STORY: Perhaps named after the late 1970’s Hanna-Barbera cartoon, The Great Grape Ape Show, a rightful name since the buds are big, dense and purple like the Grape Ape character himself. The variety, Grape Ape, was created by long time cancer survivor and cannabis activist, Bret Bogue, also founder of Apothecary Genetics.
YIELD: Moderate
GROWING TIPS: Keep this bush trimmed low and tight to increase density. Grape Ape is DHN’s heaviest yielding purple strain.
SCENT: Spicy, woodsy, sharp, skunky
FLAVOR: Grape soda, sweet, floral
EFFECTS: Uplifting then calming, euphoric, relaxing. This is a versatile smoke starting off with a cerebral uplift awakening the senses followed by a calming euphoric relaxed state of being.
SUGGESTED MEDICAL USE: Neck and back pain, body aches, insomnia, anxiety, stress, headaches