
How to Upgrade Your Grow Lights?

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Added 28 April 2024

Upgrading your grow lights is a crucial decision for any cannabis cultivator, but it's not a choice to be made lightly. Knowing when and how to upgrade can significantly impact your plant's growth and overall yield, whether you're a seasoned grower or just starting. 

In this guide, we'll explore the signs that indicate it's time for an upgrade, what to look for in new lights, and which type of lights may best suit your needs. Here’s how to upgrade your cannabis grow lights. 

The Significance of Grow Lights in Indoor Gardening

The Significance of Grow Lights in Indoor Gardening

Growing plants indoors is becoming very popular these days. Whether you're growing your favorite cannabis plants, herbs, vegetables, or decorative plants indoors, ensuring the proper amount and quality of light is crucial for the plant's well-being. This is where grow lights come into play.

Here's why grow lights are so important, especially if you want to grow any type of plant indoors:

  • Photosynthesis

Light is important for plants to conduct photosynthesis, a process through which they convert light into chemical energy for survival. Since you won't have sufficient sunlight indoors, grow lights can aid the plants with photosynthesis by enabling them to create sugars and oxygen essential for their growth. By delivering a combination of red, blue, and sometimes green light, these lights enhance the process of photosynthesis leading to better growth rates and healthier plants.

Although plants receive light from grow lights, also known as artificial lights, they will still be able to grow well compared to plants with less or no light at all. Light helps with plant metabolism by influencing processes like photosynthesis, respiration, and hormone production. Therefore, grow lights play a crucial role in accelerated root development, sturdier stems, and larger leaves.

  • Spectrum

While natural sunlight is ideal for growing plants due to its spectrum for photosynthesis, indoor environments often lack consistent sunlight. Grow lights step in to provide the wavelengths that plants require to thrive.

Grow lights are crafted to replicate sunlight’s spectrum that incorporates both ultraviolet (UV) and Infrared (IR) wavelengths. Various types of grow lights emit different spectrums, so you can select the one that's suitable for you, based on your plant's requirements. For instance, full-spectrum LED grow lights encompass all wavelengths, closely resembling sunlight.

In addition, cannabis plants have requirements based on factors like species, growth stage, and environmental conditions. Grow lights are so flexible that you can adjust lighting conditions to meet each plant's needs. They also give you the option to play around with the spectrums. Different kinds of grow lights emit light spectrums, each with its advantages for plant growth. For instance, red light is vital for encouraging flowering and fruiting while blue light boosts growth and leaf formation. Grow lights with adjustable settings enable you to fine-tune the light spectrum based on your plant's unique requirements at various growth stages. This customization guarantees that plants get a mix of wavelengths for photosynthesis and overall well-being.

Another advantage of utilizing grow lights is the increase in flowering and fruit production. The type of light spectrum and its intensity directly affect the flowering phase and fruit formation in plants. In cannabis plants, you can expect more buds if you provide the ideal spectrum necessary for flowering. 

  • Consistency

What's more, grow lights help with consistency as the light is pretty much the same throughout the year, regardless of the seasons outdoors. This reliability is essential for gardening setups where natural sunlight may not be sufficient during certain periods. For example, sunlight isn't consistent throughout the year, so you need to plan before planting seeds. Natural sunlight is limited during cold winters, so your plants won't get adequate light outdoors. 

However, with grow lights, there are no such limitations. You can also utilize automated lighting systems to ensure that plants get the same amount of light each day which helps in promoting growth and consistent yields. This way, you can expect to harvest throughout the year. Plus, this is a huge advantage for those residing in regions with challenging weather patterns. 

  • Flexible

Moreover, you have more control over grow lights. Unlike sunlight which varies in intensity and duration due to changes in weather patterns, grow lights empower you to tailor your lighting setup according to your plant's specific requirements.

For example, while some plants thrive in bright light or lights with high intensity, other plants or cannabis strains may not appreciate it. In such cases, you can tweak the intensity by adjusting the distance between the plants and the lights. You can also use lights that come with a dimmer option as cannabis plants have different requirements during their growing and flowering stages.  

  • Targeted Placement 

Unlike sunlight which you can't control, you can target light precisely where it is most needed when using grow lights. This is especially useful in grow tents where certain areas have limited light or where light penetration is insufficient. 

By placing grow lights in specific areas, you can ensure that every part of the plant receives proper light leading to more even growth and increased yields overall.

