6 Weeks Cure is where it shines.
Pheno #1: Deep pink/purple. Medium to firm density and oily.
Pheno #2: Dark purples, loose to firm density and sticky.
Pheno #3: Light green and pink. More dense than the others.
The calyx are dusted with very tiny trichomes giving them a frosty look.
Fruity cheesy scent. Smells more sweet than pungent up close but opening a bag quickly fills the room.
Very sweet taste with a light berry essence. Produces a lot of vapor which stays smooth to the end.
A mild initial buzz sets in quickly and stays a while, creeping until I suddenly realize that I am very high. Strong euphoria. Face and behind my forehead feel like they are glowing.
Develops into a dizzying narcotic high with great body effects. It effectively reduced both chronic pain and recent broken ribs. Later sessions take me even higher. Helps with insomnia.
The main challenge both growing and harvesting these plants was the sheer density. Short thick branches full of foliage.
The short purple plant was so thick that I could not clean up the inner growth through the life of the plant. The top buds are firm but everything below is airy. The other 2 were a little bit more manageable.
A surprising amount of trim came off on harvest day. Sifted into nice hash.
Is that a banana I see?
Little purple yielded 31gm. The big pink and the green yielded 50gm and 45gm respectively.
Yup. That was a banana.I found at least 7 ripe seeds.
A small yield of very good weed. 4½ ounces with over ½ ounce of popcorn and 4-5 gm dry sift from the trim :slightly_smiling_face:
9 months ago