
10 Best Tobacco Substitutes for Cannabis Joints

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Added 23 February 2023

We all looove smoking joints, but what if you don’t want to smoke an entire joint’s worth of cannabis?

Perhaps it’s too potent or you want to save some for later?

Maybe you want to add a different touch or effect to your joints for a better experience?

Typically, most cannabis users reach out for tobacco — mix some cannabis with tobacco, roll it into a joint, and blaze it. 

Sure, it achieves the purpose of conserving more cannabis, lowering your dose, or improving the flavor or effect, but there is one major downside of tobacco that one shouldn’t overlook. 

Tobacco is seriously harmful to your health, and over time, it will damage your lungs and various other organs. So, what other options are you left with, if not tobacco?


We got you covered. 

Learn about some of the best tobacco substitutes for cannabis joints that promise to improve your smoking experience without causing as much damage to your body. 

Why Should You Avoid Tobacco?

Why Should You Avoid Tobacco?

Tobacco can sometimes enhance the experience of smoking cannabis, but with it comes with an array of negative side effects on your health. This is because tobacco contains many harmful or toxic substances, including acetone, tar, nicotine, and carbon monoxide — all of which can severely affect your lungs and other organs. 

Smoking tobacco once every few days can also lead to various health complications, both short-term and long-term. And it can increase your risk of various conditions like cancer, glaucoma, blood clotting, etc.

As per the American Lung Association, tobacco contains over 600 ingredients, which produce over 7,000 chemicals when they burn. Most of these chemicals are toxic and at least 69 of them are carcinogenic. 

Some of the health conditions that tobacco use is linked to are:

  • Bronchitis
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) 
  • Asthma
  • Heart complications
  • Stroke 
  • High blood pressure
  • Peripheral arterial diseases
  • Cancers of the throat, esophagus, stomach, pancreas, kidney, bladder, lungs, cervix, blood, etc.
  • Type 2 diabetes, and many more

This is the primary reason why it’s wise to quit adding tobacco to your cannabis joints. But on the other hand, you may also want to stop using tobacco as it can hamper your experience.

Some tobacco products have a potent flavor or aroma, which can clash with your sweet cannabis buds’ flavor profile. Plus, tobacco is expensive in some countries, and over time, it can put a significant dent in your wallet. So, personal preferences also come into play here.

Why are Non-Tobacco Alternatives Better?

Why are Non-Tobacco Alternatives Better?

If you have decided to stop using tobacco in your cannabis joints, you’re going to wonder how to find a substitute. Of course, you can only add cannabis buds to your joints but it may not always be the right choice.

Smoking blunts can lead to an intense high, which some people are not always looking for. Maybe, you only want a small dose of cannabis. At the same time, you may want your cannabis stash to last longer, add a unique flavor to your cannabis, or you simply enjoy the process of smoking an entire joint without getting too high.

This is where non-tobacco alternatives for cannabis joints come into play, offering various benefits such as:

  • Most tobacco substitutes are herbal and offer various benefits. In fact, you would find most of these herbs used in traditional medicine, too. So, these herbs can offer some health benefits without being too bad for your lungs.
  • Many other herbs or plants contain terpenes and flavonoids that pair well with cannabis, helping improve your cannabis joint’s flavor profile.
  • These alternatives also help you stretch out your cannabis without relying on harmful tobacco products, so you can smoke an entire joint without smoking too much cannabis and, more importantly, any tobacco!

Despite the benefits, there are some downsides to smoking non-tobacco alternatives that you must keep in mind. These are as follows:

  • Despite being not as harmful as tobacco, smoking anything is still potentially harmful to your lungs and the respiratory system. So, these alternatives still carry some risks with them.
  • Many of these herbs are not clinically studied and may produce reactions in some users. They contain ingredients that may cause allergic reactions, interfere with medications, or simply be irritating to smoke. So, it is advisable to start with a very low dose when using them in your joints. 

What are the Best Tobacco Substitutes for Joints?

