Every new grower that partakes in this amazing hobby of growing cannabis ends up swallowing a vast amount of information from books, blogs, forum posts, and social media. However, not all information they consume is the right information — many such information pieces are pointless, and some are even harmful.
The internet has given access to the world. Unfortunately, misleading people also have access. While these individuals are busy bashing some or the other cannabis strain or users on forums, other times, they may be a vector for spreading misleading information.
The problem is that many new growers who don’t have much experience in growing cannabis end up consuming the wrong information and finding out later that it was a mistake. If you are a new grower and want to avoid the same scenario, read on to learn about some of the most common cannabis myths and learn to distinguish them from facts.
Read any guide on growing cannabis a better way, and one of the first pieces of advice experts recommend is choosing a strain and seed with good genetics. Good genetics is crucial for healthy plant growth since the phenotype encompasses the plant’s resistance to diseases and pests, vigor, growth rate, and much more.
However, many new growers mistake this advice, giving rise to a misconception that a good strain will guarantee high potency. For example, let’s say you see a grower kill it with his diaries. Now, you want the same strain and believe that you’ll have the same yield. But, have you paid attention to what the grower is doing apart from the genetics? Have you noticed his watering patterns, the nutrients he provides, and, most importantly, the lighting he uses?
You cannot expect great yields or potency if you rely on genetics alone. Yes, it’s important to get a strain with good genetics, to begin with, but that alone doesn’t guarantee great results. You’ll have to do the rest of the work yourself. If you don’t train the plant or give it what it needs, the strain will not be potent, no matter what. Also, don't expect a lot of buds if you don't provide enough light to the plants.
Starting with good genetics is a good practice, but you should do it to optimize your plant’s growth and maximize its potential. Genetics cannot change how much THC the plant produces, which means that your plant advertised to produce a whopping 30% THC can produce way less than that if you don't take good care of it.
During post-harvest, there exists another misconception about potency. The myth is that if you hang your plants upside down during the curing and drying process, the buds will get more potent. The claim is that the THC from the plant’s body will travel to the buds, thanks to gravity, increasing the yield.
If you have even a little knowledge about how cannabis plants work, you’d know this myth is untrue. Most of your plant’s THC is already in the buds, where the reproductive glands produce it. Additionally, THC is present on the surface and does not travel around the plant.
So, even if you were to hang your plant upside down in Jupiter’s gravity, it would have no effect on its potency at all. But that doesn’t mean hanging the plant upside down during this process is wrong — it is the preferred method of curing and drying for many growers, but for completely different reasons.
Essentially, hanging the plant upside down slows the drying process and water loss, which is essential if you live in an arid region that may dry out the plant too soon. Doing so reduces terpene loss, keeping the buds’ aroma and flavor intact.
On the other hand, if you’re interested in increasing the plant’s THC, there are several ways to do so, and you can check them out here.
This misconception is common with new growers, who think that if nutrients are good for the plant, more nutrients would be even better. It is natural to think so, but it does not work. In fact, adding more nutrients than required can even put your plant in jeopardy.
While it is true that cannabis requires more nutrients than the lemongrass plant you may grow on your balcony, it still has a limit. Beyond that point, your plant faces the risk of a nutrient lockout that can occur when some nutrients prevent other nutrients from being absorbed. Your plant may also experience a nutrient burn, which is a reaction to consuming too many nutrients, or nutrient toxicity, a similar problem.
Such problems are serious and can slow down your plant’s growth and cause irreversible damage in some cases. In severe cases, nutrient problems can even produce harsher-tasting cannabis buds that won’t be pleasant to consume.
Many experts even recommend using a lot of nutrients until your plant starts showing signs of nutrient burn and then diluting the nutrient concentration just a smidge. Apparently, this ensures your plant gets as many nutrients as possible without any risk, but this could be fatal for your plant. Even a small mistake and the problem will be quick to occur.
When giving nutrients to your plant, always refer to the manufacturer’s recommendations and consider the nutrients already present in the soil and water. Here, it is advisable to use an EC meter to check the nutrient concentration in water and soil.
Cannabis requires three macronutrients for best growth, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, denoted by the term NPK. But throughout the growth, cannabis requires these nutrients in different ratios since the three minerals serve different purposes within the plant.
For example, phosphorus is essential for energy storage, root development, and flower formation, and potassium is essential for other processes like photosynthesis, plant health, movement of water, etc. Here, cannabis requires the most nitrogen during the vegetative stage, in a 3:1:1 ratio to the other two macronutrients.
This is because nitrogen plays a crucial role in a plant's growth and health. First, nitrogen is a key component of chlorophyll, so it is essential for chlorophyll production. Without this, the plant will fail to produce enough energy to support its vigor and growth. Another important role of nitrogen is leaf expansion. Nitrogen encourages larger leaf growth, which contributes to increased photosynthetic capacity.
