
Are you serious, WhiteWidow? Update in AWARDS is coming

Hello Growers,

We've got a serious thing to discuss with you today. Hopefully this post will serve helpful to all of us. It is about the part of this website that you all like and talk about the most; the AWARDS. 

Earlier today, our Team has encountered an acquisition that we just couldn't let go unnoticed and left without some kind of commentary from our side. Here it is:

First of all, we would like to say that here on this website we welcome good vibes only. That is to say, @WhiteWidow, we value your presence, we are happy you are here, and by no means we intent to limit your opinion and freedom of stating your point of view. However,  while making pubic statements  about our professionalism and overall worthiness of the GD Team, please keep in mind that there are healthier and much benevolent ways to express your thoughts, and we are not going to tolerate such irrespective and unsupported by any evidence proclamations.

There are dozens of ¨enthusiastic dudes¨ here who help us make this platform better, more useful, more beautiful every day by leaving their feedback, reporting bugs, and contributing to the community. To name a few, @BigDaddyK, @DabCrab, @rdrunner, @CANNASIM, @Tripaholic88, @Tenacious_Trichomes and other amazing growers regularly report problems and leave interesting ideas and suggestions. The GD Team also works hard to make this website not only to stand out and be a useful tool to track grows but also to reward our community with prizes, giveaways, connections with various brand representatives and so on. 

Saying that we do not pay attention to what the community has to say is a completely untrue statement. We note everything;  your feedback, opinions, reports, and ideas are all heard, discussed and processed. In fact, GrowDiaries has made various public statements about the AWARDS section being in the process of updating at the moment. We are aware of the issue with the contest, and we are open to hear out your ideas about how you would like to see this system perfected and impossible to circumvent. 

While the giveaway problem has understandably attracted an incredible amount of attention recently, we decided to reveal a couple of NEW aspects of the contest that will be implemented by the next month.

  1. Each user will only have 1 vote. 
  2. There will be a list of voters in which you'll be able to see which grower voted for which Diary.
  3. Votes will be permanent.
  4. We will implement a complaint button to the messenger with which you'll be able to report those users who spam or wish to bypass the system by asking to exchange votes.

Regarding the AWARDS, there are even more contests and giveaway to come. Just stay present and you will see a lot of amazing stuff happening here. Please be kind and respectful to each other, and to our team. Once again, this community is all about sharing. We are always happy to share our work with you, and all we ask in exchange is a piece of appreciation of what we are all creating here. 

Another feature we are working on that also proves that we monitor each and every of you request is that we will be finally making a GROUP CHAT! 

To wrap it all up, we thank @WhiteWidow and the rest of you for bringing up this problem, and ask you all to excuse us for the inconveniences that have been caused by certain damages in our system. Let us know what you have in mind! GD is open to TRUE criticism, as we believe it leads to progress. Together we will make it all work perfectly, for sure. But, hey, let's just do it with love, patience and appreciation.