You are in luck. Stoners around the world have faced a similar situation and have experimented with a variety of herbs and plants to find the best substitutes. Here are some of the best tobacco substitutes you can use in your cannabis joints.

1. CBD or Hemp Flowers

CBD or Hemp Flowers

One of the best alternatives to tobacco is CBD or hemp flowers. These flowers contain negligible THC, so they are not going to make your joints more potent. At the same time, they are rich in CBD, so you can enjoy the various benefits of CBD, too. 

Did we mention it? Some CBD strains have a terrific flavor profile that won’t clash with your cannabis — they will more than likely improve the flavor and experience for you.

Some of the best cannabis strains you can use as a mixer for your cannabis joints are CBD Mazar, CBD Auto Blackberry Kush, CBD Charlotte’s Angel, and CBD Auto Charlotte’s Angel. These strains contain less than 1% THC. But don’t limit yourself to only CBD strains, you can try CBG- or CBN-dominant strains, too.

These are just suggestions, though, so feel free to try different CBD strains. Remember to check the product descriptions to verify their THC content and purchase them from reputable dealers and you are good to go. 

2. Already Vaped Buds (AVB)

Already Vaped Buds (AVB

You probably have a friend who loves vaping cannabis, and if you do, ask them to unload their used-up cannabis buds on you. Used cannabis buds from vaping are known as already vaped buds or AVB, which are usually tossed in the bin by most vapers. 

You can safely use these buds as a tobacco substitute for your cannabis. The best part? They are free. All you need to do is ask and ye shall receive! 

But do note that these buds may contain some residual THC, so try a small batch to see how it affects your high. In some cases, they may add a little more kick to your joints. 

Also, most AVBs contain CBN in higher concentrations — a cannabinoid THC breaks down into during the vaping process. While this cannabinoid is completely safe to smoke, it can sometimes produce a couch-lock effect on some users. 

3. Mint

dry mint

Do you love mint tea? You’ll also love mint in your joints then. Mint or Mentha is a group of around 20 plants, including spearmint and peppermint. And this is a common ingredient in various products you use every day, like gum, candy, toothpaste, face wash, etc. 

People who consume mint also report that it improves their lifestyle by providing various benefits like soothing an upset stomach, relieving the symptoms of a cold or flu, and even boosting the immune system.

When you add mint leaves to your joint, you may or may not get these benefits, but you’re likely to experience a relaxing high without any of the side effects of tobacco. And since mint is good for clearing out the respiratory passages, the joint will be a lot smoother. 

One downside of using mint is that it has a strong flavor profile and it can sometimes overpower the flavors of your cannabis. Start by using a small mint leaf and see how it affects the flavor before going all out with it. 

4. Damiana 

damiana leaves

A low-grounding plant, damiana is native to Mexico, Southern Texas, and Central and South America. Traditionally, this plant is used for its aphrodisiac properties, but many users also believe that it has various other health benefits. 

There isn’t a lot of evidence to support its health benefit claims, but it is still used by some households as a remedy for diarrhea, constipation, urinary or bladder conditions, dyspepsia, and menopause. 

And apart from the potential health benefits, damiana can also improve your cannabis’ high as it produces a slight high of itself when you smoke it. But don’t worry, this won’t have you seeing spaceships. 

However, remember not to go overboard with damiana as it can cause hallucinations. Users of damiana claim that this herb produces a relaxing high at best if used in moderation. So yes, if you smoke too much of this, you will probably see a spaceship or two. It is best to not go over 200 g when smoking damiana. 

Smoking damiana with cannabis is fairly easy. You start by breaking up the small leaves, mixing them with ground-up cannabis, and rolling it in a joint. You will enjoy a smooth experience, but we recommend pairing it with a soothing indica strain for a relaxing high. 

5. Kratom

kratom leaves

Kratom, aka Mitragyna speciosa, belongs to the coffee family native to Southeast Asia. In recent times, this plant has earned a lot of recognition for helping opioid users with their withdrawal symptoms since it is a terrific opioid substitute and effective at managing chronic pain. 

