
Interview with Guru deFharo

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Added 16 June 2023

Hello everyone! We are so pleased to interview @deFharo — the Guru who revels in growing his cannabis organically, using bio-fertilizers he makes himself! Essentially, he treats his grow room like a natural forest! The photos speak for themselves. He has dropped a lot of gems throughout the interview, and we hope it will inspire anyone who loves organic cannabis gardening. 

Amnesia Haze by deFharo

1. Question: Hi deFharo! We are very excited to conduct this interview today. Your profile tells us a lot about your skills. Can you tell us a bit about yourself?

Answer: Hello there! I’m excited to be doing this interview as well. Thank you for checking out my profile. I grow my plants with much love and care, so it feels great when appreciated. 

There isn’t much to talk about myself other than the fact that I'm just a curious old smoker trying to supply myself with organic marijuana because I didn’t want to smoke street weed or whatever I used to get from dealers anymore. I am rebellious enough to do things my way but also humble enough to acquire and share knowledge. I live in the north of Spain between mountains and valleys.

2. Question: Why did you start cultivating cannabis?

Answer: I started growing indoors about four years ago. I had several motivations, but I just wanted to free myself from the dealers who sold low-quality weed. I also wanted to become self-sufficient and rely only on myself to get the best organic marijuana I had ever tasted. 

Most importantly, the temptation of having several strains to smoke that would have cost a bomb elsewhere was too hard to resist. I realized the weed I’d grow at home would be safe and reliable. I wouldn’t be able to say the same for the weed I got from dealers. 

However, I got to admit that I was actually looking for a manual or physical activity, along with some entertainment to keep myself occupied. I did this to slow down from another activity I had developed in recent years in the field of abstraction, and I decided to slow down. The pandemic accelerated this entire process.

Earlier, between the 80s and 90s, I grew African marijuana outdoors only with the help of the sun as I lived in a subtropical zone. I used a bit of sheep manure, and the seeds were souvenirs I had purchased during several trips to the African continent. To be honest, it was the best weed I have ever tasted, and I’m still looking for anything to come close to it. 

I am waiting for the marijuana that makes me remember those years.

Amnesia Haze deFharo

3. Question: How has cannabis helped you?

Answer: Marijuana has had a great effect on my life in various ways. As someone that loves smoking weed, I have also embraced it as a part of my life. Thankfully, my lifestyle allows me to smoke whenever and whatever I want. 

Cannabis makes me happy and keeps me entertained. I’m sure everyone loves to have a good time, and weed allows me to do just that. 

I find fulfillment and satisfaction in growing my own organic weed. It’s very satisfying to nurture a plant from seed to harvest and experience the fruits of my hard work. The entire growing procedure makes me appreciate the plant on a much deeper level.

I have also gained much experience and understanding in growing various strains without being concerned about the cost. I mean, I don’t have to tell you how much it would cost to purchase your favorite strains from dealers. This liberty to select and enjoy anything I want has enhanced my cannabis experience to another level.

It won’t be wrong to say that marijuana has not only brought enjoyment into my life, but it has actually let me take control. In short, it's absolutely an impressive plant that has actually improved my life in even more means than I could have pictured.

4. Question: Do you remember how and why you started using Growdiaries?

Answer: Definitely! I remember why I began utilizing Growdiaries. It started during one of the countless searches to know more about growing marijuana. I came across Growdiaries, and what fascinated me was how it seemed like an ideal system for recording and learning about growing cannabis.

I liked the site's premise, where you could track your plants with journals. It provided me with an organized method to arrange info and also progress better as a grower. Over time, I understood that this system and the responsibility to document my experiences were crucial in my evolution as an empirical grower.

Growdiaries became greater than just a tool for me. It became a source of expertise, a system to learn from others, as well as a location where I could share my own experiences. The community here was like the icing on the cake, as it added an additional layer of enjoyment and got me more involved in the entire procedure.

