Cannabis Plants Growing Slow: Top 8 Reasons And How To Fix Them
5 months ago
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Cannabis Plants Growing Slow: Top 8 Reasons And How To Fix Them
Have you ever wondered why your cannabis plant is taking its sweet time to grow? It’s time to stop scratching your head and understand why it could be happening. There are v...
Nutrient Toxicity: What Is It And How Does It Affect Cannabis Plants?
6 months ago
Nutrient Toxicity: What Is It And How Does It Affect Cannabis Plants?
A nutrient burn or nutrient toxicity is what happens when your enthusiasm for growing a cannabis plant goes too far, which is why it is often known as the novice’s lament &md...
How to Fix and Prevent Nutrient Lockout in Cannabis Plants?
6 months ago
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How to Fix and Prevent Nutrient Lockout in Cannabis Plants?
How to Fix and Prevent Nutrient Lockout in Cannabis Plants? There’s a plate full of food right in front of you, but your hands are tied and you can’t eat. Imagine if t...
Molybdenum: What Does It Do For Cannabis Plants?
8 months ago
Molybdenum: What Does It Do For Cannabis Plants?
Cultivating cannabis is often compared to a balancing act, between science and art. It's a process that requires attention to detail. You will be rewarded if you provide the plant ...
Understanding The Importance Of Zinc In Growing Cannabis: Roles, Deficiency, And More
8 months ago
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Understanding The Importance Of Zinc In Growing Cannabis: Roles, Deficiency, And More
When growing cannabis, we focus on many nutrients, especially macronutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. But one of the common nutrients that are easy to overlook is ...
Spannabis 2023: Uniting Cannabis Enthusiasts Across The Globe For A Remarkable Celebration
8 months ago
1 comment
Spannabis 2023: Uniting Cannabis Enthusiasts Across The Globe For A Remarkable Celebration
On the vibrant streets of Barcelona, our team at Growdiaries had the opportunity to immerse ourselves in Spannabis 2023 — an unforgettable event. For over twenty years, this ...
Choosing The Best Soil For Outdoor Cannabis Cultivation: Soil Types, Recipes, And More
9 months ago
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Choosing The Best Soil For Outdoor Cannabis Cultivation: Soil Types, Recipes, And More
Growing cannabis has become increasingly popular. So much so that almost everyone who uses cannabis is eager to cultivate their plants. And, what better way than throwing a seed o...
Best Methods to Add Calcium to Soil To Grow Healthy Cannabis Plants
a year ago
1 comment
Best Methods to Add Calcium to Soil To Grow Healthy Cannabis Plants
Calcium gives you strong bones, and similarly, calcium gives your cannabis plant strong branches and stems (among various other things). No wonder, calcium is a crucial nutrient fo...
Optimal Growing Conditions: Exploring Ideal Environmental Factors for Cultivating Autoflowering Cannabis
Optimal Growing Conditions: Exploring Ideal Environmental Factors for Cultivating Autoflowering Cannabis
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Cultivating autoflowers is a very simple process if you have a thorough understanding of the optimal environmental conditions needed for the plants to thrive. Unlike photoperiod st...
How to Clean and Reuse Water From Your Hydroponic Setup
a year ago
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How to Clean and Reuse Water From Your Hydroponic Setup
As a grower, you probably chose to grow your cannabis hydroponically for one of three reasons: you want to minimize your water usage, you want to grow better plants with good yield...
Tips for Preventing Popcorn Buds on Cannabis Plants
a year ago
1 comment
Tips for Preventing Popcorn Buds on Cannabis Plants
When growing cannabis, your priority is to harvest top-notch buds that are powerful, fragrant, and aesthetically attractive. But not everything is rosy. Sometimes, you run notice t...
What to do If Your Cannabis Plant Grows Too Tall?
a year ago
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What to do If Your Cannabis Plant Grows Too Tall?
On the internet, in movies, and your friend’s house, you have always seen cannabis plants growing small and bushy. Expecting the same, you decide to pop a seed in a container...
Interview with Guru DevilsBud
a year ago
Interview with Guru DevilsBud
Hey growers! We are back with the interviews again. This time, we had the good fortune to talk to @DevilsBud, who loves the plant so much that he wishes to be a part of the commerc...
19 Cannabis Myths Debunked: Learn the Truth About These Myths
a year ago
19 Cannabis Myths Debunked: Learn the Truth About These Myths
Every new grower that partakes in this amazing hobby of growing cannabis ends up swallowing a vast amount of information from books, blogs, forum posts, and social media. However, ...
7 Environmental Factors that Affect Bud Quality
a year ago
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7 Environmental Factors that Affect Bud Quality
Are you a cannabis grower looking to improve the quality of your cannabis buds? Look no further and begin by fine-tuning the environment around your cannabis plants. The environmen...
Optimizing Cannabis Growth: A Guide to Macro and Micronutrients and Specific Nutrients for Every Stage of Growth
a year ago
Optimizing Cannabis Growth: A Guide to Macro and Micronutrients and Specific Nutrients for Every Stage of Growth
Cannabis is a versatile plant that can reward you with juicy buds if you take care of it. However, just like humans, it requires a range of nutrients throughout its life cycle to g...
Hydroponic Cannabis: The Pros, Cons, Setups, And More 
a year ago
Hydroponic Cannabis: The Pros, Cons, Setups, And More 
Hydroponics — sounds fancy, right? But should you grow cannabis using this method, or should you stick to conventional growing methods? Tricky, we know. Hydroponics can be the ...
Interview with Guru Tropicannibis_Todd
a year ago
Interview with Guru Tropicannibis_Todd
Hello everyone!  We are back with another interview with a grower. But, he’s not just any grower. Meet OG @Tropicannibis_Todd who’s been with us for a long, long time. So lon...
Interview with Guru Ju_Bps
a year ago
Interview with Guru Ju_Bps
Hello everyone! We are very pleased to conduct yet another interview with one of the outstanding members of this community. This time, we got to pick Guru Ju_Bps’s brain! T...
Interview with Guru Mrs_Larimar
a year ago
Interview with Guru Mrs_Larimar
Hi growers! Today, we present an interview with none other than Guru @Mrs_Larimar — the lady who has managed to awe everyone. She was too kind to take her time and explain ev...