Nitrogen also acts as a vital building block for proteins, which are involved in various cellular processes. In this stage, the proteins are essential for cell division, enzyme production, and plant growth. Without nitrogen, these processes can be hampered since the plant will fail to synthesize proteins.
However, during the flowering stage, the NPK ratio changes to 1:3:2 during early bloom and 0:3:3 during late bloom. Nitrogen is no longer required in larger quantities.
But many growers underestimate the importance of nitrogen during this stage and entirely overlook it, which is a grave mistake for a plant in the flowering stage. During this time, nitrogen is required for two crucial roles.
First, nitrogen is involved in the synthesis of amino acids and enzymes that are necessary for bud development. While your cannabis plant will require less nitrogen during bloom, even this small amount goes a long way in supporting bud formation.
Second, nitrogen is indirectly required for terpenoid and cannabinoid production. Here, nitrogen supports the overall metabolic processes and energy production necessary for the biosynthesis of these compounds.
It is still important to note that excess nitrogen can be harmful to bud development and quality as it can encourage vegetative growth. But that doesn’t mean you completely cut off nitrogen from your nutrient solution.
Many growers also believe that green light is pointless for the cannabis plant. Can’t blame them — most cannabis literature only recommends using blue and red light while growing cannabis. Blue light is ideal for vegetative cannabis, while red is for flowering cannabis, but green light gets lost in the limelight, pun intended.
Another reason why this misconception exists is because leaves are green. Essentially, chlorophyll absorbs all light but reflects green light back, which gives the green color to leaves. So, leaves don’t require a green color. However, many other pigments exist on your cannabis plant other than chlorophyll.
The green light spectrum is used by your plant in four primary ways. First, green light is used in photomorphogenesis, which refers to the plant’s response to light signals for various developmental processes. Here, the green spectrum helps regulate your plant’s growth and architecture.
Second, green light has a longer wavelength, so it can penetrate deeper into the canopy to reach leaves and branches that don’t receive enough light. So, by adding green light, you can optimize light penetration in your cannabis.
Third, green light can also help deter pests since many pests, like aphids and spider mites, don’t like green light. It discourages such pests from entering the grow room.
Lastly, green light is terrific for inspecting your plant as it helps you observe your plant’s health and look for any signs of stress or pests. Plus, since it does not interfere with your plant’s response to the dark cycle, you can use this light to observe your plants even at night without disturbing them.
This weird myth is not so popular today, but back in the day, it used to be all the rage. Essentially, many growers believe that since urine is rich in nitrogen, it can be a great supplement for your plant during the vegetative stage, when cannabis requires the most nitrogen. As a result, they would literally pee on their plants. The same goes for animals too and growers wouldn't mind their dogs or cats urinating on their plants.
Please don’t do this.
Peeing on your plant can be bad for two (or three) reasons. First, there are better ways of supplementing nitrogen to your plant in a controlled manner; you can’t know how much nitrogen your urine contains since it depends on several factors.
Second, your plant can suffer from a nutrient burn or toxicity if you regularly pee on it. Urine contains various compounds along with nitrogen, some of which can cause nutrient toxicity in your plant.
Third, it will stink up your grow room. Not worth it.
This is another weird myth that is taking rounds in the community forums, where some growers believe adding fruits to the growing medium will improve the flavor of their cannabis buds. Some of the common foods that these “growers” recommend include orange juice, apple juice, sugar water, vanilla extract, pee (again?), and whatnot.
Remember, cannabis gets its flavors from the terpenes that are present in the buds. Different terpenes produce different aromas and flavors, and the same terpenes are also present in other plants. This is why the limonene in lemon gives some cannabis strains a citrusy flavor.
The presence of such terpenes is due to genetics — a plant can only grow certain terpenes if the phenotype allows it. This is where the myth falls on its face — you can’t toss some orange peels in the soil and expect your plant to smell or taste citrusy. But that’s just surface level — even biologically, it is impossible for this to occur. Even if your strain produces citrusy terpenes, no amount of citrus fruits in the soil will affect the flavor of the buds.
Even then, terpenes do not travel from the roots to the buds — they cannot. They are produced by the tissues on the surface of the flowers.
Not only is this ineffective, but adding the wrong fruits can impact the pH balance within the growing medium, which can hamper nutrient absorption, leading to all kinds of other problems. And some fruits can even cause nutrient toxicity.
If you do want to enhance your cannabis buds’ flavor and aroma, you need to work with nature. You can use various supplements or training methods that boost terpene production in your buds instead of relying on pointless tips that guarantee more harm than good.
