Welcome everybody, this was my first bubble hash try. Finally I get 1,3 g from 160 g of wet trims. Here you have the process I followed:
- Trims were frozen after harvest.
- Ice ~ Trim ~ Ice ~ Trim layers.
- Add some osmosis water.
- Move it! 20-30 min until you get bubbles.
- Put your bubble bags into a bucket sorted descending according to mesh size.
- Put the water in bubble bags bucket.
- Wait during 20 min.
- Remove the hash from the different bags and put it on a drying material.
- Leave the hash drying until completely dry.
- That's all! I put them in a small press and I get my first bubble hash.
As I thought I was going to get more I tried to separate each hash by qualities in a quadrant but finally I put it all together because I got less than I expected. As I only did one run I tried to get some cannabutter and cannatea from the rest of trim. I will tell you how good it was when I try it!
Hope everything is good with all of you. Keep growing! Cheers!