If you liked Snowflake and its extraordinary quantity of resin, don't miss its version rich in CBD.
Mediflake is an amazing producer of cannabinoids. It conserves the structure of Snowflake, buds hard as rocks full of resin and an incense-like fragrance, but with the suave and soothing effect CBD. The effect of Mediflake permits one to carry out activities in which concentration is crucial, making it a variety that is very recommendable for consumption during the day. Although the majority of users have mentioned a stimulating effect, others have experienced a notable posterior relaxation.
The 9-10 weeks of flowering are recompensed with dense flowers heavy in terpenes and cannabinoids. Mediflake is easy to grow but it really thrives with abundant light, above all in the first weeks of flowering. It's a variety that tends to grow quite tall so it is recommendable to switch to 12/12 shortly after germination.