Many growers even resort to growing male cannabis plants for THC, but it’s all in vain. The only reason one should grow male plants is if they want to pollinate their female plants or just want a showpiece in the name of a cannabis plant.
Plus, having a male plant in your garden is risky. Upon pollination, the female plant starts developing seeds in the buds, which lowers the yield and affects the potency and quality of the buds. And a single male plant produces enough pollen to pollinate an entire garden full of female plants.
Even if you want to produce your own seeds, you can use regular seeds and pollinate the plants for good results. If you don’t want to use male plants, it’s best to use colloidal silver or other methods and produce feminized seeds to reduce your dependency on male plants. Feminized seeds are better because they almost always guarantee a female plant, and you can even sell them for a much higher price.
Coming to the crux of the myth — male plants do not grow buds at all. So, even if they do produce some THC on the surface, it is nearly not enough to produce a potent high, and smoking pollen sacs or leaves is not a good idea. It would be like smoking a cannabis joint but getting a lackluster high comparable to tobacco.
This is because THC is produced by trichomes that exist on the buds in most concentrations. Trichomes may also exist on the leaves but are scarce and don’t produce enough THC, to begin with.
Those who grow cannabis know the joy of reaping what is sown, but many want to experience this feeling but often hold themselves back because they are worried their neighbors may come to know about their little operation. This is common even in countries where cannabis is legalized since there’s still some social stigma around the plant.
Here, to-be growers think cannabis smells a lot and can alert the neighbors — they are not wrong. Cannabis does produce a strong, distinct smell that is easily recognizable, especially if your old neighbor was a frequent rock concertgoer.
But this does not always have to be the case. You can grow cannabis discreetly with ease using various methods, such as the following:
Don’t let such worries stop you from partaking in a hobby that is fun and rewarding. Follow the right steps, and you can have a garden full of cannabis in the middle of your neighborhood — although not recommended unless it’s legal.
If you have an old rock-and-roll buddy who has been smoking up since the good ol’ 70s, you should ask them if they think cannabis has gotten stronger with time. There’s a high chance they will agree with you, claiming the cannabis they consume today is much stronger than a few decades ago.
Yes, the weed you get today is much stronger than what you would’ve had many years ago when brick weed was a thing. This is all thanks to technological advancement, decriminalization, legalization, and science, due to which growers and breeders have been able to refine cannabis strains and maximize their plant’s THC output. In fact, there are popular strains available in the market these days that are over 30% THC! These strains are more powerful than any strain that was used in the 60s or 70s.
However, it doesn’t mean the marijuana available today is dangerous. Perhaps the way you smoke it could make a difference, though. For instance, a joint will pale compared to dabs loaded with THC crystals. Concentrates are much stronger and guaranteed to give you a better high than flowers, but it’s definitely not recommended for beginners. Plus, there’s no need to do it regularly as you’ll overload your body with so much THC that indulging in regular buds becomes a boring exercise. It’s no surprise that people using dabs frequently often find that buds don’t make them high anymore.
On the other hand, you can still enjoy buds with high THC. Thanks to scientific advancements, we get to choose among many more options than ever. And in regions where cannabis is legalized, you can find virtually all cannabis strains if you look hard enough.
Look to the past, and you only had a couple of options. You’d either find someone who sold cannabis illegally, or you’d have to grow your own weed. And a lack of formal industry meant you never knew for sure what you were growing or smoking. That has changed now.
It is true that breeders and growers have created strains that are much stronger than before, but they aren’t dangerous. Girl Scout Cookies was and still is of the same potency — modern methods only help it express the phenotype fully.
Whether you scroll through reels on Instagram or watch cultivation videos on YouTube, you are likely to come across sophisticated growing setups for cannabis. This is normal as the content creators try to showcase the best the industry offers, and they get more views as more and more curious watchers indulge in their content.
Some creators showcase setups that resemble commercial operations. They spend a lot of money on their projects. Yes, they do yield a great amount of buds, but you also have to remember that they are influencers getting paid to advertise a company’s product.
As a home grower, you don’t have to invest in an elaborate aeroponic setup for growing a small cannabis plant for personal use. Setups like aeroponics are expensive and can cost you upwards of $2,000, even for a moderately basic setup. But don’t let this discourage you. Growing cannabis does not have to be expensive; it can be super cheap.
You can try growing cannabis in the following ways to save some money:
There are countless ways of growing cannabis, and there are more than enough methods you can choose from that can range from free of cost to a couple of hundred dollars. Our ancestors didn’t spend too much on growing cannabis, did they?
Now that we are done with myths about growing cannabis, let’s take a look at some myths about CBD, which is very important if you’re using cannabis for medicinal purposes regularly.