  • Maximize Space

In gardening, especially when you're doing it indoors, space is a crucial resource and effectively maximizing it is essential for successful cultivation. Grow lights are essential because they provide lighting solutions that help growers maximize their space effectively.

Firstly, grow lights differ from sunlight by delivering light directly to plants below. This focused light ensures that each plant receives the light for photosynthesis without wasting energy on other areas. This allows growers to place plants together without concerns about shading or uneven lighting.

  • Supports Different Ways of Cultivation

One key benefit of grow lights is their support for different growing systems, even if you want to grow plants vertically. Vertical gardens utilize space in a unique manner by growing plants vertically, rather than using horizontal space. By placing grow lights on the sides of stacked plant shelves, all levels receive consistent light coverage enabling growers to cultivate more plants in a smaller area. This approach is especially advantageous for those where space is so limited that vertical growing is the only option. 

You can save space further by opting for compact lights that don't compromise on the intensity or spectrum. LED grow lights, for instance, are often sleek and lightweight, making them easy to install on walls, ceilings, or adjustable arms. These small designs are ideal for spaces where every bit of room matters. Some grow lights come with designs that can be expanded as required, so you upscale your indoor gardens without occupying additional space.

  • Efficient Light Distribution 

Grow lights are designed to spread light uniformly across an area, ensuring each plant receives sufficient illumination. By eliminating shadows and dim areas, you can utilize the growing space effectively. This effective light distribution ensures that even plants positioned on the perimeters or corners of the growth area receive the level and intensity of light as those in the middle, maximizing space utilization.

Even if you have sunlight, grow lights can serve as supplemental lighting to enhance plant growth. They offer light even on cold and cloudy days or in shaded areas to ensure consistent growth and prevent plants from becoming leggy or weak.

Ultimately grow lights are tools for gardeners offering reliable, customizable, and efficient lighting to support healthy plant development and increase yields.

When to Upgrade Grow Lights?

When to Upgrade Grow Lights?

You don’t have to upgrade your grow lights just because a new trendy one is out in the market or you want the best. You’ll be surprised at how effective even the most basic CFL lights can be, depending on the nature of your cannabis setup. Instead, you need to look for viable reasons, which are as follows:

  • Small Leaf Growth 

One of the best reasons to upgrade your grow light is when your cannabis plant is growing small leaves. This is a sign that the plant is probably lacking enough energy to grow full-sized leaves

Light allows your cannabis plant to produce more leaves, so an upgrade can help you fix the problem. Remember, some strains inherently grow smaller leaves; make sure your cannabis strain isn’t one of them. 

  • Leaves Losing Color 

Similarly, a good reason to upgrade your grow lights is if the leaves are losing their color. Essentially, your cannabis plant uses chlorophyll to produce energy. If they don’t get enough light, they won’t perform well and start losing their deep green color. Eventually, the leaves may even start turning yellow. 

  • Plant Growing Leggy 

If your grow lights aren’t powerful enough, expect your cannabis plant to grow leggy. What’s happening here is that your cannabis plant is stretching to get closer to the light, giving it a leggy appearance. 

Leggy growth can make the plant grow taller, but not in a good way. It leaves more space between branches and leaves. This can make your plant not only look thin but produce poor yields. Remember, it won’t have enough energy to produce big buds! 

  • Soil Not Drying Fast Enough 

When you water your plant, the warm air dries out some of the water from the soil, but more than that, the plant absorbs the moisture that dries out the soil over time. Here’s the thing, water is a key element for photosynthesis. If there’s not enough light and not enough photosynthesis, your plant won’t absorb much water. 

This can cause the soil to stay wet for longer than necessary. Over time, this will not only lead to poor plant growth but also root rot in the soil. Just make sure this is not happening because your growing medium retains too much water, though. 

Once you upgrade your grow lights, you’ll notice that the soil will dry out faster, even if you are using LED lights that run much cooler than other types of grow lights. 

  • You Want Better Plant Growth

Apart from common problems, you may also want to upgrade your grow lights if you want to boost your plant’s growth. But here, you need to keep one thing in mind: grow lights should not be your first choice. It’s an expensive investment. 

Make sure you’ve used training methods and other practices that promise better yields with cannabis plants. Once you’ve nailed down the basics and have grown successful plants for a few seasons, you can think about upgrading the grow lights. 

On the contrary, if you get high-tech grow lights when you’re still learning the basics, your plant may not benefit from the light much. You’re simply wasting money at this point. 

