell would fade away haha. I also decided to harvest at night, as I live above a telecom shop, bakery and clothing retail store. I'm so lucky I did that, holy hell that smell was pungent. I have never ever smelled something that intense. Sad thing is that I very underestimated the workload hahah, the first plant took me little less than an hour, the fourth and last plant I harvested took 30 minutes. The fifth plant was nowhere near done and I got a very big suitcase and gave that to a friend. I did a wet trim and put all the buds on a layer of wire mesh in shoe boxes. Those boxes I transported by car for 45 min to my hometown (rip, my car smelled of weed for 4 days). There I put them in a little toolshed, with the top off and not in direct sunlight (but it wasn't dark). To make my stress even worse, the Dutch weather gods decided to make the outside temperature 30+ degrees Celcius (86+ degrees F). So while the neighbours were chilling in their back-garden, adjacent to mine, I had to open the shed from time to time to check on my buds. Whilst my family had a good laugh about it, I hope to not have bothered them with my hobby. After 5 days of that intense heat my buds were almost overly dry. I jarred them and the dry weight came to a measly 20gram for 4 plants. To my defence: the buds look f'ing amazing. They are now curing for almost four days. The first days the smell seemed to have gone away, but now it is coming back. The weed smelled like tea at first, but my family still swears by a heavy cannabis smell coming from the shed when I go out to burp them. Thanks for your extensive reply, I will try to do that my next grow! Keep around for pictures!