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Alien Technology Regular
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Alien Technology Regular

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The exact origin of Alien Technology may not be fully understood. Nonetheless, the consensus is that it is one of the landraces found in the Hindu Kush Region. Supporting this assertion are characteristics that are highly reminiscent of Afghani landraces. One significant difference, though, is that the psychoactive properties boast of more pronounced cerebral high to go along with intense body relaxation. Moreover, these effects could last up to six hours, making it one of the longest-lasting strains in the world.Its ability to put one at extreme ease should appeal to many recreational consumers. On paper, 23% THC level appears to be average by modern standards. In reality, it has the potential to deliver a devastating couch-lock, mainly due to the presence of a rich terpene profile that enhances the high. Consequently, it further raises the efficacy of the medicinal properties.Obtaining Alien Technology, though, is incredibly challenging. For such a remarkable strain, its availability remains extremely limited. Thus, its inclusion in the catalog of Homegrown Cannabis Co. is a cause for celebration. It comes in the form of regular seeds and is suitable for indoor, outdoor, or greenhouse cultivation. Accustomed to harsh conditions, these seeds grow into healthy plants with excellent resistance to molds and diseases.Growing Alien Technology from Regular SeedsAlien Technology, on the strength of its Afghani heritage, is an easy-to-grow strain - one of the best choices for beginners. It is sturdy, highly resilient, and remarkably resistant to pests and moisture-related diseases. On maintenance, it does not require any advanced skill or technique.To bring Alien Technology to its full potential, that entails providing the ideal environment allowing it to produce not only cannabinoids but also terpenes. Better known as being responsible for fragrance, a healthy composition of terpenoids enhances the effects of THC, CBD, and other compounds. For this purpose, the best medium is organic soil.Going soilless or hydroponics are also suitable options. Using this gardening methodology, directly feeding nutrients to the roots allow the plant to thrive - at a vigorous pace.Experienced growers could also opt to employ the Sea of Green training technique. Cloning the most desirable female is one way to ensure "perpetual harvest." Moreover, it guarantees that each clone grows into duplicates of the source mother.Once triggered, the flowering period lasts 8 to 9 weeks. An average yield indoors ranges from 350 to 450 grams. On the other hand, this strain produces up to 450 grams per plant if planted outdoor in a place where there is ample sunshine. The harvest period usually occurs in the last week of September in the northern hemisphere.Homegrown Cannabis Co. provides Alien Technology as regular seeds. Under normal circumstances, the male to female ratio is 50/50. Once pre-flowering begins, identifying gender becomes one of the main priorities if the purpose of raising the plants is for consumption. Any male or hermie that shows up needs to be separated from the females as carefully as possible to avoid accidental pollination.Fragrance and FlavorOn scent, it is almost impossible to distinguish between the more widely known Afghani landraces to Alien Technology. Both exude the same signature earthy, woody blend with an herbal quality and spicy undertone. It can be pungent and thus entail the use of a high-quality odor-control filter in the indoor grow room.EffectsAfter sampling Alien Technology, the conclusion is that it is a hybrid that contains some Sativa genes. It is, by all measure, a pure Indica. However, a euphoric buzz characterizes the onset of the psychedelic effects. Not only does it help clear the mind but could even boost creative thinking and sharpen focus.The mental high, though, does not last more than 30-40 minutes. During this time, a soothing sensation enveloping the body intensifies, inducing profound body relaxation. As tensions melt away, a sense of happiness begins to emanate, further uplifting the spirit.Gradually, the body stone starts to become more pronounced while heaviness weighs down the limbs. Instead of remaining physically active and engaged, laziness sets in causing a couch-lock.Under minimal dosage, Alien Technology does not pose grave side effects. It can, however, induce dry eyes and cottonmouth. A high dosage could also cause a headache or trigger dizziness. In extreme cases, An excessive THC level could prove to be overwhelming. In this case, it may cause some individuals to feel highly anxious or paranoid.MedicalAs a high-THC medicinal strain, Alien Technology delivers with flying colors. One of its nuances is that at the peak of the psychoactive effects, it induces the munchies. Thus, patients needing aid in stimulating the appetite could find this strain a useful ally. It can even help control or stop feeling nauseous.From the moment the euphoric buzz rushes into the head, it also enhances the mood. It contains calming properties, too, to help eradicate stress. At the same time, it could mitigate the symptoms of anxiety and depression.Meanwhile, this strain contains potent anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. For many suffering patients, it offers a reprieve from chronic, neuropathic pains.Alien Technology Regular SeedsAlien Technology is not much different from the highly-regarded Afghani landraces - being one, itself. On appearance, growth pattern, resin production, and effects, it is practically the same with one difference - a more pronounced cerebral high.As a heavy-hitting Indica strain, the full-bodied high is perfect for ending a particularly tiring, stressful day. The initial uplifting effect can indeed help consumers finish the last tasks before settling into peace and tranquility. For medical patients, it is a useful aid in warding off stress, anxiety, and depression. Likewise, this strain can also mitigate pains and aches.Purchasing the dried herb, though, is not an option for most people. To date, it has remained elusive. Hence, the best way to obtain this strain for consumption is by growing it in the house. Homegrown Cannabis Co. makes this possible by offering Alien Technology regular seeds. These are produced from a carefully selected mother - one that has exhibited remarkable traits, characteristics, and strong genetics.

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