Oh man, what can I say. Sour Diesel will always have a designated shelf in my house.
This strain is the most potent, delicious and sticky flower I have ever had.
This strain is the reason im not so upset about my other plants. This girls is stinky af
Smells like you walked in a small 10x10 room with about 20 ppl in there peeling oranges, follwed by that diesel fuel smell that almost takes your breath.
This girl was full of surprises. She started out as the runt of them all the whole grow. Just a short little bushy plant. I always joked and called it a hedge.
This girl had plans to be great and I could tell in wk 1 of flower. SHe shot up and demanded the light and was now taller than all other plants in the tent.
This plant is one that I wish I had space for cloning because it was great.
Hands down my favorite plant of the bunch so far and will grow it again.
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10 months ago