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February with Paradise Seeds and Bio Tabs

Hello Growers,

GD in collaboration with Paradise Seeds and Bio Tabs got some fantastic stuff for you this this month!

Diary of the Month is about to be LIT!

Amazing Bio Tabs!

1x Startpack ( all basic product of Biotabs)
1x Boom Boom spray 100ML
1X Pk Compost tea Booster 750 ML
1x Silicium Flash 2500 ML
1 x Biotabs promotional mug
1 x Biotabs sweat shirt/ t-shirt
1x Biotabs clipper lighter 

Our old friends Paradise Seeds!

5-pack Nebula (Feminized)
5-pack Dutch Dragon (Feminized)
3-pack Acid (Feminized)
3-pack Wappa (Feminized)

Who is in? Comment below NOW! We wanna know our harvesters this month!

Grower of the Month will also get some awesome grow swag this month  :)

Bio Tabs:

1x Startpack ( all basic product of Biotabs)
1x Boom Boom spray 100ML
1X Pk Compost tea Booster 750 ML
1x Silicium Flash 2500 ML
1 x Biotabs promotional mug
1 x Biotabs sweat shirt/ t-shirt
1x Biotabs clipper lighter

Paradise Seeds:

5-pack Sensi Star (Feminized)
5-pack Atomical Haze (Feminized)
5-pack Nebula (Feminized)
5-pack Wappa (Feminized)

Another ‘Newbie of the Month’ this Month sponsored by our great Partners - Paradise Seeds!

We love this contest because it so inspiring! If you came to this website to start your first Diary and it's your FIRST GROW EVER (meaning you are a complete newb in growing  and have never grown a weed plant before) this contest is FOR YOU!

JOIN and you can win:

3-pack Pandora (Autoflowering Feminized)
3-pack Auto Wappa (Autoflowering Feminized)
3-pack Belladonna (Feminized)
3-pack White Berry (Feminized)
3-pack Jacky White (Feminized)

Good luck to all! Follow us everywhere and share your love and support!


GD Team


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BudKingsGrowcommented7 years ago
Amazing Contest this Month!! I'm really really hoping my Amnesia Haze finally decides Shes ready for harvest this month so I can enter Diary of the Month!! She's been crazy long so far and has no Amber Tichs yet, so I've no clue if She will finish in time!! Good Luck everyone and thanks to the sponsors for being Amazing!! 😍
biggreens420commented7 years ago
@BudKingsGrow,she's a beast bro u should do well
FirstTimeGrowercommented7 years ago
Hey everyone if i started my diary last month will I still be enteredfor newbie contest; It is indeed my first ever grow(hints my name :) ). Good luck to all aswell who are in the competition! Love this site, such helpful people here! -FirstTime
FirstTimeGrowercommented7 years ago
@biggreens420, Thank you! ALWAYS helpful!! -FirstTime
biggreens420commented7 years ago
@FirstTimeGrower,it does if your a newbie on your first grow u can enter the newbie competition or u can enter the normal monthly contest up to u cheers for the kind words glad u enjoyed it💪
FirstTimeGrowercommented7 years ago
@Germbucket, thank you germ, you definitely cleared up my question! -FirstTime
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JUNGLE_B4RNScommented7 years ago
Woaw excellent, I'm harvesting my crop this month. As I didn't get last seeds ( Chong's Packs has been stolen during delivery... ) it makes another occasion to get some Paradise Seeds.
JUNGLE_B4RNScommented7 years ago
@Short_N_stockY,all the chances are on your side with your high quality pictures.
Short_N_stockYcommented7 years ago
@JUNGLE_B4RNS, I’m harvesting my Durban poison this month too. There goes my chance of winning going against you 😂. I should still be a newbie
BudKingsGrowcommented7 years ago
@JUNGLE_B4RNS, Well that's just crap man!!! I just cant understand dishonest people like that... Dont they understand that Karma is gonna get them back?!! Sorry man 😟
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Daboutcommented7 years ago
Really cool prizes this month, will be joining my first competition this month 😇
FirstTimeGrowercommented7 years ago
@SadBoyDabs710, goodluck!!!! :)
ScotlandDrGreen420commented7 years ago
My harvests ain't due until March then April :( maybe next time .
Socalbudzcommented7 years ago
New to the grow diary here. Im on my 2nd grow, first time outdoor and first time growing from seed. Harvest should be just a couple weeks away. Happy growing everyone
Lucky777commented7 years ago
@Short_N_stockY, I’m in SoCal as well, good to see us Repping!
Short_N_stockYcommented7 years ago
@Socalbudz, Welcome! Another socal grower 👍
Jaindohcommented7 years ago
hoping my furthest Alien vs Triangle makes me eligible XD all you guys want the seeds and nutes i'm in it for the sweet clipper lighter bro
Lindsay420commented7 years ago
@Jaindoh,a good lighter never goes astray :) I've always got seeds but Jesus sometimes a lighter is like finding an extinct species 😂😂
MG2009commented7 years ago
Im In good luck to all🙌
Lindsay420commented7 years ago
Some verry nice stuff up for grabs this month :) good luck guys and well you already know the sponsors and grow diaries rock for offering us these awsome opurtunities to win even after we get and awsome harvest :) say il be in for next month with the GDP but I'm not fussed at all :) it's worth the wait
unknown23commented7 years ago
Hello guys, check-out my 1st indoor Blueberry Bliss in COCO , LED 400w. past year i planted an outdoor of Blueberry Bliss, and liked a lot this strain , so i decided to try indoor for the first time, you can check too my 3rd generation of Blueberry in week 2 now.
Goatimuscommented7 years ago
Newb here those prizes look good wouldn't mind me a selection of seeds for my next grow, although will have to ditch the space bucket for a tent.
SKYWALKER1980commented7 years ago
good luck all maybe this month ahaha👌
BigDaddyKcommented7 years ago
I haven't seen paradise seeds before , good luck all 👍
GanjafarmerNLcommented7 years ago
Im in guys im reddy to harvest is a few days
biggreens420commented7 years ago
Some good prizes game on guys happy growing
420_liquidsuncommented7 years ago
Good luck to everyone! Will be in the next competition.. happy growing and thank you to @growdiaries for creating amazing opportunities for all community
Herbalizecommented7 years ago
Here are some great prizes again this month! GD always does the best to reward us! It's really awesome ! 👏 I wish good luck and good harvest to all participants 👊
Canna420ukcommented7 years ago
new to the grow diaries, on our 5th grow, referred to by a friend. hoping to get the gist this soon 😆
Lucky777commented7 years ago
Good luck everyone! I’m not close enough, maybe next time
UKautocommented7 years ago
Good luck everyone some decent prizes there 👌🏻