With Growdiaries, I've been able to link with fellow farmers, exchange pointers and tricks, and gain an understanding of various growing methods. It has absolutely been an enjoyable experience, and I have had a blast here. GD is an essential part of my growing journey, and I'm happy for the possibilities it has offered. 

Lemon Haze by deFharo

5. Question: What do you love about Growdiaries?

Answer: One thing I enjoy about Growdiaries is the unbelievable possibility it gives to share details with similar people from across the globe. It's amazing to be part of a community where enthusiastic cultivators exchange knowledge, experiences, and their shared love for cannabis;

I like how people respond to new growers and offer guidance. Like I said before, the way you can record and track your growing progress has been a game-changer for me. Uploading journals helps me monitor my development and easily access all the information I need in one location. Most importantly, it helps with my future grows as I know exactly what I’m supposed to do. 

To put it simply, GD acts as a continuous resource of inspiration to consistently improve and also push the borders of my own cultivation techniques.

Gorilla Glue by deFharo

6. Question: Do you cultivate in soil or hydroponically? Why?

Answer: I grow my plants in soil. My method is inspired by the concept of imitating the natural forest. I count on developing a well-balanced and successful environment for my plants where they can engage with the soil's rich microbiology, organic matter, and also minerals. It’s what I call 3M crops. 

I keep all the substrates of my plants covered (mulch) with organic matter. This technique has several important functions; it helps retain moisture in the upper part of the substrate, thus favoring microbial life and the growth of adventitious roots from the first centimeter of soil. Mainly, it serves as food for microbiology, which will happily work tirelessly for the plant, dissolving nutrients from the substrate and chelating minerals, maintaining a permanent symbiosis with the roots of the plants, and quickly and efficiently attending to all your nutritional needs.

I also like that cultivating in soil allows me to develop and preserve effective living substrates. These substrates play a crucial role in cultivating plants. Although I like to observe the concept of hydroponics, I don’t think I will ever grow my plants using that technique. Why? Well, I like to keep it simple and natural. 

Lemon Haze deFharo

7. Question: Do you train your cannabis plants? If yes, can you describe one technique that’s easy for even beginners?

Answer: I do train my cannabis plants out of a sheer need for space and production, although I often tend to decrease interfering with their growth. I choose methods that are simplistic and take minimal time. 

To train my plants, I use a 500-meter wire roll wrapped in paper and some clips. This technique may seem complicated, but it's exceptionally cost-effective and gets the work done.

To start, I bend the branches to the side of the container delicately. As you gain more experience, you can model the plant according to your preferences. Then, I keep bending the branches as the plant grows to develop more horizontal growth. I keep the wires in place with the clips so the branches don’t snap. 

I also cut the tops to reduce apical dominance to encourage a uniform canopy. This is best for light penetration that gives me big fat buds. Next, I make sure I give them as much light as possible. 

The appeal of this approach is that it allows the plant to grow as naturally as possible and adapt to the training without the need for too many complex tools. I also defoliate the plant to allow the light to penetrate to the bottom parts of the plant.

8. Question: Are you a DIY person, or do you purchase most equipment, including nutrients?

Answer: I absolutely lean towards the DIY method for growing cannabis. At first, I was fascinated by different kinds of lights and color spectrums. I experimented with fluorescents and CFLs (compact fluorescent lights) and even created my own lights with inexpensive chips with different color spectrums. It was only later that I bought some commercial lights to help the plants grow well. 

I have also experimented with feeding the plants in different ways. Earlier, I explored homemade remedies for everything related to growing, including tents, tools, and fertilizers. I was driven by a need for self-sufficiency. As time passed and my expertise broadened, I found myself looking for more sophisticated gadgets to help my cultivation methods. 

Although I strayed away from my initial principle of full self-sufficiency, they have undoubtedly made growing much easier and more efficient.

Coming to nutrients, I specifically use organic bio-nutrients that are completely soluble. I make them myself. Currently, I try out over 40 formulas of Bio Fertilizers and hydrolysates that are compatible with each other. This allows me to have higher control over the quantity and quality of the nutrients I offer to my plants.