GD Team


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Guys we all understand that this is a growing community , and are grateful for all your efforts, this is by far the best format to upload a concise and helpful aid to other growers,I personally thank you all , it is true there are a few comments made that are getting towards crossing the line, but i feel i must point out that many users here, might have a few issues , maybe physical maybe mental, I have been there in depression, life isnt always a box of chocolates, I am trying to provide some knowledge so that hopefully you can find the strains you need. Please feel free to share or post or whatever you like with my pictures and diaries,this is my gift to you all. #sharetheknowledge ps you could just move the complain button further away from reply :)
@BigDaddyK, Right on BigDaddy, I know exactly what you are talking about. I had depression myself, at least that's what the doctor said, and was prescribed a lot of anti depression drugs. I basically became a zombie for 3 years!!! Lost my girlfriend, wasn't doing great at work. Basically I went cold turkey one day and stop all my meds, I became very moody, arguing with people about nothing. And I stumbled across this website and articles on the beneficial qualities of cannabis. So I went out got a licence to grow and started growing my first grow here on the site. It took me 16 weeks in total and I got a lot of help from fellow growers. All the users I have encountered here have good vibes, are helpful to one another, mature and composed. I mean there are always this kid inside us that would joke around but that's all good. This is a growing community and I think it is working fine. There will always be people spamming and cheating, that's just the world we live in and I think we are all responsible and smart enough to deal with this in a mature manner. So changing the system because of them (very few ppl) might not be the best way, because they will figure out a way to cheat the system again. So maybe adding some complain/report and penalty system would be a more efficient and sustainable way forward. Just my two cents... Happy Growing BM PS user feedback is important, but I am sure the GD team have longer term plans and visions for the company that the users don't know. So stay your course and do whatever you guys have been doing, because you guys are doing a phenomenal job!!!!! THANK YOU GD TEAM!!!!
@BigDaddyK, haha. The number of times I've gone to like something and almost hit complain
@GrowDiaries You are making a really consistent job, in end of the day is impossible to make β€œGreece and Troy” happy. It amazes me how fast you work to improve the platform in which is everyday becoming better and better. Unparalleled graphics and a consistent UI give life to a solid space to share and learn from tallented growers, keep it up this great work! πŸ‘‹πŸ»πŸ™ƒπŸ‘ŠπŸ» The build in Group chat will be really appreciated and like a lot the new voting dinamics! πŸ™ŒπŸ» One thing i would like to suggest that you might think about for the future are, other types of contests, maybe optional, like callenges, where is set a beggining date, and growers might subscribe to participate. As an banal example β€œX months solo cup challange” and so on, so there would be a series fun gameplays to be choosen, challenges migh be individually sponsored. Be well, all the best! Cheers! πŸ‘ŠπŸ»πŸ‘ŠπŸ»πŸ™ƒπŸ™ƒ
@CANNASIM, I totally agree!!! If you guys go IPO I would def invest in this :) Just a joke.... But seriously you guys have a phenomenal team. Keep up the good work!!!! Happy Growing BM
@CANNASIM, Challenges is a great idea. Something we've been doing on another board for awhile. Also grow-along where we choose a strain, pot size, substrate etc and then all get those seeds in the ground on the same day. Much more cooperative and far more camaraderie.
@WhiteWidow, it is a lot of work to administrate a website bro, there's so many things to do. On my side GD has always fixed the bugs that I have reported to them. It takes time to fix all the lil thing that must be fixed, and usually when you fix something on one side another thing goes wrong on the other side ... You don't need to fight or argue for contests result, this website is full of sponsors exploring your dairies folks, if you're good enough they will contact you and ask you if you could be interested by trying their Seeds or Nutrients. Just stay cool 😎 grow nice plants and the goodies will come to your front door by their own with no votes and no likes πŸ˜‰ @GrowDiaries, I don't know how many you guys are, but you're doing a great job. Maybe it would be time to present the GD Team. GROUP CHAT is gonna be awesome, you might need some @dmins on the chat in case if there's any trolls.
@JUNGLE_B4RNS, It’s true that if you keep a nice diary, there are some nice sponsors here who might pass you goodies to try.
I am new here so what ever complaints are being voiced are above me. My only complaint is that I just found this site a few weeks ago! From all I've seen so far this site is kick ass! I have always logged my grows so that isn't new to me, but the fact that I can now do so in a community of other growers is great, and for that I am grateful for this site. Yeah the contests are cool, but the knowledge I have the potential to gain is even cooler. I sucks to be a grower stuck in a universe where there is one grower with no others to help hone my skills or work through problems when I just can't figure it out. So like I said I am grateful that I found this site, Thank you for providing it.
i like it! good job @GrowDiaries, there will be less chance to win again BUT now other growers also get a chance at winning. hopefully no more vote exchanging and vote for a diarie that you really like πŸ‘Œ keep up the good work! πŸ‘