But this is not a plant people have discovered recently. Traditional uses of kratom can be dated back many centuries ago in traditional medicine as it is believed to boost energy and relieve pain. 

This makes kratom not only a substitute but a great addition to your joint. For most people, a lower dose of kratom (1 to 5 grams) can produce a stimulant effect (like coffee) that can last up to 90 minutes. A larger dose of 5 to 15 grams can produce effects that are akin to opium, which can calm your mental state and relieve pain. 

So, depending on your preferences, you can sprinkle some kratom leaves in your joints. Just remember to thoroughly research the plant before using it and avoid it if you are already taking any medication to avoid any side effects or complications. 

6. Kanna

kanna leaves

Kanna is a popular herb that is associated with boosting mood and easing anxiety and tension. Perfect for a joint to wind up your day! Low doses of this herb can produce a stimulating effect, but in higher doses, it can produce a more sedating effect. So, choose a dose based on your preferences. 

Many users also claim that this herb boosts their confidence, so if you are out for a party and strike up easy conversations, this can potentially help you. 

There is one major downside to Kanna — it can temporarily increase your blood pressure, so start with a low dose and research as much as you can before adding it to your joints. 

7. Lavender 


Lavender is a gorgeous flower to gift your partner, and some would argue it tastes even better in tea. But stoners across the world know that it is one of the best tobacco alternatives to cannabis!

Lavender is easy to access and cheap to purchase, and if you are lucky, you can pluck a few roses from your local garden, too. Some anecdotal reports also suggest that lavender can assist with insomnia and nervousness. And since it contains linalool, a terpene that is also found in cannabis, it can significantly improve your cannabis buds’ flavor profile.

8. Rosemary

rosemary leaves

Rosemary is a similar herb to lavender that you can find for cheap or free almost anywhere in the world. It tastes delicious — chefs use it for a variety of dishes — and is linked to improved memory and cognition. 

Smoking rosemary with your cannabis is as easy as it can get. Ground up some rosemary, add it to your cannabis joint, and light it up. 

9. Hops


If you love beer as much as you love cannabis, you will like this herb since hops are one of the main ingredients of beer. Native to the United Kingdom, this herb is delicious and has a terpene profile similar to cannabis, making it an ideal match for your favorite buds.

Apart from beer brewing, hops have also been used for decades due to their holistic purposes. One of the main terpenes in hops is myrcene, which produces a sleepy or relaxing effect. 

By adding hops to your cannabis joints, you can add a unique kick to their flavor profile while also making them more relaxing to smoke. 

10. Catnip


Wait, isn’t catnip for my cat, you ask? It is, but it’s also a terrific alternative to tobacco for humans! This is a super tasty herb with notes of sweet mint, and it has mildly relaxing properties — something even your kitten would agree. 

Thanks to these benefits, catnip is an excellent addition to your joint as it can improve not only the flavor but also the effects of cannabis. 

However, packing catnip in cannabis joints is a little tricky. It burns quicker than cannabis, so it can degrade the terpenes and leave behind half-burnt cannabis if you don’t do it right. The best way to roll a spliff with catnip and cannabis is to grind both herbs together and pack the joint really tight. 

Don’t forget to stash your catnip away from your cannabis buds, just in case your cat decides to raid your stash of catnip. You don’t want them eating your cannabis as it is harmful to them. 

BONUS: Marshmallow Leaf and Roots

One of the most surprising alternatives to tobacco is marshmallows. No, it’s not the soft, mushy confectionary — we’re talking about the herb that is native to Western Asia, North Africa, and Europe. 

When smoked, marshmallows can produce a relaxing effect, reducing stress and tension. So, if you want to chill out for the night, you should consider adding marshmallow leaves and roots to your cannabis joints. 

How to Create Herbal Blends for Cannabis Joints?

