CBD Jack Herer
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CBD Jack Herer

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Named after the cannabis activist and writer of the book The Emperor Wears No Clothes, Jack Herer has come a long way. It has parented many other strains. And now, the feminized seed of its medical variant - CBD Jack Herer - is available in Homegrown Cannabis.A three-way cross between Haze, Northern Lights #5, and Shiva Skunk, the hybrid has a rich lineage. It goes without saying that such a winning bloodline comes with amazing benefits. All these goodness, along with a high CBD content, is what its pharmaceutical version has. To come up with a CBD Jack Herer, breeders in-bread its CBD-high phenos with each other.The weed gives off a burst of energy making it ideal for daytime use and when there's a need to be productive. It acts quickly after one hit and does not couch-lock. Opted by active smokers, it also triggers long-lasting creativity.Its feminized seeds from Homegrown Cannabis easily pop, making it a joy to grow. Even novice cultivators can have a bountiful yield without trying so hard. What's more, its buds are sticky as if tempting every onlooker to light them up.Growing CBD Jack Herer from Feminized SeedsMany high-yielders demand much attention. CBD Jack Herer, though, does not. Quite the contrary, growing the pale green beauty is a piece of cake. As such, beginners who want to get their hands on a Sativa strain are highly advised to try this weed.Using Homegrown Cannabis feminized seeds assures cultivators of a higher turnout. Because all the babies will mature into productive females, not a single space is ever wasted. Just a whole bunch of lassies that will each give plenty of nugs.From afar, the flora's huge clusters of buds may seem blanched. On close inspection, however, one will see that its thick coat of trichomes is what's making it look a bit anemic. Additionally, like its pistils, the tips of its foliage also turns into burning orange.When grown indoors, the ScrOG setup with soil or hydroponics medium is the best. For ten weeks, growers have the pleasure of watching it bloom. And bloom it will, beautifully so. Come harvest-time; all the wait will result in a wonderful yield of 400 to 500 grams per square meter.   A lover of the great outdoors or even just the backyard, CBD Jack Herer adores the warmth of the sun. As such, it especially prospers in the Mediterranean and places with a similar climate. Watch it dance with the soft breeze and let it mature into a fruitful charmer. After it flowers, go ahead and reap a produce of around 500 grams per plant. For growers in the north, that much yield is still possible by making sure harvest falls in early October.Fragrance and FlavorOnce the joint is lit, a calm, relaxing aroma fills the room. It gives off a citrus-pine peppery smell with hints of flowers. Although subtle, its fragrance lingers long and even newbs love it as it does not overpower.Preferred by many, the strain is bursting with flavors. After the first hit, the palate will notice a strong sage-like sapidity. Then, as the smoke swirls inside the mouth, it will also reveal a bit of earthy and sour tang.EffectsJack Herer has managed to win numerous awards throughout the years. It bagged nine Cannabis Cup wins, proving its popularity amongst growers and smokers alike. And what makes it so well-loved is its balanced cerebral and body high. It is so even that it can leave a toker high from head to foot yet still productive.Having a strong Sativa background, the strain is ideal for morning consumption. It triggers creativity and gives off a good dose of motivation. Mental blocks during tight deadlines will not happen with this herb's influence around. And, as its THC level is fairly low, the cerebral flight will be gentle and never overwhelming.Although with a decent amount of Indica, this ganja does not couch-lock. Even better, it makes users feel physically healed. It is as though all the tightness has evaporated into thin air and a gentle massage swept from the inside out.The all-rounder is incredible in keeping the users awake and alert in every aspect. Pumped up with inspiration and great ideas, the mind is all prepped to impress. At the same time, ready for some physical undertakings, the body is active yet calm.Similar to other strains, there¬ís always a downside in consuming CBD Jack Herer. The infamous cotton mouth and dry or bloodshot peepers are most typical. So typical that most users tend to just overlook them. Nobody needs to bear the irritation, though. By keeping one's self properly hydrated, those three are as far away as possible.In addition, first-timers are also prone to smoking more than they should. The dope feels good, in the tongue, nostrils, head, and basically almost everywhere! As such, over-consumption of this delight is not unheard of.If one does end up taking a larger dose, a mild headache or dizziness can occur. Worse, anxiety or paranoia can even kick in. To prevent experiencing any of these, take one puff at a time, a couple of minutes in between.MedicalAs mentioned, this strain is the medical variant of Jack Herer. Because of its high CBD level of 8%, the dope is most known for its strong relaxing effects. It helps control seizures like ones caused by epilepsy. Very few strains have that ability.In addition, the same compound can also ease chronic pains brought about by the likes of arthritis, PMS, and migraines. In just one toke and within just a few minutes, the physical agony will diminish. The many hours of relief can help sufferers freely function without the struggle.The plant¬ís Sativa makeup plays fairly well when it comes to lessening mental burdens. Favored by patients weakened by depression, anxiety, and stress, they find relief in the bud's happy mind high. All their worries and negative thoughts temporarily cease to exist after using it. They get to enjoy the psychological freedom together with the joint's other benefits.Moreover, the pot also aids those fighting eating disorders and lack of desire for food. Its munchies effect stimulates the appetite and makes edibles too tempting to resist. As such, persons struggling to chow down even the littlest of snacks suddenly feel like eating everything on the menu.Feminized CBD Jack Herer SeedsThe pick-me-upper can turn any frown into a beaming smile. Relaxing enough, it can also keep one composed during a busy day. If burdened by health concerns, CBD Jack Herer will certainly help. It is, after all, a medicinal variant of its predecessor.With all its uses and benefits, having more stash is never a bad idea. To achieve this, sow its feminized Homegrown Cannabis seeds. Reap a big yield, and share and enjoy the goodness with friends.

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