oldskoolkoolcommented23 days ago
I guess they're autos if they're fast buds? Leave the autos alone. Photoperiod are much better as you have more control and they're not as sensitive as autos.You also save 30% on electric during the flowering poeriod with the 12hrs darness.You've got the best food money can buy with advanced.Get your food up to full strength as your plant is clearly lacking nutrition.Bud ignitor is great as the plants will use more p and k during the first 2wks of flower and again for 5 days 3wks before harvest which is why big bud is given on wks 4-6 to catch those 5 days.Get the big bud up to full dose as its pretty mild.The NPK is around 1.4.5. I believe and most PK booisters are around 9/18 and some are 40/50 but allk advanced have been tailored for cannabis plants.I would double that big bud on wk5 for 1wk.It will still be weaker than 9/18.Their overdrive is also a great product.Better still get some guano for the P phosphorus.Guanokalong sell it as a taste improver.The saying goes,without the bat the taste is flat.Ah is good for K potassium,pot ash.Next time id advice you using B52 or better still House and Garden Amino Treatment.They have seaweed/kelp in them and amino treatment has L-Forming Amino Acids which fatten your stalks up and strengthern the cell walls which stops mold and mildew in their tarcks,it also has silicon in it.I use advanced for the most part.I started with micro,grow,bloom then several years ago changed to senso grow ph perfect coco and now Iv gone fully organic with iguano juice.Not sure if I'll use big bud organic a there other organic PK booster that maybe better.I do use the amino treatment.Always use a root booster,the main ingrediants is seaweed/kelp.creating a good soil food web has a big impact on the final product so brewing compost tea helps no end.Google compost tea.They do instant teas like ecothrives biosys and recharge which don';t need brewing.Get your food to max.Stand your tap 0water for at least 24hrs so the cholrine evapourates as it kills the microbes.I guess your using soil if you're not using advanced coco feed?