The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
Amnesia Fast Version
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Amnesia Fast Version

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Most Sativa-dominant marijuanas are excellent wake and bake strains. These variants make users feel so happy, it would seem the sun is shining brighter. Boosting energy and creativity, many pot fans take a bowl or two for better productivity.Amnesia offers all those and more. However, it may not be best for nine-to-fivers with regular desk jobs. So aptly named, a single toke of this weed sends a cerebral blow that may cause a brief memory blackout. So, instead of a pre-work push, its throng of enthusiasts use it for when there's a need for extra vigor. The ganja is best taken prior to hitting the gym or engaging in some physical activities.Moreover, the super potent ganja offers its fair share of therapeutic benefits. A staple in dispensaries, it took the medical industry by storm due to its effectiveness. Not only does it offer pain relief, it also helps patients with mental health concerns.Once the bud is lit, the pungent strain awakens tokers better than an alarm clock. It also fills the room with its unmistakable lemon aroma and earthy undertone. Once the vapor hits the tongue, it leaves users with a mouth-watering experience. Both the weed's scent and the taste tempt potheads to overindulge.Aside from being a joy to consume, growing the plant's fast version seeds is pure bliss too. Introduced by Homegrown Cannabis, these beanies are the product of blending the original Amnesia with its autoflowering kind. These little progenies thrive well in almost any set-up yet do not scream for attention. What's more, cultivators reap quality yields without waiting long.Growing Amnesia from Fast Version SeedsApart from its rapid maturity, Amnesia Fast Version is very much like the original. It grows into beautiful flora that boasts of a Christmas tree-like structure. Needing little manicuring, it isn't bushy and its flowers have a low leaf to bud ratio.Like any variant of cannabis, all eyes are on its shoots. Amnesia's colas run long and are not very dense, but can still be weighty. To insure each one reaches full maturity, providing support to the branches with the stockiest load is a must.As with other fast strains, this variant loves to germinate from soil or hydroponics. Also, employing a Sea of Green setup helps cultivators achieve a promising harvest. Flowering way quicker than its older sister, its up to 500 grams of crops is ripe for reaping within just 7 to 8 weeks.If given the freedom to grow outdoors, the pot stretches up to 150 cm tall. It prefers the warm and balmy Mediterranean climate. Nonetheless, it can prosper in colder places thanks to its Rudy roots. In the northern hemisphere, growers can start drying and curing up to 800 grams per Amnesia by late September to early October.Fragrance and FlavorA pleasing infusion of cedar and citrus, Amnesia's aroma fills the room the moment it is lit. It also exposes a bit of dankness that is almost identical to the scent of damp rainforest floor.Tasting as flavorful as it smells, the pot tickles the palate with its burst of lemony tang. There's also distinct tinge of pine nut that calms the rather strong sour hit of citrus. The ganja's essence does great a job in stimulating the senses and urging tokers to take another shot.EffectsThe Sativa-dominant strain is excellent for day-time use. Inducing tokers with a get-up-and-go attitude, it is one the best pots for wake and bake. It is also way better than coffee as it has the same arousing effect but without the jitters. Lasting for many hours, it uplifts the mind and showers positive vibes.Not ideal to use prior to attending a heavy workload, the strain delivers an intense euphoric kick. So robust, some may feel a bit disoriented or experience short term memory loss. Those who are ready to ride this kind of cerebral flight are in for more surprises.Artistic minds longing for a creative push will benefit from this joint. Each bowl brightens the surroundings as colors become more vivid. Accompanied by good music, it leads potheads into a different dimension. It sends tokers to a seemingly out of this world adventure. This kind of journey inspires new, inventive ideas which artists find especially valuable.Despite having a minimal presence of Indica, the pot has enough to balance the high. It induces calmness and relaxation that composes what can be a tsunami of energy. As such, tokers remain lively but never over enthusiastic.Newbies and THC sensitive users are most prone to encountering the weed's downside. Still unfamiliar to the right dosage and pacing when consuming marijuana, the prior is likely to over-consume at some point. Some may get dizzy, while a few may experience paranoia or anxiety.Dry eyes and cottonmouth the most common side effects of cannabis use. Drinking plenty of fluids ease the feeling of crustiness. Keeping an OTC eye lubricant in hand reduces the discomfort of having dry peepers. It is best to approach the hard-hitting strain one toke at a time to enjoy its kicks.MedicalAmnesia has been well-received in the medical cannabis scene. It earned recognition due to its fast-acting and long-lasting therapeutic benefits. Holding the capacity to soothe the symptoms of mental concerns, it can ease chronic pain as well. Even better, it does so with minimal side effects.With a good dose of happy high, the herb aids people struggling with stress, PTSD, and depression. The positive mental state it induces helps them get through the day with a smile on their faces. Additionally, the pot shares plenty of vigor so those slowed down by fatigue can brave the day.A valuable alternative medicine, cancer patients are frequent users of the pot. Those battling eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia also jumped on the bandwagon. Its munchies effect fights off nausea and vomiting while also stimulating the appetite. Using it regularly can also be useful in gaining back the weight.Aside from bringing a string of cerebral benefits, the ganja also works well in managing pain. A toke or two can reduce the physical agony caused by the likes of eye pressure, arthritis, PMS, and migraines.Fast Version Amnesia SeedsThe fast version of Amnesia encourages its fans to try growing their own stash. Bred by Homegrown Cannabis, this variant's seeds produce a hefty, quality yield in just a few weeks. Tokers can enjoy the pot daily without having to worry of running out of supply.

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