
You Made 2020 Better! Last Year in Numbers

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Added 21 January 2021

General Stats

Welcome to the New Year, Family!

We hope you had a great start to the year. Here our team wanted to share a couple of curious charts to show all of you how you make our community grow throughout the year. Let's all take a look!

Impressive! And this is all thanks to each and every one of you! Is there any cannabis community that can compare to us? We don't think so. Let's keep on growing steadily and firmly. We are making history here!

Funny stats

Amazing when you look at it like that, isn't it? This chart is a great representation of your potential and influence within the cannabis community.

In addition to all of that, last year we added:

  1. Grow Question
  2. Tenets
  3. Grow Guide in Journal
  4. Substrates in Diaries
  5. Watering types in Diaries
  6. Germination week in Diaries

We work hard to keep going and keep growing, and we are very thankful to see you here on

Please let us know in the comments below what updates you'd like to see on GD.

Let's make this New Year even greater!


GD Team


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Transparency in contests. The same people win contest after contest. Typically for Diary of the Month it is 7-8 "insiders" with two randoms. "Insiders" are folks who comment on the other insiders diaries, kissing each others ass over their scrubby little grows, and carpet bomb others diaries with phony praise. Most of their grows are not "top representatives of genetics". Just because they take fancy pics with lots of product placement, doesn't make them top representatives of genetics either. Also many of these 'winners' have incomplete stats, and incomplete descriptions of the 'techniques'. Many will have missing weeks. ANY missing stats or weeks should be automatic disqualification. Also, the randomly picked winners, usually 2 or 3 per month, have serious flaws with their grows as well. One month a 10th place was awarded to a guy with a half assed diary, a 20g plant, and it was infested with thrips at harvest! How the heck does that get judged as having "exquisite grow technique". The plant was garbage, the diary was garbage, yet was picks as a winner of a contests that states the winners are selected by this criteria: "Top representatives of genetics, best journals and performers of exquisite grow techniques". Of all the winners month after month only one or two may actually meet this standard. I look at most of the diaries every month in the contest for diary of the month and am constantly amazed at what ends up picked as the winners. Underdeveloped, tortured and abused plants are being recognized as 'winners'. Bro-gro science is heralded by the majority on here. I guess since the world is upside down, and crap is king, this makes sense. Another example of this is when a diary is awarded yet has zero stats (wet weight, dry weight etc) or the stats are purely bogus such as 10th place for the contest 12/20. 2,000 grams is the total dry weight of one plant. obviously a typo, but how can it win in a contest with dozens of others with accurately entered statistics. its obviously flawed and should not be rewarded. More examples are when the review is only one sentence long and each week only has short meaningless single sentences can they be considered as a best journal? If GD doesn't have the manpower or interest in having actual quality plants and diaries rewarded, then just be honest and say that 6-8 winners are chosen if they are well known to the most "popular" growers on the sight and that 2-3 will be chosen at random. I doubt this will be very popular, so just pick the winners at random and state that as the criteria for the contest. "Top representatives of genetics, best journals and performers of exquisite grow techniques" as the stated criteria for winners is easily seen as a lie when applied to most of the winners. I would also suggest making the use of spam bots impossible. If not remove the monikers of Newbie, apprentice, master etc. It is meaningless. Some of the worst growers on this site are Grand Masters and Gurus. Its based on the number of "likes" they receive and promotes the practice of using spam bots or manually carpet bombing others diaries with meaningless praise to garner more "likes". The site is a great platform for showing off and documenting your grow. It blows all other old style forum type grow sites away. It helps me improve my plants and ads to my knowledge from those few that actually are good at what they are doing (sadly there are very few true green thumb horticulturalists active on this site). Sure there are lots of people new to growing, but rewarding crap doesn't improve cannabis growing techniques, its retarding it. Awarding diaries that don't meet one or all of the stated criteria is unfair to those that do.
@Weird_Jimmy, thank you for your comment. I think we share the same opinion. Most "grand master, gurus" and contest-winners on this platform aren't even good growers.... some grows of them look awful but still winning prices... Makes no sense at all. Growdiaries I hope you read that: your contests are some kind of fake bullshit and the prices you offer, are pretty much worthless. If offering seeds then let your contest-winners choose them instead of offering them the crap you don't sell!
@Weird_Jimmy thanks for posting this. Disclaimer: I haven’t been on here long; I’m just finishing up my first diary on GD (but not my first grow). So I haven’t seen the depth of what you’re describing firsthand, but I can believe it since I’ve already seen what appears to be dubious or rather curious results in some contests-not that I have participated in many but still, I would say I agree with your sentiments 100%. The criteria for being judged are sometimes quite vague and the winners at the end don’t necessarily appear to display any more matching of the criteria than some other entrants. I’m not saying that I have personally seen “bad” grows get rewarded, but I would agree that transparency would be great. If a grow is rewarded for its “quality display of hard work and quality results”, that should be celebrated in a way that people can be attracted to learn from the content; for example, some descriptions from the “judges” on why that diary was selected would be helpful so people can actually refer to that grow and perhaps learn something from it. If I see a diary get awarded, I would expect there would be a reason for me to dive deep into the content and see if I can learn something. And I would expect that the creators and moderators of GD would agree with that notion since it appears that they have created this platform to encourage a community to thrive and grow (pardon the pun). So I guess I assume that they will do something, or at least I hope so and I believe they have the capability. Whether or not they have the capacity to make this better, and where this lies on their priority list, is a different story.
@Weird_Jimmy, thanks. Your journals are very detailed and you got some nice looking flowers. Not sure how they decide the diaries each month.
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A final harvest page for multi strain diaries. That you can put each weight in and get a true gram per watt, gram per metre squared etc.
@HighFromHome,With you on this. I had 9 plants in my space at one point all under a single SP3000. The results are not representable to the way the grow happened ATM. Great idea.👍
A daily feeding display rather then the week total. Some days I feed just water other times some npk. Other days maybe some beneficials. I think for people trying to read a diary and gauge what was done to get that result seeing the day to day feed would be better. Does that even make sense.🤔😂🤣
3029 kilograms / 83 762 hectares ? what's that in gram / meter ? 😅
Nice statistics ;)
Hi i would like to see a breakdown on substrate type for soil, ie what brand of soul is used canna, foxfarms etc ✌️
A nice thing that can be added, which goes beyond the cultivation itself, would be the possibility of inserting a bio on the main page of each grower..Instagram style.. To make each profile more "human" and personalized Also it would be nice if, the winning diaries, were recognizable by adding for example a small cup in the top corner of each main photo... show RQS in the genetics reported on their site that have won Cup..or something in any case similar 🏆 For the rest, great work and congratulations to the whole team for always looking for improvements 👌💯 KAIZEN way :)
I would say the best thing was to fill in a germination Button....... i always had trouble with documenting stuff before they show up And to give every grower 100 growquestions instead of 1 per month that was grea t @Growdiaries
Congratulations to all 👏
Iam having some funny Facts too @GrowDiaries You are having severe Problems with your Site// customer Service I dont want to talk about the lack of secure Website until September. Iam talking about , the Outtakes of the abilitiy to LOG IN MY ACCOUNT PLS fix it Greetings MRS.Larimar