Chucky324commented5 months ago
This is a message from me to WeedaSec, But he got my messages and I got his??WTF? This site is so screwed up.
Check out my Death Bubba diary to see this guys plants. Not very good. Don't buy anything from this WeedaSec guy.
Yeah, They looked good in the pictures, so I ordered them... When I got the packages there was one white seeds in each package.
Coastal Mary said you packed your own packages so why the white seeds? Because I got white seeds with my order that I payed money for,
And you didn't respond to my emails... What am I to think? I think your just in for the money... Why send out white seeds?
And it seems now your just attacking because you screwed up??? So rather than try to make thing right, your just attacking.
Nice guy... Don't order from this guy
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