I believe changes are needed. I know you're on the right track Grow Diaries. I wanna say Thank You for the great platform you've given us. I really appreciate all the hard work from everyone at Grow Diaries. Through you I met a lot of great people. I just want to say Thank You very much for all you do. I wish everyone here would focus on growing Instead of just winning a contest. I understand the prizes are great, actually unbelievable. And of course who doesn't want to win. I believe I'm a winner just for being here. And being able to use this unbelievable platform. I only want to ask one thing of you. Please keep the interviews coming. I really enjoy and look forward to learning about people and friends. Again THANK YOU for everything GD is doing and has done. πŸ‘ŠπŸ˜Ž
@GrowDiaries, I thank you from the bottom of my heart, And I'm sure a lot of other people do too.
@Teamdirtbag2, we will continue on with the interviews!
Well said - One suggestion for the awards would be to hide the votes until after voting is completed, and randomize the order of the diaries each time the page loads, so that the diaries at the end of the list have the same chance of being viewed and voted on as the ones that default to the top of the list.
@thephalanx420, great suggestions, definitely noted!
@thephalanx420, this shoul be on your list too @GrowDiaries
I am a stoner since stoners dont fight... So STFU and take my joint ;) Anyway... Permanent votes go a long way i think. And folks will vote for folks they know anyway. Keep up the good work... The site keeps improving :P
@rdrunner, RIght on man!!! They should make some Cannabis/Stoner emojis so we can pass joints virtually!!! LOL Happy Growing BM
The growing pains have caused relatively little suffering for me here on GrowDiaries. You folks are doing a great job. It’s good for all of us to remember to be a little more kind and respectful to one another with our language and remember that we grow cannabis, in part, because it teaches us to chill the f*#% out.
@TheFairyBudMother, Woop woop! ✊ Preach!
Let's face it, there's no other platform like this. You've filled a gap in the market that needed filling. I wish I'd thought of the idea first. You're all doing a great job, and you can't please everyone. For me, the two things that don't work are 1) the overall negativity on this site. Big turn off. I've not been here long but it doesn't feel great. Very competitive too. 2) the overall vastness of the community. Maybe that starts to feel smaller the more people you actually get to know. Like living in a big city. Id rather just say thanks for the great tool. I'll continue to record my grows for my own benefit.
@GrowDiaries , you r making this platform everyday better and better. πŸ‘ŠπŸΌπŸ˜Ž thanks to all GD team for their great work! πŸ‘πŸΌ
@GrowDiaries...I will be more than happy to give any and all changes to the awards section a fair and honest review and I think it will take a collective effort as a community to dial it in and find and fix the loop holes...I was kinda uncomfortable with were the awards thread was headed last month and had kinda already posted but I have a few things to add...I think its fair to say that the community as a whole thinks COMPLETE diaries should only be able to run id its not an official rule can we please make it one...maybe someone could check the diaries over one at a time at the last day of entry and boot the ones that don't meet the critiria...more work on your end but would save some drama no doubt...we as a community could also have it a rule if you know you shouldn't be in it but accidently made it in by some kind of mistake that you can change you diary name to DISQUALIFIED so that the GD team sees it and knows to pull it...and like I said I love it here and no matter what GD changes we will all have to still use a little honesty and give them a hand from time to time when we can to dial this thing in real good...I think changing up the grower of the month award should no longer be for the most comment likes but the grower who gets the most likes on their diary in that would make the term "Grower Of The Month" have a more true meaning...doesn't matter if you harvest or if your in the awards section or not...if you get the most likes on your diary in the month you win...this would be a pleasant shift from trolling for likes to good old fashioned growing...exactly what this site is supposed to be about!!!! At any rate with the changes you've mentioned and the new contests and giveaways I'm excited to see what you guys have coming and thanks for your work and dedication!!!!
Thanks @GrowDiaries for the shoutout. I really do try and be helpful.... sometimes 😈 I have to say. I'm alright with 1 vote and votes being permanent, seems like the correct course of action. I feel iffy about the complaint button. Not to say it's not a good feature but to say that it's obvious you guys are going to have your work cut out for you. It's obvious the top two winning diaries from this month have messaged maybe over 50+ people to attempt to get more votes this month. Whats the punishment for this sort of thing going to be? I'm hoping removal from the contest or something because it is indeed getting very serious. As for the list of voters.... I don't think that everyone should be able to see who voted for who..... I think thats a little un-democratic. I do however think that each person should be able to see who voted for them, that'd be nice. All in all I think these are some pretty good changes but we really will need to crack down on people trading and begging for votes. I've got screenshots from a lot of people that show a few individuals repeatedly asking for votes and likes as well as trying to trade and or buy votes. Not to harp on the subject... I just want people to know that this is serious. The top slot has gone to people begging for votes for almost 5 months now with the exception of August because we all know @ Cannasim didn't go around asking for votes, he's too cool for that, lol. We just gotta be watchful....
