Critical x Mazar Auto
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Critical x Mazar Auto


Critical x Mazar is a solid Indica-dominant hybrid. A cross between two award-winning parents, it greets users with the flavors of lemon and oak wood. Then, as its vapor enters the body, a powerful relaxing high takes over one's system.With up to 20% THC volume, the journey with this potent pot is not without a soaring mental flight. It lifts the mind off the ground where all the troubles lie. Above the stretches of clouds and blue skies, the weed fan's psyche is untouchable.Their union doesn't only gratify tokers, it leaves cultivators in awe as well. Homegrown Cannabis offers the newcomer's autoflowering seeds. These little beans of joy grow into compact floras that produce heavy indoor yields. On top of that, the variant is so simple to grow; even eager newbies get a favorable outcome.Growing Critical x Mazar from Autoflowering SeedsCritical and Mazar both bear a robust Indica structure. By bringing into play a bit of Ruderalis genetics, the tough just became unbreakable. The autoflowering hybrid can hold out against unfriendly, chilly weathers. Needless to stay, it can prosper handsomely in almost any kind of environment.Small and bushy just like most auto variants, the compact beauty doesn't need a lot of vertical space. It does, however, require spacious legroom as it enjoys plenty of side-stretching. Like its parents, the newcomer also boasts of dense buds with thick resin coating. Enthusiasts of this pungent pot will have to break them apart and use a grinder.From germination to harvest, the life cycle of this auto cannabis only lasts for 10 weeks. 7 to 8 weeks of those are exhausted popping and bloating its lovely buds. Producing up to 400 grams per square meter, this variety yields best indoors. To achieve such a hefty harvest, growing in soil, coco fibers, or hydroponics with SOG setup is ideal.Unfortunately, outdoor cultivation doesn't dole out an abundant production. Each auto will only share around 100 to 200 grams. To maximize the output, batch cropping and multiple harvests are the way to go. In the northern hemisphere, growers can start sowing as soon as the last hint of frost disappears. The last reaping must finish no later than October.Fragrance and FlavorComing from two strains of contrasting profiles, the hybrid has a fascinating mix of scents and flavors. A burst of dank woody aroma with a pungent spritz of sweet citrus fills the room as soon as the bud is lit. As the herb's vapor travels through the mouth, a blend of lemon, Oakwood, and pine nut savor will touch the palate. Upon exhale, the distinct woody taste remains.EffectsArising from two indica-heavy parents, the pot shares a calming buzz. It provides a stable and long-lasting high that sweeps smokers off their feet with each hit. Although the hybrid hasn’t made a name in the market yet, those who have tried it applaud its potency.Critical x Mazar is a terrific strain to consume when capping off a stressful day. Despite having a massive load of Indica, the subtle kick of Sativa does not go unnoticed. Each hit leads tokers to a euphoric and uplifted state, leaving an enormous grin on their faces. It also boosts creativity which arouses those with an artistic inclination.Two to three bowls of the ganja open the gate to relaxation. It promotes a robust lethargic sensation, leaving potheads stuck on their seats. Over-consumption lulls potheads into a deep slumber fast.MedicalMedical marijuana is climbing its way up into the pharmaceutical industry. Not only does it offer therapeutic benefits, but it is an organic and natural alternative too. Of course, Critical x Mazar is no different. Its medicinal uses range from chronic pain to mental health concerns.The pot induces a positive vibe that eliminates troubling thoughts and emotions. It works awesomely for patients with anxiety, depression, and chronic stress. At the same time, the herb also helps people struggling with eating disorders. Its severe case of munchies causes uncontrollable hunger while also halting nausea and vomiting.Aside from appeasing psychological troubles, the ganja does well in providing physical relief too. The marijuana contains properties that reduce or eliminate pain. Those struggling with arthritis, migraine, and menstrual cramps use it.Lastly, insomniacs wait for the end of the high to reap their most coveted sleep. All it takes is two to three bowls of this Indica-heavy cannabis. It lulls them into a restful snooze without the grogginess upon waking up.Aside from physical side effects, the strain can also give a heavy on the head ramifications. A few may experience a headache, lightheadedness, anxiety, or paranoia. Newbies are most prone to these upshots due to unfamiliarity with the right dosage. It is essential to wait for the high to build up first before taking another hit.Dry eyes are also a typical offshoot. The condition is nothing serious, but it is uncomfortable. Avoid rubbing the peepers as it can lead to irritation or infection. Keeping an OTC eye lubricant comes in handy in alleviating the discomfort.Like other strains, Critical x Mazar also holds adverse effects. Experiencing cottonmouth while consuming the pot is common. Drinking ample of fluids during a heavy smoke-out reduces the crustiness.Autoflower Critical x Mazar SeedsCritical x Mazar is still working its way up into the fiercely competitive cannabis market. Although not of established repute just yet, its growing following proves its effectivity. Getting hold of this new strain can be a challenge though. To enjoy it, one may need to cultivate it.The variant's Homegrown Cannabis autoflower seeds share a generous yield once fully developed. Without exerting back-breaking efforts, each one will mature into prolific tiny females. With these beanies, one can assure enough harvest for a regular nighttime chill.

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