Each herb or plant mentioned above offers a unique experience, so we recommend trying a few of them out until you find one that suits your best. But you don’t need to stick to only one. You can create some stunning blends by mixing some of the herbs listed above.

A good herbal blend for cannabis joints consists of four components, such as the following:

  1. The base herb that holds everything together 
  2. Flavor or action herbs that contain phytochemicals that enhance the flavor profile or effects of cannabis
  3. Astringent herbs that balance the blend and round the flavor and smoothness of the smoke 
  4. Kicker herbs that give the blend a little kick 

The proportions you use comes in quite handy. If you use very little base herb, your joint probably won’t hold together and will burn unevenly. So, stick to these proportions to create a stable blend that is a joy to smoke:

  • 40% base herb
  • 40% action or flavor herbs
  • 15% astringent herbs
  • 5% kicker herbs

There are hundreds of herbal blend recipes available on the internet, so be sure to check them out. And if you’re feeling confident, mix them all yourself, depending on your preference and the effects you desire. 

Here is how you can prepare the blend:

  1. Process the herbs you choose by removing large stems and using a grinder to break them into smaller pieces
  2. Use a sensitive scale that weighs each herb and prepare the blend as per the proportions listed above
  3. Place the blend in a container and shake vigorously for a minute or two 
  4. Use a mason jar to store the blend in a cool, dark place
  5. And when you want to use it, just sprinkle some of it with cannabis and roll it up into a joint 

Is Vaping a Better Alternative to Tobacco in Joints?

In recent years, vaping has become super popular and millions have cannabis users have switched to vapes for their perceived benefits and safety. Essentially, vape devices use an electric coil to heat a cannabis concentrate or e-juice, which produces the vapor.

Unlike tobacco, the vapor produced does not contain as many harmful substances. Vape users also report that vaping allows you to extract every ounce of THC and terpenes from your cannabis, leading to a much richer flavor and experience. 

So, yes, vaping is a better alternative to smoking joints with tobacco in them. If you don’t mind investing a little money upfront, you should invest in a high-quality vape device that allows you to control the temperature and even the dosage, so you can fine-tune your vaping experience. 

With such a device, you won’t have to worry about smoking too much cannabis or finding tobacco or other alternatives to tone down your joints. 

Do note that while research is still ongoing regarding vaping and its health effects, the general consensus is that, while it is safer than tobacco, it can still harm your lungs. Vaping is linked to popcorn lungs, inflammation in the lungs that can cause coughing or wheezing, cardiovascular problems, dry mouth, gum infection, etc. 

If you decide to take this route to make your cannabis consumption a safer experience for you and those around you, be sure to only use high-quality products that have been tested and made with the right materials.

There are a lot of cheap vapes out there that look alright. However, they can contain some seriously harmful compounds that may end up doing more harm than good. On the other hand, high-quality vapes from reputable manufacturers are much safer. 

Summary: Best Tobacco Substitutes for Cannabis Joints

The time of tobacco is coming to an end. A few countries have already banned tobacco and many others are levying high taxes on tobacco products to tackle tobacco addiction and its impact on society. 

So, it is best to avoid tobacco. The risk of using tobacco in your cannabis joint far outweighs the benefit, and it is not worth the risk at all. Instead, use some of the herbs and plants recommended above — they will improve your smoking experience in a much safer way.

And if you want to take it to the next level, use the proportions and steps to create your own herbal blends. Pro tip: you can smoke those blends even without cannabis! Just remember to do some research beforehand. 

Lastly, smoking anything is harmful. If that’s a major concern for you (like it should be), you can switch to vaping or other forms of cannabis consumption that are totally safe, like edibles or topicals.


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Grow lower strength flower fuck fillers wth
I'd vape with some of these but not smoke em. Also look into Mullein, its a ditch weed here and found in fields. Also known as cowboys toilet paper as its fuzzy and soft. Biannual, vegs one year then flowers and dies the next. Can get quite big if it has the room. Has other medicinal purposes too.