Madness lol sounds better
@biggreens420, yes, sounds like a better controlled environment that will reduce the number of arguments and fights over nonsense things, and make us invest all our energy and focus specificly to our grows
well done @GrowDiaries keep up the good work
Peace, i meant no bad thing. That day was fileld with bullshit and i exploded. I apologize to team and to every grower here.. It is just that you have a system that leads to open fights and argues, and you still cant admit it even though we all know i am right. Again i repeat, i rlly didnt think anything bad and i know i overreacted. I even removed my diary from this months voting coz your system enabled me to be "cheater", something a lots of ppl are doing.
2. There will be a list of voters in which you'll be able to see which grower voted for which Diary. Maybe this is not the best option, because when you see who voted for you, then you can make contact with them - vote for vote. I see "JohnnyBravo9385" gives me vote, next day I give vote to him. Or next month. 4. We will implement a complaint button to the messenger with which you'll be able to report those users who spam or wish to bypass the system by asking to exchange votes. How will you decide which report is true, which is not? Personal messages are personal. You are not allowed to see them, right? They are not personal if you can look into them. Maybe just turn off messages it better than this. @GrowDiaries
@KonopCh, @Tazard1 we won't be reading private correspondence but if the issue occurs, we will have to conduct an investigation and take further actions.
@KonopCh, (f) Information You Provide About a Third Party You may send someone else a communication from the Service, such as sending an invitation to a friend. If so, the information you provide (names, email addresses, mobile number, etc.) is used to facilitate the communication and is not used by us for any other marketing purpose unless we obtain consent from that person or we explicitly say otherwise. Please be aware that when you use any send-to-a-friend functionality on our Service, your email address, mobile number, name or user name and message may be included in the communication sent to your addressee(s).
@KonopCh, πŸ˜‚
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I think the number of votes should stay the same but make them permanent, also change is good (but seriously to much is never good).... When I 1st started on hear I really enjoyed it and the way things where and tbh now the though of even updating my diary annoys me, Can't keep everyone happy a guess
@JieGrow,some people want to know the substrate temperature, it's not compulsory 😜
@JieGrow,if you leave it blank it does not appear πŸ‘
@GrowDiaries, just that your adding a lot of stuff into it that most people don't have the means of doing ((I think it's a really good thing everything you've added like wet weight and dry Ect but I think most thing like ((SOLUTION TEMPERATURE, SUBSTRATE TEMPERATURE)) things like that should be optional so I can remove it..... I understand that's a part of growing and there will be a lot of people doing it? The I've yet to talk to anyone that dose this and I've talk to a lot of people lol... And I also think this new voting system is seriously daft.... Your changing your site based on people cheating and arguing instead of punishing the people that are being cheeky/aggressive or suspected of cheating.... The voting system works fine, regardless what you do people will always vote for there friends.... People will always ask for votes there is absolutely nothing wrong with this ((I asked for votes last time, but I reached out to people I knew and people I had talked to and asked them to look at my diary and if they thought my diary was worth a vote)) it was a way of getting people to look at my grow as when your not master grower or had a interview for all to see or you've not been about for ages or have a lot of friends on GD or have the time and knowledge to help other growers you don't get noticed.... I've seen a full 12 week grow with like 3 comments πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ like seriously... There is a simple option to all this.... Keep the vote system the same but make them permenent.... And yous (GD check every vote to make sure know ones cheating.. So people don't have fake hardly active accounts) If anyone argues or fights they get 3 warnings then delete there account, Fucking hell we're all adults but yet most are acting like kids some times, there is hardly anywhere you can click now with out seening people argue over absolutely nothing 😐 ✌️🏼️☺️ "or why not remove the vote system, keep diary of the month and GD and the sponsors pick the winners," this would take away people trying to cheat people arguing and so on like asking for votes.... Ps. One stressed out dyslexic grower πŸ˜‚ And yes I had to Google dyslexic for the spelling.... Someone pass me a joint lol
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2. There will be a list of voters in which you'll be able to see which grower voted for which Diary. Maybe this is not the best option, because when you see who voted for you, then you can make contact with them - vote for vote. I see "JohnnyBravo9385" gives me vote, next day I give vote to him. Or next month. 4. We will implement a complaint button to the messenger with which you'll be able to report those users who spam or wish to bypass the system by asking to exchange votes. How will you decide which report is true, which is not? Personal messages are personal. You are not allowed to see them, right? They are not personal if you can look into them. Maybe just turn off messages it better than this. @GrowDiaries
@KonopCh, we are on their (GD) system what would make you think that they can't access any portion of "their" system?
Awesome site for us rookies! I learn something every visit, thanks.