In addition to bio-nutrients, I also make Bokashi, which is produced by composting waste, and combine it with pre-cooked dry amendments infused with microbes. It sounds like a lot of work, but I love growing my plants this way to promote a healthy environment brimming with live microbes for my plants. 

Strawberry Diesel by deFharo

9. Question: Can you describe a few things you do (DIY) that perhaps saves money?

Answer: Sure! There are several DIY practices I experiment with, and they not only make me self-sufficient but also save money. 

Homemade Bio Nutrients: I develop my very own bio-nutrients using stuff that is easily available. You need very little for it to work. In exchange, it offers knowledge and self-sufficiency, but even the benefit can be much greater because organic agriculture is not about substituting one fertilizer for another. It is about living life in another way, independence, rebellion, health, or smoking the best marijuana.

Recycling Plant Remains: On the other hand, I defend the principle of reuse. I use all plant remains as mulch, and I recover this first layer of mulch each season for the next one. I also save the substrate and roots and reuse it as a substrate two seasons later. I follow the concept of feeding the soil, so my substrates are never exhausted, and I also save on new soil, perlite, etc. You can see how I save money this way. 

Mimicking the Forest: Finally, I try to imitate the forest with my plants by accelerating the natural processes of decomposition and mineral chelation through Bio and Lacto Ferments, Mountain Microorganisms, etc. to achieve high-yield organic crops.

Has anyone heard of the cost of fertilizing a natural forest?

Does the forest need human inputs to grow? Fertilizers or poisons?

Does the forest need the hand of man?

Does the forest need someone to bring it CalMag or someone to reduce nitrogen and increase potassium for it in bloom?

The answer to everything is NO because the forest grows free and healthy without our help.

By applying these DIY practices, I intend to develop an extra sustainable and cost-effective cultivation system. With self-sufficiency, recycling materials, and imitating natural procedures, I not only save money but also foster a healthier and more environmentally mindful technique to grow cannabis. 

10. Question: Can you name a few growers who have inspired you here? What do you like the most about their growing style?

Answer: I learned a lot from watching the hydroponics journals of some very experienced growers like @Jef79. While the emphasis is on hydroponics — a method I personally do not use and never intend to in the future, his journals and expertise have shown me valuable lessons.

What I appreciate most about hydroponics is continual feeding. After observing the technique and recognizing the concepts behind it, I tested my point of view on watering, as well as nutrient distribution. First, it made me lose the fear of watering and made me realize that I could integrate a comparable feeding schedule into my own farming techniques with a light and mineralized substrate. By using soluble bio-fertilizers in all waterings without a break, I have been able to accomplish effective results in my own plants.

You could say that although I don’t use hydroponics myself, it has helped me adjust my techniques. As you can see, you can achieve great things when you’re part of a community of growers with diverse methods of cultivating cannabis!

Strawberry Diesel deFharo

11. Question: Is there any strain you grow in particular? Would you recommend it to beginners?

Answer: When it comes to choosing strains, I go for ones that are apparently hard to grow. I enjoy cultivating sativa-dominant photoperiod strains that have gone through minimal hereditary crosses and are stable. If I can discover a pure sativa strain, that's even better.

Getting rid of the fear of growing any variety is the best recommendation I have for a beginner, so the choice of the strain will depend on personal factors such as time, available space, or desire. Marijuana is a tough and very strong species, which only dies if it is mistreated.

It's essential to keep in mind that each strain might have its own particular characteristics, as well as needs. While some plants may be much more forgiving and beginner-friendly, others may be hard to grow, but you’ll get there with experience and the right attitude.

12. Question: What are your favorite strains, and why?

Answer: All the strains that I have cultivated are published in GD. Among those, my favorite is Queen Mother from Original Delicatessen. I love it so much that I have cultivated it for two seasons, and I will repeat it in the winter season. 

Thanks to the meticulous and systematic work selection and maintenance of the strain carried out by the breeder Mario Bellandi, who has lived in Spain for 30 years, it is super stable and gives excellent results. 