This misconception stems from the association of CBD with cannabis, leading some to think that CBD can produce a similar intoxicating or psychoactive result. Nonetheless, CBD is often derived from hemp that contains very low amounts of THC, which is the main compound that produces the high. Sure, you can extract CBD from cannabis plants too, but CBD still will not make you high.
The amount of THC in CBD items is strictly managed with legal CBD items consisting of much less than 0.3% THC, which is insufficient to create intoxication. So, if you’re out of your cannabis buds and purchase CBD in the hopes that it will make you high, you’ll be disappointed.
Some people think CBD is habit-forming, but this myth likely emerges from the confusion between CBD and THC. Unlike THC, CBD does not boost your mind’s reward or produce that particular bliss connected with addiction. In truth, research studies suggest that CBD has shown immense potential in many areas concerning human health. Now, that’s a topic for another day, but just know that CBD isn’t addictive.
But what about CBD extracted from marijuana plants? Most companies use hemp, but what if it’s produced from cannabis? Will that make you addicted to it?
Although CBD can be extracted from various sources like hemp or cannabis, the final product will contain so little THC that it won’t make a difference. CBD products in most countries contain only about 0.3% THC (and even less in some other regions). In short, you won’t get high. And neither will you get addicted to it.
While some people may experience instantaneous effects from CBD, such as minimized anxiousness or a “floaty” feeling, you should know that CBD's effects can differ from person to person.
Therefore, what worked for your neighbor who’s in love with CBD’s miraculous powers might not work one bit for you. Or, you may not experience the same pronounced effects. Factors such as the dose, method of usage, and body chemistry all contribute to how quickly it works for you. Sometimes, you may have to use it regularly to observe CBD's full advantages, especially if you’re suffering from persistent conditions.
Yes, CBD has shown a bright future in various studies, but you must remember that humans have invented no cure-it-all substances yet. So, it’s important to remove your rose-colored glasses and acknowledge that CBD isn’t a magic bullet for everything.
Available clinical evidence suggests that CBD might be effective for certain conditions, including specific forms of epilepsy, depression, and stress. But, we definitely need more rigorous research to totally comprehend its potential applications and side effects. If you’re suffering from any problem, please consult your physician and use CBD as an alternative therapy rather than relying on it solely.
This myth is pretty common, where some individuals think that if you’ve tried one CBD product, then you’ve tried it all! However, the truth is that CBD products can be very different, depending on how they are produced, the quality of the final product, and the quality of the source material, like hemp.
Companies rigorously test high-grade CBD products to ensure exact labeling and transparency. In addition, they must comply with all the laws and make it safe for the consumers. Also, the extraction approach they use can influence the pureness and performance of CBD products.
Typically, CO2 extraction is the preferred method as it’s considered effective and trustworthy in producing stable CBD products. However, not all companies use the same approach. Right from the hemp they use to the extraction technique, everything could be different, making the two products pole apart.
If you’re interested in purchasing CBD products, you should go with respectable brands that prioritize quality control and supply third-party lab test results to ensure safety.
One common myth is that growing CBD-rich strains is much tougher than regular THC strains. However, as many growers on this forum will tell you, the technique of growing CBD-rich strains is similar to other marijuana strains. The only difference is that CBD-rich strains have more CBD than THC strains. As long as you grow them will care and provide the environmental conditions they require, you’ll be okay.
With a good understanding of the plant, training techniques, lighting equipment, and nutrients, you can grow a lot of CBD buds and enjoy them. Many also assume CBD-rich strains don’t yield as much as THC strains. Again, this is untrue. Even CBD strains can produce good yields if the genetics are great.
Another misconception is the idea that high doses of CBD always result in better end results. While you must consume the right dose of CBD, the dosage depends on variables such as body weight, metabolism, and the targeted problem. Furthermore, a principle understood as the "bell-shaped response curve" suggests that CBD has an optimum healing capacity until a certain dose, after which it diminishes. So, you need to consult a doctor and determine the best dosage that serves your unique needs.
There is a typical misunderstanding that cultivating CBD-rich marijuana plants in your home is illegal in all territories. But, the fact is that the legality of everything associated with cannabis differs from one country to another. If you’re allowed to grow THC strains in your region, CBD-rich strains shouldn’t be a problem too.
Some of the myths mentioned above (*cough* urine *cough*) may sound too stupid to be true, but you’d be surprised at how many growers swear by them. In most cases, it’s confirmation bias working against them, but in the long run, such myths can discourage new growers from growing cannabis, and they also hurt the community.
So, as a cannabis grower, it is crucial that you know fact from fiction. This guideline is just the starting point — there’s a lot more you should learn to to become an experienced cannabis grower. But as long as you are logical and rational, you are on the right path. Follow our blog to learn more about tips and tricks that help you become a better cannabis grower.