By understanding the signs that indicate when an upgrade is necessary, such as small leaf growth, leaf discoloration, leggy plant growth, or slow soil drying, you can proactively address potential issues and make sure your plants grow well without such problems.

What to Look for in Grow Lights?

What to Look for in Grow Lights?

Whether you’re trying to fix a light-related problem or nailed the basics down, you can then start thinking of upgrading the grow lights. Here, you may not want to get the next big grow light. Instead, you need to consider a few factors and choose lights according to what you’re looking for. 

  • Heat 

Most grow lights produce heat, but some grow lights run cooler than others. For example, HPS and MH lights are notorious for heating a lot, followed by CFLs. LED grow lights run the coolest. 

So, one thing you should keep in mind is how the heat is dissipated. It’s not that LED lights don’t produce heat at all, they just run cooler compared to others. For example, HPS bulbs are encased in a hood, so they build up heat more, and LED lights usually come with heatsinks that dissipate the heat. CFL lights don’t have anything like that. 

  • Electrical Efficiency

The next reason why you may want to upgrade your grow lights is to save some money on energy bills, especially if you want to expand your setup. Here, CFLs are a good option but they don’t offer the same benefits as HPS lights. So, your best bet is LED grow lights that are super efficient and can shave off thousands of dollars from your energy bills in a year. 

  • Yield and Potency

If you want to upgrade your grow lights to improve the quality and quantity of your grow lights, things get a little tricky. By default, the best grow light for yield is HPS. They are efficient and produce high-quality light that boosts plants, making them a quick way to boost yields, too. 

On the other hand, if you want to improve the potency of your plants, you can upgrade to LED grow lights. They help cannabis grow more trichomes on the buds, thereby improving their natural odor and flavor. 

Another benefit of LED grow lights is that you can change the light spectrum with the click of a button. This can help you not only boost your plant’s growth during the growth stage but also boost potency during the flowering stage. Light spectrum plays a big role in plant growth, after all. 

Some growers may even benefit from using a combination of LED and HPS grow lights. Best of both worlds! Essentially, such a blend produces light that’s very similar to the natural sunlight during the autumn months — best for cannabis plants. 

Here’s one thing you must remember — your plant will eventually reach a saturation point when you start adding more lights. After that, they won’t benefit much. Usually, this happens when you have 100W/sq/ft of lights. In such a case, look into adding CO2 to your setup — it’s a terrific way of boosting yields

Which Grow Lights Should You Upgrade To? 

Which Grow Lights Should You Upgrade To? 

Improving your indoor plant kingdom with better grow lights can make a difference. The right lighting choice can boost your plant’s growth and even improve the yield. With a range of options to choose from, deciding on the right grow light can feel overwhelming. We’ve got your back. Here’s a breakdown of the types of grow lights to upgrade to. 

Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFLs)

Think of CFLs as reliable companions when it comes to growing lights. These efficient lights produce an output that is ideal for species with limited vertical clearance or those looking for a cheap lighting solution. 

These lights are incredibly affordable, readily available in every part of the plant, and emit less heat. It’s great for small-scale cannabis operations, especially if you’re limited in space. However, their gentle output may not always be sufficient for some cannabis strains. 

High Intensity Lights (HIDs)

If you’re looking for trusted performers, HID lights could be the solution. These have been tried and tested, standing the test of time, and have delivered a consistent light output that’s suited for optimal cannabis plant growth. 

These lights are especially great for growers who have at least 1.5 meters of vertical clearance, though. Fortunately, everything pays off since these lights are known for producing incredible yields. 

However, they do come with a few considerations. They produce a lot of heat, so you will need proper ventilation, which is essential for creating a comfortable environment for your plants. Plus, HID bulbs need regular replacement, which can add up to the overall cost. Also, they consume a lot of energy. 

LED Grow Lights 

Interested in embracing the future of cannabis gardening? LED grow lights are the way to go. These innovative lights are gaining popularity among growers for reasons. LEDs are the most energy-efficient option available resulting in lower electricity bills and a reduced environmental impact. 

Unlike lights that emit heat, LEDs produce less heat, allowing you to place them closer to your plants without risking damage like light burns. They also have an incredibly long lifespan, saving you money on frequent replacements. However, the significant advantage of LEDs is their versatility.

