JUNGLE_B4RNScommented7 years ago
Congrats @@Tryhard 👍
likes 2
Congrats to the most liked Grower of the Month @Tryhard, he will get:
MM Genetics:
1 x Vivant - Alternate Vaporizer
5 x Hemp King Size Rolling Papers
10 Candida (CD-1) Feminized
10 Orinoco (OR-1) Feminized
10 Nightingale (NN-1) Feminize
Cellmax T-shirt
Cellmax Rootbooster 500ml
Cellmax Flowerstimulator 500ml
Cellmax SuperEnzymes 500ml
Cellmax PK-Booster 1L
Hell yeah! Keep up the good work, @Tryhard! Thanks for being here with us!
GD Team