The initial cross of this strain, which remains intact today, arose in the late 90s between an unknown sativa. It was cultivated in the highlands of Tarragona (Spain) since the 60s by the same person, where he used some seeds from the island of Réunion and seeds of a stabilized cross of two Congolese landraces.

Strawberry Diesel deFharo

13. Question: Who are your favorite breeders?

Answer: From what I know, I like the work of Exotic Seeds.

14. Question: What type of nutrients do you use to grow cannabis?

Answer: When it comes to nutrients, I rely solely on my very own homemade soluble biofertilizers. These plant foods are developed in such a way that they are immediately absorbed by the plants.

To ensure appropriate mineral absorption, I hydrolyze vitamins, enzymes, hormones, macro and micronutrients, etc. using different materials such as fruits, guanos, algae, blood, etc. 

I use Mountain Microorganisms to chelate minerals. This includes solubilizing phosphorus, converting blood into amino acids, lamb's wool into nitrogen, as well as other useful processes. I count on the power of natural products, as well as the possibility they hold in offering the best cannabis buds. 

I have recorded my growing strategies and shared them in a journal on Growdiaries. You can check it out here -

In this journal, I explain just how to create various kinds of bio plant foods and hydrolysates. It has been a valuable experience for me, so I hope you will learn something new too. 

Weekly publications on GD have been great for me since they challenge me to continually boost and refine my techniques while offering a comprehensive document of everything I do to ensure the buds are amazing. Slowly, this experience has actually allowed me to progress as a grower and tweak my own methods. 

For day-to-day monitoring of my plants, I use an Excel sheet to track and examine data. This assists me in comparing and also observe things and making good choices for my plants. 

On the whole, my approach to nutrients revolves around using things easily available and customizing them according to the needs of my plants. This is because it allows me to have better control and develop a sustainable farming method.

Sweet amnesia haze by deFharo

15. Question: What was the latest strain you grew?

Answer: Blubonik from Genehtik and MENDO T from The High Chameleon

16. Question: What was the latest strain you smoked?

Answer: Today, Jelly Bananen from Exotic Seeds.

17. Question: Any tips for our readers to enjoy cannabis more? Perhaps, concentrates, gummies, etc?

Answer: I enjoy cannabis in only one way — smoking well-cured weed. 

To beginners, I’d say that you have to try properly cured weed to appreciate cannabis. The process of drying and curing cannabis is meticulous and important to let the buds mature. This allows it to create its full potential in terms of taste, fragrance, and an amazing smoking experience.

When weed is well-cured, it tends to have a richer, intricate taste profile. You can frequently identify hints of different terpenes. The smoke is also smooth, unlike street weed or uncured weed, which can be very harsh. 

Coming to concentrates, I don’t try them because they are super strong. I’m happy with smoking cannabis, so I don’t need anything more. I simply don’t need to get more high. Due to their high levels of THC, I’m uncomfortable. For example, I have a BHO oil extract, but I’m afraid to try it. 

So, I’d say that you should stick to smoking if you’re new. 

Thanks for the interview!




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Very nice and informative interview! 😎
nice interview mate!!!!💪💪
Great interview! deFharo's approach 3M is a 100% natural and organic way to cultivate this amazing medicinal plant. If you look at his truly magic recipes closely you understand what I mean. The beauty of making bio fertilizers is that it's endless variety and this is amazing because it is possible to make them for each plant to get maximum out of it. I am very happy to follow 3M experimental organic and with deFharo's help to make my own bioles. Again, THANK YOU @deFharo for all your help, support and opening new ORGANIC World using fermentation processes to mimic the Nature and cultivate this amazing plant.
@@SPRAMOAH, muchas gracias por tu entusiasmo!
thank you for the interview. @deFharo his pictures are always kinda vacation for me. and his skills in doing his own fertilisers, mindblowing😘
@Mrs_Larimar, gracias compañera! Feliz verano! 🖐️👨‍🌾❤️
Your organic methods are very inspiring and I look forward to learning more on how I can create my own living soil. Thank you for the interview!