Traditional grow lights provide a specific spectrum output while LEDs offer the flexibility to adjust the light spectrum according to your plant’s requirements. This tailored approach can have an amazing impact on plant growth, flowering patterns, and the overall yield and quality of your harvest. Although LEDs come with a higher initial cost compared to CFLs or HIDs,  their longer lifespan and energy efficiency can help offset this investment in the long run.

Choosing The Right Grow Lights to Grow Cannabis

Choosing The Right Grow Lights to Grow Cannabis

Ultimately your decision should be based on your needs and priorities. Consider these factors when making a choice:

Ceiling Height

Not all grow lights are the same in terms of size and heat generation. Take into consideration the dimensions of your growing area and ceiling height to ensure that your chosen lights fit well without compromising plant safety.

Light Spectrum Requirements

The cannabis plant has different preferences for each of its growth stages when it comes to the light spectrum. Research the needs of your plants to determine whether a broad-spectrum light or a more focused LED solution would be most beneficial.

Energy efficiency and sustainability

If you prioritize reducing your environmental impact then LEDs emerge as the perfect choice. However, if you're concerned about costs, CFLs provide a cost alternative.

Your Budget

The prices of grow lights vary based on the technology and the features they offer. It's advisable to establish your budget in advance to streamline your selection process.

Keep in mind that switching to a different light source may not meet the requirements of your plants. It's essential to opt for a grow light that delivers the right intensity and spectrum for the development of your indoor plants. With some planning and this helpful guide, you'll be well-equipped to choose the ideal grow light for nurturing a flourishing cannabis garden.

Use Reflective Materials 

Use Reflective Materials 

Picture providing your cherished cannabis plants with a rich solution only to witness 30% of it going unused. Quite alarming! Similarly inefficient lighting can occur without reflection, causing valuable light to escape from your growing area, impacting both your utility expenses and crop yield.

The solution? Reflective materials play the role of superheroes in saving light by redirecting rays back to your plants where they need it the most. This can result in a 30% improvement in utilization, enhancing photosynthesis and promoting plants with the potential for increased yields. 

Let's delve into the choices for the best reflective materials that offset light wastage.

Mylar Film

Regarded as the frontrunner, this film exhibits light reflection capabilities of up to 97%. It is easily accessible and cost-effective in creating a lit space that's evenly illuminated. However, it's important to note that mylar is delicate and prone to tearing and creasing. Adequate ventilation is essential as mylar tends to retain heat.

Foylon Film

Think of foylon as an upgraded version of Mylar. This durable option incorporates a foil laminate for increased strength and ease of cleaning. Moreover, it maintains its color over time without fading. The only downside? Foylon comes at a higher price point compared to Mylar.

Panda Film

Black and white, Panda Film offers consistent light reflection ranging from 85% to 95%. It is also waterproof and sturdy, making it an excellent choice for covering grow rooms and greenhouses.

The bright side is positioned towards the source while the dark side blocks light from reaching the growing surface to prevent the growth of algae and weeds. Panda films can be easily purchased online at a decent price.

Orca Film

Similar to panda film, orca film has a combination of black and white colors. However, it goes a step further. The white side contains fibers for better light reflection (90% to 95%) and dispersion while also improving its durability. Orca film is resistant to mold and easier to clean compared to panda film. It comes with a higher price tag, though.

White Latex Paint

Consider opting for white latex paint as a cost-durable option. It reflects a decent amount of light (75% 85%). It also provides an even distribution of light, outperforming mylar. Moreover, white paint helps in temperature regulation by absorbing heat. 

For the best outcome, go for matte latex paint. Elastomer paints offer reflectivity of up to 90% and are resistant to mold, presenting another viable choice.

Budget Alternatives

  • Emergency blankets, crafted from mylar, offer light reflection (60% to 70%). While they may not be the best solution, they can serve as a temporary fix for smaller spaces.
  • Aluminum foil provides basic light reflection (55% to 60%). However, its effectiveness is somewhat limited. 

A crucial reminder: ensure adequate ventilation when using reflective materials to prevent heat buildup and maintain a comfortable environment for your plants.

Also, prioritize safety by opting for fire-resistant materials. When it comes to your plants, it's important to consider their needs. Some reflective materials, like orca film, can scatter light effectively. 

By choosing the right reflective material and ensuring good ventilation, you can make the most of light to support plant growth and potentially increase yields without spending a fortune!

Can you Use Side Lighting Along with the Main Grow Lights?

Can you Use Side Lighting Along with the Main Grow Lights?

Thinking about side lighting? It's what it sounds like — using LED or CFL lights placed on the sides of your cannabis plants. Picture bulbs or LED strips surrounding your plants, throwing light from the sides.

While some growers get fancy by using rotating side lights to mimic the sun’s movement for people, it is probably going a bit far for most growers. 

Side lighting isn't a surefire way to boost yields; it's like a companion that improves overall plant health and growth. The main advantage of side lighting is that it maximizes light exposure for photosynthesis. By providing light from all angles, you're helping your plants grow efficiently.

Remember, side lighting may not work for every situation. If you have limited space, side lighting may not be the best choice.

So, when Does Side Lighting Work Best?

Although not necessary for everyone, side lighting can make a difference in some scenarios:

Managing Tall Plants

Dealing with towering cannabis plants? The lower parts might lack light while you maintain the right distance for top growth. Side lighting steps in to ensure an even distribution of light across the plant.

CO2 Enhancement

Adding carbon dioxide to your growing environment boosts photosynthesis in your plants. But they will require more light. Side lighting complements this by offering supplemental light to maximize the benefits of CO2.

Consistent Bud Development 

Have you observed buds at different sections of your plants? They are usually not uniform; the upper tiers produce bigger buds. Side lighting can assist in achieving uniform bud size. By illuminating from the sides, it prompts branches to produce more consistent buds.

While side lighting can be an excellent tool, it's not a one-size-fits-all solution for every grower. Consider your space limitations and cultivation objectives to determine if they align with your cannabis growing setup.

Tip 1: Be Creative

When it comes to side lighting, a touch of creativity goes a long way. You have the option to string lights around your plants or set up custom stands — the decision is entirely up to you! Let your budget, DIY skills, and personal preferences steer you in the right direction.

Tip 2: Timing is Everything

It's best to hold off on adding canopy and side lighting during the seedling and early vegetative stages. At this juncture, your plants depend on hormones to grow upwards. Introducing side lights can throw them off track, resulting in irregular growth patterns. Additionally, young plants won't reap benefits from the added light.

Tip 3: Be Patient

Exercise patience! These methods truly come into their own during the vegetative stage and, beyond, when your plants are sufficiently developed to make good use of the extra light. Remember, just because you can increase the intensity doesn't always mean you should. Let your plant's requirements guide you.

By following these suggestions and selecting the right lighting arrangement, you can tap into the advantages of under canopy and side lighting, elevating your indoor cannabis cultivation game!

Summary: How to Upgrade Your Grow Lights?

In conclusion, upgrading your grow lights is not just about following the latest trends or cutting-edge technology. It's about recognizing the unique needs of your cannabis plants and providing them with the optimal conditions for growth and development. 

You must select the right type of grow lights after considering factors such as heat dissipation, electrical efficiency, yield, and potency. While CFLs, HPS, and MH lights have their advantages, LED grow lights offer unparalleled efficiency, a customizable light spectrum, and the potential for improved potency. 

Additionally, combining different types of lights, such as LED and HPS, can provide the best of both worlds and mimic natural sunlight for optimal plant growth. Again, this may not be possible for most growers but it’s worth a try if you’re in too deep with cannabis. 

Ultimately, upgrading your grow lights is an investment in your cannabis cultivation endeavors. It may require some research, planning, and financial investment, but the benefits in terms of healthier plants, higher yields, and energy savings can far outweigh the initial costs. 


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In a few years, there will bemuch more efficient LEDs on the market. Sience is making fast progress.
Paints can be an excellent light reflective source, but I don't recommend flat or matte flat unless on a ceiling. I'd use an eggshell, satin or semi-gloss for cleaning and or when things touch the walls it'll be more resistant to abrasion. What is the brightest white paint color? The paint colors with the highest LRV (aka, the brightest white) are Kelly Moore Whitest White (LRV: 94.6), Behr Ultra Pure White (LRV 94.4), Sherwin Williams High Reflective White (LRV: 93). I'd also like to contribute that blurple LED's are some of the most efficient lights I've used in the sense of heat, they seem to generate half the heat as white LED's. This in itself can save a grow operation a bundle of $$$ in reduced cooling cost. However the trade off is obviously worth noting due to our sight working under these spectrums, so a combo of both blurple and white work great for me. Interesting note, Samsung's horticulure LEDs revolve around the 437 nm wave length or blurple.